SHELL := /bin/bash NS ?= abhinavsingh IMAGE_NAME ?= # Override to target specific versions of PROXYPY_CONTAINER_VERSION := latest # Used by container build and run targets PROXYPY_CONTAINER_TAG := $(NS)/$(IMAGE_NAME):$(PROXYPY_CONTAINER_VERSION) HTTPS_KEY_FILE_PATH := https-key.pem HTTPS_CERT_FILE_PATH := https-cert.pem HTTPS_CSR_FILE_PATH := https-csr.pem HTTPS_SIGNED_CERT_FILE_PATH := https-signed-cert.pem CA_CERT_SUFFIX := CA_KEY_FILE_PATH := ca-key$(CA_CERT_SUFFIX).pem CA_CERT_FILE_PATH := ca-cert$(CA_CERT_SUFFIX).pem CA_SIGNING_KEY_FILE_PATH := ca-signing-key$(CA_CERT_SUFFIX).pem # Dummy invalid hardcoded value PROXYPY_PKG_PATH := dist/ BUILDX_TARGET_PLATFORM := linux/amd64 OPEN=$(shell which open) UNAME := $(shell uname) ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) OPEN=$(shell which xdg-open) endif .PHONY: all https-certificates sign-https-certificates ca-certificates .PHONY: lib-check lib-clean lib-test lib-package lib-coverage lib-lint lib-pytest .PHONY: lib-release-test lib-release lib-profile lib-doc lib-pre-commit .PHONY: lib-dep lib-flake8 lib-mypy lib-speedscope container-buildx-all-platforms .PHONY: container container-run container-release container-build container-buildx .PHONY: devtools dashboard dashboard-clean container-without-openssl all: lib-test https-certificates: # Generate server key python -m proxy.common.pki gen_private_key \ --private-key-path $(HTTPS_KEY_FILE_PATH) python -m proxy.common.pki remove_passphrase \ --private-key-path $(HTTPS_KEY_FILE_PATH) # Generate server certificate python -m proxy.common.pki gen_public_key \ --private-key-path $(HTTPS_KEY_FILE_PATH) \ --public-key-path $(HTTPS_CERT_FILE_PATH) sign-https-certificates: # Generate CSR request python -m proxy.common.pki gen_csr \ --csr-path $(HTTPS_CSR_FILE_PATH) \ --private-key-path $(HTTPS_KEY_FILE_PATH) \ --public-key-path $(HTTPS_CERT_FILE_PATH) # Sign CSR with CA python -m proxy.common.pki sign_csr \ --csr-path $(HTTPS_CSR_FILE_PATH) \ --crt-path $(HTTPS_SIGNED_CERT_FILE_PATH) \ --hostname localhost \ --private-key-path $(CA_KEY_FILE_PATH) \ --public-key-path $(CA_CERT_FILE_PATH) ca-certificates: # Generate CA key python -m proxy.common.pki gen_private_key \ --private-key-path $(CA_KEY_FILE_PATH) python -m proxy.common.pki remove_passphrase \ --private-key-path $(CA_KEY_FILE_PATH) # Generate CA certificate python -m proxy.common.pki gen_public_key \ --private-key-path $(CA_KEY_FILE_PATH) \ --public-key-path $(CA_CERT_FILE_PATH) # Generate key that will be used to generate domain certificates on the fly # Generated certificates are then signed with CA certificate / key generated above python -m proxy.common.pki gen_private_key \ --private-key-path $(CA_SIGNING_KEY_FILE_PATH) python -m proxy.common.pki remove_passphrase \ --private-key-path $(CA_SIGNING_KEY_FILE_PATH) lib-check: python lib-clean: find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} + rm -f .coverage rm -rf htmlcov rm -rf dist rm -rf build rm -rf rm -rf .pytest_cache rm -rf .hypothesis # Doc RST files are cached and can cause issues # See rm docs/pkg/*.rst lib-dep: pip install --upgrade pip && \ pip install \ -r requirements-testing.txt \ -r requirements-release.txt \ -r requirements-tunnel.txt && \ pip install "setuptools>=42" lib-pre-commit: python -m pre_commit run --hook-stage manual --all-files -v lib-lint: python -m tox -e lint lib-flake8: tox -e lint -- flake8 --all-files lib-mypy: tox -e lint -- mypy --all-files lib-pytest: python -m tox -e python -- -v lib-test: lib-clean lib-check lib-lint lib-pytest lib-package: lib-clean lib-check python -m tox -e cleanup-dists,build-dists,metadata-validation lib-release-test: lib-package twine upload --verbose --repository-url dist/* lib-release: lib-package twine upload dist/* lib-doc: python -m tox -e build-docs && \ $(OPEN) .tox/build-docs/docs_out/index.html || true lib-coverage: pytest --cov=proxy --cov=tests --cov-report=html tests/ && \ $(OPEN) htmlcov/index.html || true lib-profile: ulimit -n 65536 && \ sudo py-spy record \ -o profile.svg \ -t -F -s -- \ python -m proxy \ --hostname \ --num-acceptors 1 \ --num-workers 1 \ --enable-web-server \ --plugin proxy.plugin.WebServerPlugin \ --backlog 65536 \ --open-file-limit 65536 \ --log-file /dev/null lib-speedscope: ulimit -n 65536 && \ sudo py-spy record \ -o profile.speedscope.json \ -f speedscope \ -t -F -s -- \ python -m proxy \ --hostname \ --num-acceptors 1 \ --num-workers 1 \ --enable-web-server \ --plugin proxy.plugin.WebServerPlugin \ --backlog 65536 \ --open-file-limit 65536 \ --log-file /dev/null devtools: pushd dashboard && npm run devtools && popd dashboard: pushd dashboard && npm run build && popd dashboard-clean: if [[ -d dashboard/public ]]; then rm -rf dashboard/public; fi container: lib-package docker build \ -t $(PROXYPY_CONTAINER_TAG) \ --build-arg PROXYPY_PKG_PATH=$$(ls dist/*.whl) . container-without-openssl: lib-package docker build \ -t $(PROXYPY_CONTAINER_TAG) \ --build-arg SKIP_OPENSSL=1 \ --build-arg PROXYPY_PKG_PATH=$$(ls dist/*.whl) . # Usage: # # make container-buildx \ # -e PROXYPY_PKG_PATH=$(ls dist/*.whl) \ # -e BUILDX_TARGET_PLATFORM=linux/arm64 \ # -e PROXYPY_CONTAINER_VERSION=latest container-buildx: docker buildx build \ --load \ --platform $(BUILDX_TARGET_PLATFORM) \ -t $(PROXYPY_CONTAINER_TAG) \ --build-arg PROXYPY_PKG_PATH=$(PROXYPY_PKG_PATH) . container-buildx-all-platforms: docker buildx build \ --platform linux/386,linux/amd64,linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm64/v8,linux/ppc64le,linux/s390x \ -t $(PROXYPY_CONTAINER_TAG) \ --build-arg PROXYPY_PKG_PATH=$(PROXYPY_PKG_PATH) . container-run: docker run -it -p 8899:8899 --rm $(PROXYPY_CONTAINER_TAG)