[tox] envlist = py36,py37,py38,py39,py310 isolated_build = true minversion = 3.21.0 [testenv] deps = -rrequirements.txt -rrequirements-testing.txt -rrequirements-tunnel.txt # NOTE: The command is invoked by the script name and not via # NOTE: `{envpython} -m pytest` because it'd add CWD into $PYTHONPATH # NOTE: testing the project from the Git checkout # NOTE: rather than one installed. commands = pytest {posargs:} [dists] setenv = PEP517_OUT_DIR = {env:PEP517_OUT_DIR:{toxinidir}{/}dist} [testenv:build-docs] allowlist_externals = git basepython = python3 commands_pre = # Paramiko: {envpython} -m pip install -r{toxinidir}/requirements-tunnel.txt commands = # Retrieve possibly missing commits: -git fetch --unshallow -git fetch --tags # Build the html docs with Sphinx: {envpython} -m sphinx \ -j auto \ -b html \ {tty:--color} \ -a \ -n \ -W --keep-going \ -d "{temp_dir}/.doctrees" \ . \ "{envdir}/docs_out" # Print out the output docs dir and a way to serve html: -{envpython} -c\ 'import pathlib;\ docs_dir = pathlib.Path(r"{envdir}") / "docs_out";\ index_file = docs_dir / "index.html";\ print("\n" + "=" * 120 +\ f"\n\nDocumentation available under:\n\n\ \tfile://\{index_file\}\n\nTo serve docs, use\n\n\ \t$ python3 -m http.server --directory \ \N\{QUOTATION MARK\}\{docs_dir\}\N\{QUOTATION MARK\} 0\n\n" +\ "=" * 120)' changedir = {toxinidir}/docs deps = -r{toxinidir}/docs/requirements.txt # FIXME: re-enable the "-r" + "-c" paradigm once the pip bug is fixed. # Ref: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9243 # -r{toxinidir}/docs/requirements.in # -c{toxinidir}/docs/requirements.txt description = Build The Docs isolated_build = true passenv = SSH_AUTH_SOCK skip_install = false usedevelop = false [testenv:doctest-docs] allowlist_externals = {[testenv:build-docs]allowlist_externals} basepython = {[testenv:build-docs]basepython} commands_pre = {[testenv:build-docs]commands_pre} commands = # Retrieve possibly missing commits: -git fetch --unshallow -git fetch --tags # Spellcheck docs site: python -m sphinx \ -j auto \ -a -n -W \ --keep-going \ -b doctest --color \ -d "{toxworkdir}/docs_doctree" \ . "{toxworkdir}/docs_out" changedir = {[testenv:build-docs]changedir} deps = {[testenv:build-docs]deps} description = Doctest The Docs isolated_build = {[testenv:build-docs]isolated_build} passenv = {[testenv:build-docs]passenv} skip_install = {[testenv:build-docs]skip_install} usedevelop = {[testenv:build-docs]usedevelop} [testenv:linkcheck-docs] allowlist_externals = {[testenv:build-docs]allowlist_externals} basepython = {[testenv:build-docs]basepython} commands_pre = {[testenv:build-docs]commands_pre} commands = # Retrieve possibly missing commits: -git fetch --unshallow -git fetch --tags # Spellcheck docs site: python -m sphinx \ -j auto \ -a -n -W \ --keep-going \ -b linkcheck --color \ -d "{toxworkdir}/docs_doctree" \ . "{toxworkdir}/docs_out" changedir = {[testenv:build-docs]changedir} deps = {[testenv:build-docs]deps} description = Linkcheck The Docs isolated_build = {[testenv:build-docs]isolated_build} passenv = {[testenv:build-docs]passenv} skip_install = {[testenv:build-docs]skip_install} usedevelop = {[testenv:build-docs]usedevelop} [testenv:spellcheck-docs] allowlist_externals = {[testenv:build-docs]allowlist_externals} basepython = {[testenv:build-docs]basepython} commands_pre = {[testenv:build-docs]commands_pre} commands = # Retrieve possibly missing commits: -git fetch --unshallow -git fetch --tags # Spellcheck docs site: python -m sphinx \ -j auto \ -a -n -W \ --keep-going \ -b spelling --color \ -d "{toxworkdir}/docs_doctree" \ . "{toxworkdir}/docs_out" changedir = {[testenv:build-docs]changedir} deps = sphinxcontrib-spelling >= 7.2.0 -r{toxinidir}/docs/requirements.in description = Spellcheck The Docs isolated_build = {[testenv:build-docs]isolated_build} passenv = {[testenv:build-docs]passenv} skip_install = {[testenv:build-docs]skip_install} usedevelop = {[testenv:build-docs]usedevelop} [testenv:make-changelog] basepython = python3 depends = check-changelog description = Generate a changelog from fragments using Towncrier. Getting an unreleased changelog preview does not require extra arguments. When invoking to update the changelog, pass the desired version as an argument after `--`. For example, `tox -e {envname} -- 1.3.2`. commands = {envpython} -m \ towncrier.build \ --version \ {posargs:'[UNRELEASED DRAFT]' --draft} deps = towncrier == 21.3.0 isolated_build = true skip_install = true [testenv:check-changelog] basepython = {[testenv:make-changelog]basepython} description = Check Towncrier change notes commands = {envpython} -m \ towncrier.check \ --compare-with origin/main \ {posargs:} deps = {[testenv:make-changelog]deps} isolated_build = {[testenv:make-changelog]isolated_build} skip_install = {[testenv:make-changelog]skip_install} [testenv:cleanup-dists] description = Wipe the the `{env:PEP517_OUT_DIR}{/}` folder usedevelop = false skip_install = true deps = setenv = {[dists]setenv} commands = {envpython} -c \ 'import os, shutil, sys; dists_dir = os.getenv("PEP517_OUT_DIR"); shutil.rmtree(dists_dir, ignore_errors=True); sys.exit(os.path.exists(dists_dir))' [testenv:build-dists] description = Build non-universal dists and put them into the `{env:PEP517_OUT_DIR}{/}` folder depends = cleanup-dists isolated_build = true # `usedevelop = true` overrides `skip_install` instruction, it's unwanted usedevelop = false skip_install = true deps = build >= 0.7.0, < 0.8.0 passenv = PEP517_BUILD_ARGS setenv = {[dists]setenv} commands = {envpython} -m build \ --outdir '{env:PEP517_OUT_DIR}{/}' \ {posargs:{env:PEP517_BUILD_ARGS:}} \ '{toxinidir}' [testenv:metadata-validation] description = Verify that dists under the `{env:PEP517_OUT_DIR}{/}` dir have valid metadata depends = build-dists deps = twine usedevelop = false skip_install = true setenv = {[dists]setenv} commands = {envpython} -m twine check \ --strict \ {env:PEP517_OUT_DIR}{/}* [testenv:lint] description = Enforce quality standards under `{basepython}` ({envpython}) commands = {envpython} -m \ pre_commit run \ --show-diff-on-failure \ --hook-stage manual \ {posargs:--all-files -v} # Print out the advice on how to install pre-commit from this env into Git: -{envpython} -c \ 'cmd = "{envpython} -m pre_commit install"; \ scr_width = len(cmd) + 10; \ sep = "=" * scr_width; \ cmd_str = " $ \{cmd\}";' \ 'print(f"\n\{sep\}\nTo install pre-commit hooks into the Git repo, run:\n\n\{cmd_str\}\n\n\{sep\}\n")' deps = pre-commit pylint >= 2.5.3 pylint-pytest < 1.1.0 pytest-mock >= 3.6.1 -r docs/requirements.in -r requirements-tunnel.txt -r requirements-testing.txt -r benchmark/requirements.txt isolated_build = true skip_install = true