remove xmonad, its moved to polybar-scripts

x70b1 2018-01-04 05:42:00 +01:00
parent f0673339ca
commit 89a0f01171
1 changed files with 0 additions and 63 deletions

@ -581,66 +581,3 @@ interval = 3
click-left = claudius & click-left = claudius &
click-right = pkill -f claudius click-right = pkill -f claudius
``` ```
# XMonad
## Description
This plugin contains two modules, one for displaying workspaces and one for displaying title of current window. The communication between XMonad and polybar is done by named pipes to achieve speed and memory efficiency.
## Module
type = custom/script
exec = tail -F /tmp/.xmonad-workspace-log
exec-if = [ -p /tmp/.xmonad-workspace-log ]
tail = true
type = custom/script
exec = tail -F /tmp/.xmonad-title-log
exec-if = [ -p /tmp/.xmonad-title-log ]
tail = true
## Setup
Edit `~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs`:
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Control.Monad (forM_, join)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
main = do
forM_ [".xmonad-workspace-log", ".xmonad-title-log"] $ \file -> do
safeSpawn "mkfifo" ["/tmp/" ++ file]
let myConf = def
{ ...
, logHook = eventLogHook
, ...
eventLogHook = do
winset <- gets windowset
title <- maybe (return "") (fmap show . getName) . W.peek $ winset
let currWs = W.currentTag winset
let wss = map W.tag $ W.workspaces winset
let wsStr = join $ map (fmt currWs) $ sort' wss
io $ appendFile "/tmp/.xmonad-title-log" (title ++ "\n")
io $ appendFile "/tmp/.xmonad-workspace-log" (wsStr ++ "\n")
where fmt currWs ws
| currWs == ws = "[" ++ ws ++ "]"
| otherwise = " " ++ ws ++ " "
sort' = sortBy (compare `on` (!! 0))
You may adjust `eventLogHook` according to your preferences.