* Go flagless to allow custom user defined flags. Fixes#301
* Add --cache-dir flag for cache plugin (when used with on-disk store)
* Enable discovery of flags from external plugins, example those that reside outside of proxy.py package and loaded on demand. This also allows external flags to surface in --help section
* Define --filtered-client-ips flag for FilterByClientIpPlugin
* Introduce proxy.Proxy context manager.
This is similar to already existing context manager `start` but
`proxy.Proxy` is a class with __enter__ and __exit__ methods. This
allows usage of `proxy.Proxy` both as context manager and for manually
setup and teardown of `proxy.py` during test setUpClass and
teardownClass methods.
* Gracefully shutdown threadless processes
* Update tests and add a VCR method. See #184
* Refactor routes
* Add Proxy to __all__
* Move TestCase under proxy.testing and test_embed.py under tests.embed module to avoid conflict with http module due to a http directory under proxy folder
* Add a base cache plugin class which can be customized for custom cache behaviors
* See #184. Add VCRPlugin which can be enabled within tests using a context manager, e.g. with self.vcr(): ...
* Make cache plugin pluggable + make cache storage pluggable
* Make dashboard npm module agnostic of top level directory
* Symlink dashboard public folder
* Dump devtools within dashboard public folder
* Remove unused 3rd party js