# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ proxy.py ~~~~~~~~ ⚡⚡⚡ Fast, Lightweight, Pluggable, TLS interception capable proxy server focused on Network monitoring, controls & Application development, testing, debugging. :copyright: (c) 2013-present by Abhinav Singh and contributors. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import sys import argparse import contextlib import os import uuid import subprocess import tempfile import logging from typing import List, Generator, Optional, Tuple from .utils import bytes_ from .constants import COMMA from .version import __version__ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_CONFIG = b'''[ req ] #default_bits = 2048 #default_md = sha256 #default_keyfile = privkey.pem distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name attributes = req_attributes [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = Country Name (2 letter code) countryName_min = 2 countryName_max = 2 stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) 0.organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company) organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) commonName = Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name) commonName_max = 64 emailAddress = Email Address emailAddress_max = 64 [ req_attributes ] challengePassword = A challenge password challengePassword_min = 4 challengePassword_max = 20''' def remove_passphrase( key_in_path: str, password: str, key_out_path: str, timeout: int = 10) -> bool: """Remove passphrase from a private key.""" command = [ 'openssl', 'rsa', '-passin', 'pass:%s' % password, '-in', key_in_path, '-out', key_out_path ] return run_openssl_command(command, timeout) def gen_private_key( key_path: str, password: str, bits: int = 2048, timeout: int = 10) -> bool: """Generates a private key.""" command = [ 'openssl', 'genrsa', '-aes256', '-passout', 'pass:%s' % password, '-out', key_path, str(bits) ] return run_openssl_command(command, timeout) def gen_public_key( public_key_path: str, private_key_path: str, private_key_password: str, subject: str, alt_subj_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, extended_key_usage: Optional[str] = None, validity_in_days: int = 365, timeout: int = 10) -> bool: """For a given private key, generates a corresponding public key.""" with ssl_config(alt_subj_names, extended_key_usage) as (config_path, has_extension): command = [ 'openssl', 'req', '-new', '-x509', '-sha256', '-days', str(validity_in_days), '-subj', subject, '-passin', 'pass:%s' % private_key_password, '-config', config_path, '-key', private_key_path, '-out', public_key_path ] if has_extension: command.extend([ '-extensions', 'PROXY', ]) return run_openssl_command(command, timeout) def gen_csr( csr_path: str, key_path: str, password: str, crt_path: str, timeout: int = 10) -> bool: """Generates a CSR based upon existing certificate and key file.""" command = [ 'openssl', 'x509', '-x509toreq', '-passin', 'pass:%s' % password, '-in', crt_path, '-signkey', key_path, '-out', csr_path ] return run_openssl_command(command, timeout) def sign_csr( csr_path: str, crt_path: str, ca_key_path: str, ca_key_password: str, ca_crt_path: str, serial: str, alt_subj_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, extended_key_usage: Optional[str] = None, validity_in_days: int = 365, timeout: int = 10) -> bool: """Sign a CSR using CA key and certificate.""" with ext_file(alt_subj_names, extended_key_usage) as extension_path: command = [ 'openssl', 'x509', '-req', '-sha256', '-CA', ca_crt_path, '-CAkey', ca_key_path, '-passin', 'pass:%s' % ca_key_password, '-set_serial', serial, '-days', str(validity_in_days), '-extfile', extension_path, '-in', csr_path, '-out', crt_path, ] return run_openssl_command(command, timeout) def get_ext_config( alt_subj_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, extended_key_usage: Optional[str] = None) -> bytes: config = b'' # Add SAN extension if alt_subj_names is not None and len(alt_subj_names) > 0: alt_names = [] for cname in alt_subj_names: alt_names.append(b'DNS:%s' % bytes_(cname)) config += b'\nsubjectAltName=' + COMMA.join(alt_names) # Add extendedKeyUsage section if extended_key_usage is not None: config += b'\nextendedKeyUsage=' + bytes_(extended_key_usage) return config @contextlib.contextmanager def ext_file( alt_subj_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, extended_key_usage: Optional[str] = None) -> Generator[str, None, None]: # Write config to temp file config_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), uuid.uuid4().hex) with open(config_path, 'wb') as cnf: cnf.write( get_ext_config(alt_subj_names, extended_key_usage)) yield config_path # Delete temp file os.remove(config_path) @contextlib.contextmanager def ssl_config( alt_subj_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, extended_key_usage: Optional[str] = None) -> Generator[Tuple[str, bool], None, None]: config = DEFAULT_CONFIG has_extension = False if (alt_subj_names is not None and len(alt_subj_names) > 0) or \ extended_key_usage is not None: has_extension = True config += b'\n[PROXY]' # Add custom extensions config += get_ext_config(alt_subj_names, extended_key_usage) # Write config to temp file config_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), uuid.uuid4().hex) with open(config_path, 'wb') as cnf: cnf.write(config) yield config_path, has_extension # Delete temp file os.remove(config_path) def run_openssl_command(command: List[str], timeout: int) -> bool: cmd = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) cmd.communicate(timeout=timeout) return cmd.returncode == 0 if __name__ == '__main__': available_actions = ( 'remove_passphrase', 'gen_private_key', 'gen_public_key', 'gen_csr', 'sign_csr' ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='proxy.py v%s : PKI Utility' % __version__, ) parser.add_argument( 'action', type=str, default=None, help='Valid actions: ' + ', '.join(available_actions) ) parser.add_argument( '--password', type=str, default='proxy.py', help='Password to use for encryption. Default: proxy.py', ) parser.add_argument( '--private-key-path', type=str, default=None, help='Private key path', ) parser.add_argument( '--public-key-path', type=str, default=None, help='Public key path', ) parser.add_argument( '--subject', type=str, default='/CN=example.com', help='Subject to use for public key generation. Default: /CN=example.com', ) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # Validation if args.action not in available_actions: print('Invalid --action. Valid values ' + ', '.join(available_actions)) sys.exit(1) if args.action in ('gen_private_key', 'gen_public_key'): if args.private_key_path is None: print('--private-key-path is required for ' + args.action) sys.exit(1) if args.action == 'gen_public_key': if args.public_key_path is None: print('--public-key-file is required for private key generation') sys.exit(1) # Execute if args.action == 'gen_private_key': gen_private_key(args.private_key_path, args.password) elif args.action == 'gen_public_key': gen_public_key(args.public_key_path, args.private_key_path, args.password, args.subject) elif args.action == 'remove_passphrase': remove_passphrase(args.private_key_path, args.password, args.private_key_path)