#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import argparse import subprocess import os import sys import errno import tempfile import tarfile import hashlib import shutil if sys.version_info.major == 3: from urllib.request import urlopen else: from urllib2 import urlopen ENV_IMAGE = 'pupy-python2-env' ENV_CONTAINER = 'pupy-' TEMPLATES = { 'linux32': 'sources-linux', 'linux64': 'sources-linux', 'linux-armhf': 'sources-linux', 'android': 'android_sources', 'windows': 'sources' } default_local_bin_location = os.path.expanduser('~/.local/bin/') ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="create-workspace.py") parser.add_argument( '-G', '--pupy-git-folder', default=ROOT, help='Path to pupy git' ) templates_args = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() templates_args.add_argument( '-NC', '--do-not-compile-templates', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not compile payload templates' ) templates_args.add_argument( '-C', '--compile-templates', default='linux32,linux64,windows', help='Compile specified templates (default: linux32,linux64,windows)' ) templates_args.add_argument( '-DG', '--download-templates-from-github-releases', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not compile payload templates and download latest ' 'templates from travis-ci automatic build' ) parser.add_argument( '-E', '--environment', choices=['virtualenv', 'docker', 'podman'], default='virtualenv', help='The way to organize workspace bottle' ) parser.add_argument( '-N', '--network', default='host', help='Network type for docker/podman. Default is host' ) parser.add_argument( '-P', '--persistent', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not remove docker/podman build image' ) parser.add_argument( '-S', '--squash', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use --squash feature (podman/docker)' ) parser.add_argument( '-R', '--images-repo', default='alxchk', help='Use non-default toolchains repo (Use "local" to ' 'build all the things on your PC' ) parser.add_argument( '-T', '--image-tag', default='latest', help='Image tag' ) parser.add_argument( '-B', '--bin-path', default=default_local_bin_location, help='Store pupy launch wrapper to this folder (default={})'.format( default_local_bin_location) ) parser.add_argument('workdir', help='Location of workdir') _REQUIRED_PROGRAMS = { 'podman': ( ['podman', 'info'], 'Podman either is is not installed or not configured.\n' 'Installation: https://podman.io/getting-started/installation' ), 'docker': ( ['docker', 'info'], 'Docker either is not installed or not configured.\n' 'Installation: https://docs.docker.com/install/' ), 'git': ( ['git', '--help'], 'Install git (example: sudo apt-get install git)' ) } _REQUIRED_ABIS = { 'vsyscall32': ( ('/proc/sys/abi/vsyscall32', int, 1), 'You may need to have vsyscall enabled:\n' '~> sudo sysctl -w abi.vsyscall32=1' ) } _ESCAPE = ( '"', '$', '`', '\\' ) def shstr(string): if not any(esc in string for esc in _ESCAPE): return string result = ['"'] for char in string: if char in _ESCAPE: result.append('\\') result.append(char) result.append('"') return ''.join(result) def shjoin(args): return ' '.join(shstr(string) for string in args) def get_place_digest(*args): return hashlib.sha1( b'\0'.join( arg.encode('ascii') for arg in args ) ).hexdigest()[:4] def check_programs(programs, available=False): messages = [] ok = [] for program in programs: args, message = _REQUIRED_PROGRAMS[program] try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=devnull) ok.append(program) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): messages.append(message) if available: return ok else: return messages def check_abis(abis): messages = [] for abi in abis: (filepath, content_type, required_value), message = _REQUIRED_ABIS[abi] try: if content_type( open(filepath, 'r').read().strip()) != required_value: messages.append(message) except OSError: messages.append(message) return messages def check_modules(modules): messages = [] for module in modules: try: __import__(module) except ImportError: messages.append( 'Missing python module: {}'.format(module) ) return messages def get_repo_origin(git_folder): return subprocess.check_output([ 'git', 'remote', 'get-url', 'origin' ], cwd=git_folder) def update_repo(git_folder): return subprocess.check_output([ 'git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive' ], cwd=git_folder) def get_rev(git_folder): return subprocess.check_output([ 'git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD' ], cwd=git_folder) def get_changed_files(git_folder, prev_ref, current_ref='HEAD'): return subprocess.check_output([ 'git', 'diff', '--name-only', prev_ref, current_ref ], cwd=git_folder).split() def build_templates( git_folder, docker_repo, orchestrator, templates, tag, persistent): print("[+] Compile templates: {}".format(templates)) if docker_repo.lower().strip() == 'local': docker_repo = '' repo = '' if docker_repo: repo = docker_repo + '/' elif orchestrator == 'podman': repo = 'localhost' + '/' update_commands = [] for template in templates: container_name = 'build-pupy-' + template + '-' + get_place_digest( git_folder ) create_template = False try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: subprocess.check_call([ orchestrator, 'inspect', container_name ], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: create_template = True if create_template: print("[+] Build {} using {} (create)".format( template, container_name)) args = [ orchestrator, 'run' ] if not persistent: args.append('--rm') args.extend([ '--name=' + container_name, '--mount', 'type=bind,src=' + git_folder + ',target=/build/workspace/project', repo + 'tc-' + template + ':' + tag, 'client/' + TEMPLATES[template] + '/build-docker.sh' ]) try: subprocess.check_call(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 139 and template == 'linux64': print("[!] Likely you must to enable vsyscall=emulate") raise if persistent: update_commands.append( orchestrator + ' start -a ' + shstr(container_name) ) else: update_commands.append(shjoin(args)) else: print("[+] Build {} using {} (existing)".format( template, container_name)) try: subprocess.check_call([ orchestrator, 'start', '-a', container_name ], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 139 and template == 'linux64': print("[!] Likely you must to enable vsyscall=emulate") raise update_commands.append( orchestrator + ' start -a ' + shstr(container_name) ) return update_commands def fetch_templates(workdir, git_folder): origin = get_repo_origin(git_folder) if 'n1nj4sec/pupy' not in origin: print( "[!] There are no prebuild templates, " "you must build them manually" ) return False download_link = "https://github.com/n1nj4sec/pupy" \ "/releases/download/latest/payload_templates.txz" print("downloading payload_templates from {}".format(download_link)) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpf: response = urlopen(download_link) while True: chunk = response.read(1024 * 1024) if not chunk: break tmpf.write(chunk) tmpf.flush() tmpf.seek(0) tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=tmpf).extractall(workdir) return True def make_pupysh_wrapper(workdir, git_folder, orchestrator): pass def makedirs_p(dirpath): try: os.makedirs(dirpath) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise def initialize_workdir(workdir, gitdir): for dirname in ('crypto', 'data', 'bin', 'config'): makedirs_p(os.path.join(workdir, dirname)) shutil.copy( os.path.join( gitdir, 'pupy', 'conf', 'pupy.conf.docker' ), os.path.join( workdir, 'config', 'pupy.conf' ) ) def create_virtualenv(workdir, git_path, orchestrator=None, templates=[]): import virtualenv virtualenv.create_environment(workdir) print("[+] Update pip version ...") subprocess.check_call([ os.path.join(workdir, 'bin', 'pip'), 'install', '--upgrade', 'pip' ], cwd=workdir, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print("[+] Install dependencies") subprocess.check_call([ os.path.join(workdir, 'bin', 'pip'), 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt' ], cwd=os.path.join(git_path, 'pupy'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) shell_commands = [ 'exec {1}/bin/python -OB {0}/pupy/pupysh.py --workdir {1} "$@"'.format( shstr(git_path), shstr(workdir) ) ] update_commands = [ 'cd {}'.format(git_path), 'prev_ref=`git rev-parse HEAD`', 'git pull --recurse-submodules=yes --autostash --rebase', 'if (git diff --name-only $prev_ref HEAD | grep client/ >/dev/null)' 'then', ] if orchestrator and templates: for target in templates: update_commands.extend([ 'echo "[+] Rebuilding templates for {}"'.format(target), '{} start -a build-pupy-{}-{}'.format( orchestrator, target, get_place_digest(git_path) ) ]) else: update_commands.extend([ 'echo "[-] You must update templates manually"' ]) update_commands.extend([ 'fi' ]) return shell_commands, update_commands def create_container_env( workdir, git_path, orchestrator, network, templates=[], squash=False): print("[+] Build {} image ({})".format(orchestrator, ENV_IMAGE)) build_command = [ orchestrator, 'build' ] if squash: build_command.append('--squash') build_command.extend([ '-t', ENV_IMAGE, '-f', os.path.join(git_path, 'pupy', 'conf', 'Dockerfile.env'), os.path.join(git_path, 'pupy') ]) try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: subprocess.check_call([ orchestrator, 'inspect', ENV_IMAGE ], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("[+] Create pupysh environment image {}".format( ENV_IMAGE )) subprocess.check_call(build_command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) container_name = ENV_CONTAINER + get_place_digest( workdir, git_path ) print("[+] Create podman container ({})".format(container_name)) create_command = [ orchestrator, 'create', '--hostname=pupy', '--network=' + network, '--name='+container_name, '--interactive', '--tty', '--mount', 'type=bind,src=' + os.path.join( git_path, 'pupy') + ',target=/pupy', '--mount', 'type=bind,src=' + workdir + ',target=/project', ENV_IMAGE ] subprocess.check_call(create_command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) shell_commands = [ 'exec {} start -ai {}'.format(orchestrator, container_name) ] update_commands = [ 'cd {}'.format(git_path), 'prev_ref=`git rev-parse HEAD`', 'git pull --recurse-submodules=yes --autostash --rebase', 'echo "[+] Update {} environment"'.format(orchestrator), shjoin(build_command), orchestrator + ' kill ' + container_name + ' || true', orchestrator + ' rm ' + container_name, shjoin(create_command), 'if (git diff --name-only $prev_ref HEAD | grep client/ >/dev/null)', 'then', ] if templates: for target in templates: update_commands.extend([ 'echo "[+] Rebuilding templates for {}"'.format(target), '{} start -a build-pupy-{}-{}'.format( orchestrator, target, get_place_digest(git_path) ) ]) else: update_commands.extend([ 'echo "[-] You must update templates manually"' ]) update_commands.extend([ 'fi' ]) return shell_commands, update_commands def main(): args = parser.parse_args() default_orchestrator = 'docker' # Check some programs in advance if args.environment == 'virtualenv': available = check_programs([ 'podman', 'docker' ], available=True) for orchestrator in ('podman', 'docker'): if orchestrator in available: default_orchestrator = orchestrator break else: default_orchestrator = args.environment required_programs = {'git'} required_modules = set() required_abis = set() if sys.version_info.major == 3 and args.environment == 'virtualenv': sys.exit( "Python 3 is not supported. If your can't or don't want" " to install python 2 to the system, " "use -E option to select podman or docker to build bottle.\n" ) if not args.do_not_compile_templates and default_orchestrator == 'podman' \ and args.persistent: print( 'Warning! You have chosen persistent images. ' 'This known to have problems with podman + fuse-overlayfs' ) if args.environment == 'virtualenv': required_modules.add('virtualenv') required_programs.add(default_orchestrator) else: required_programs.add(args.environment) if not args.do_not_compile_templates: required_abis.add('vsyscall32') required_programs.add(default_orchestrator) workdir = os.path.abspath(args.workdir) if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(args.pupy_git_folder, 'create-workspace.py')): sys.exit('{} is not pupy project folder'.format( args.pupy_git_folder)) if os.path.isdir(workdir) and os.listdir(workdir): sys.exit('{} is not empty'.format(workdir)) git_folder = os.path.abspath(args.pupy_git_folder) print("[+] Git repo at {}".format(git_folder)) messages = [] messages.extend( check_programs(required_programs) ) messages.extend( check_abis(required_abis) ) messages.extend( check_modules(required_modules) ) if messages: sys.exit('\n'.join(messages)) update_repo(git_folder) templates = [] update_commands = [ 'set -xe' ] if not args.do_not_compile_templates: templates.extend( set( template.lower().strip() for template in args.compile_templates.split(',') ) ) update_commands.extend( build_templates( git_folder, args.images_repo, default_orchestrator, templates, args.image_tag, args.persistent ) ) print("[+] Create workdir") makedirs_p(workdir) shell_cmds = [] if args.environment in ('podman', 'docker'): shell_cmds, update_cmds = create_container_env( workdir, git_folder, default_orchestrator, args.network, templates, args.squash ) update_commands.extend(update_cmds) else: shell_cmds, update_cmds = create_virtualenv( workdir, git_folder, 'docker', templates ) update_commands.extend(update_cmds) if args.download_templates_from_github_releases: fetch_templates(workdir, git_folder) print("[+] Initialize workdir") initialize_workdir(workdir, git_folder) wrappers = ("pupysh", "pupygen") print("[+] Create {} wrappers".format(','.join(wrappers))) pupysh_update_path = os.path.join(workdir, 'bin', 'pupysh-update') pupysh_path = os.path.join(workdir, 'bin', 'pupysh') with open(pupysh_path, 'w') as pupysh: pupysh.write( '\n'.join([ '#!/bin/sh', ] + shell_cmds) + '\n' ) os.chmod(pupysh_path, 0o755) with open(pupysh_update_path, 'w') as pupysh: pupysh.write( '\n'.join([ '#!/bin/sh', ] + update_commands) + '\n' ) os.chmod(pupysh_update_path, 0o755) if args.bin_path: bin_path = os.path.abspath(args.bin_path) print("[+] Store symlink to pupysh to {}".format(bin_path)) if not os.path.isdir(bin_path): os.makedirs(bin_path) for src, sympath in ( ( pupysh_path, 'pupysh' ), ( pupysh_update_path, 'pupysh-update' ) ): sympath = os.path.join(bin_path, sympath) if os.path.islink(sympath): os.unlink(sympath) elif os.path.exists(sympath): sys.exit( "[-] File at {} already exists and not symlink".format( sympath)) os.symlink(src, sympath) if bin_path not in os.environ['PATH']: print("[-] {} is not in your PATH!".format(bin_path)) else: print("[I] To execute pupysh:") print("~ > pupysh") print("[I] To update:") print("~ > pupysh-update") else: print("[I] To execute pupysh:") print("~ > {}".format(pupysh_path)) print("[I] To update:") print("~ > {}".format(pupysh_update_path)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()