# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ proxy.py ~~~~~~~~ ⚡⚡⚡ Fast, Lightweight, Pluggable, TLS interception capable proxy server focused on Network monitoring, controls & Application development, testing, debugging. :copyright: (c) 2013-present by Abhinav Singh and contributors. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import os import unittest import http.client import urllib.request import urllib.error from proxy import TestCase from proxy.common.constants import DEFAULT_CLIENT_RECVBUF_SIZE, PROXY_AGENT_HEADER_VALUE from proxy.common.utils import socket_connection, build_http_request, build_http_response from proxy.http.codes import httpStatusCodes from proxy.http.methods import httpMethods @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get('GITHUB_ACTIONS', False), 'Disabled on GitHub actions because proxy.py setup hangs') class TestProxyPyEmbedded(TestCase): """This test case is a demonstration of proxy.TestCase and also serves as integration test suite for proxy.py.""" PROXY_PY_STARTUP_FLAGS = TestCase.DEFAULT_PROXY_PY_STARTUP_FLAGS + [ '--enable-web-server', ] def test_with_proxy(self) -> None: """Makes a HTTP request to in-build web server via proxy server.""" with socket_connection(('localhost', self.PROXY_PORT)) as conn: conn.send( build_http_request( httpMethods.GET, b'http://localhost:%d/' % self.PROXY_PORT, headers={ b'Host': b'localhost:%d' % self.PROXY_PORT, }) ) response = conn.recv(DEFAULT_CLIENT_RECVBUF_SIZE) self.assertEqual( response, build_http_response( httpStatusCodes.NOT_FOUND, reason=b'NOT FOUND', headers={ b'Server': PROXY_AGENT_HEADER_VALUE, b'Connection': b'close' } ) ) def test_proxy_vcr(self) -> None: """With VCR enabled, proxy.py will cache responses for all HTTP(s) requests made during the test. When test is re-run, until explicitly disabled, proxy.py will replay responses from cache avoiding calls to upstream servers. This feature only works iff proxy.py is used as a proxy server for all HTTP(s) requests made during the test. Below we make a HTTP GET request using Python's urllib library.""" with self.vcr(): self.make_http_request_using_proxy() def test_proxy_no_vcr(self) -> None: self.make_http_request_using_proxy() def make_http_request_using_proxy(self) -> None: proxy_handler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({ 'http': 'http://localhost:%d' % self.PROXY_PORT, }) opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy_handler) with self.assertRaises(urllib.error.HTTPError): r: http.client.HTTPResponse = opener.open( 'http://localhost:%d/' % self.PROXY_PORT, timeout=10) self.assertEqual(r.status, 404) self.assertEqual(r.headers.get('server'), PROXY_AGENT_HEADER_VALUE) self.assertEqual(r.headers.get('connection'), b'close')