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const u8 gDummyItemDescription[] = _("?????");
const u8 gMasterBallItemDescription[] = _("The best BALL that\ncatches a POKéMON\nwithout fail.");
const u8 gUltraBallItemDescription[] = _("A better BALL with\na higher catch rate\nthan a GREAT BALL.");
const u8 gGreatBallItemDescription[] = _("A good BALL with a\nhigher catch rate\nthan a POKé BALL.");
const u8 gPokeBallItemDescription[] = _("A tool used for\ncatching wild\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gSafariBallItemDescription[] = _("A special BALL that\nis used only in the\nSAFARI ZONE.");
const u8 gNetBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nwell on WATER- and\nBUG-type POKéMON.");
const u8 gDiveBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nbetter on POKéMON\non the ocean floor.");
const u8 gNestBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nbetter on weaker\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gRepeatBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that works\nbetter on POKéMON\ncaught before.");
const u8 gTimerBallItemDescription[] = _("A BALL that gains\npower in battles\ntaking many turns.");
const u8 gLuxuryBallItemDescription[] = _("A cozy BALL that\nmakes POKéMON\nmore friendly.");
const u8 gPremierBallItemDescription[] = _("A rare BALL made\nin commemoration\nof some event.");
const u8 gPotionItemDescription[] = _("Restores the HP of\na POKéMON by\n20 points.");
const u8 gAntidoteItemDescription[] = _("Heals a poisoned\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gBurnHealItemDescription[] = _("Heals POKéMON\nof a burn.");
const u8 gIceHealItemDescription[] = _("Defrosts a frozen\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gAwakeningItemDescription[] = _("Awakens a sleeping\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gParalyzeHealItemDescription[] = _("Heals a paralyzed\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gFullRestoreItemDescription[] = _("Fully restores the\nHP and status of a\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gMaxPotionItemDescription[] = _("Fully restores the\nHP of a POKéMON.");
const u8 gHyperPotionItemDescription[] = _("Restores the HP of\na POKéMON by\n200 points.");
const u8 gSuperPotionItemDescription[] = _("Restores the HP of\na POKéMON by\n50 points.");
const u8 gFullHealItemDescription[] = _("Heals all the\nstatus problems of\none POKéMON.");
const u8 gReviveItemDescription[] = _("Revives a fainted\nPOKéMON with half\nits HP.");
const u8 gMaxReviveItemDescription[] = _("Revives a fainted\nPOKéMON with all\nits HP.");
const u8 gFreshWaterItemDescription[] = _("A mineral water\nthat restores HP\nby 50 points.");
const u8 gSodaPopItemDescription[] = _("A fizzy soda drink\nthat restores HP\nby 60 points.");
const u8 gLemonadeItemDescription[] = _("A very sweet drink\nthat restores HP\nby 80 points.");
const u8 gMoomooMilkItemDescription[] = _("A nutritious milk\nthat restores HP\nby 100 points.");
const u8 gEnergyPowderItemDescription[] = _("A bitter powder\nthat restores HP\nby 50 points.");
const u8 gEnergyRootItemDescription[] = _("A bitter root\nthat restores HP\nby 200 points.");
const u8 gHealPowderItemDescription[] = _("A bitter powder\nthat heals all\nstatus problems.");
const u8 gRevivalHerbItemDescription[] = _("A very bitter herb\nthat revives a\nfainted POKéMON.");
const u8 gEtherItemDescription[] = _("Restores the PP\nof a selected move\nby 10.");
const u8 gMaxEtherItemDescription[] = _("Fully restores the\nPP of a selected\nmove.");
const u8 gElixirItemDescription[] = _("Restores the PP\nof all moves by 10.");
const u8 gMaxElixirItemDescription[] = _("Fully restores the\nPP of a POKéMONs\nmoves.");
const u8 gLavaCookieItemDescription[] = _("A local specialty\nthat heals all\nstatus problems.");
const u8 gBlueFluteItemDescription[] = _("A glass flute that\nawakens sleeping\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gYellowFluteItemDescription[] = _("A glass flute that\nsnaps POKéMON\nout of confusion.");
const u8 gRedFluteItemDescription[] = _("A glass flute that\nsnaps POKéMON\nout of attraction.");
const u8 gBlackFluteItemDescription[] = _("A glass flute that\nkeeps away wild\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gWhiteFluteItemDescription[] = _("A glass flute that\nlures wild POKéMON.");
const u8 gBerryJuiceItemDescription[] = _("A 100% pure juice\nthat restores HP\nby 20 points.");
const u8 gSacredAshItemDescription[] = _("Fully revives and\nrestores all\nfainted POKéMON.");
const u8 gShoalSaltItemDescription[] = _("Salt obtained from\ndeep inside the\nSHOAL CAVE.");
const u8 gShoalShellItemDescription[] = _("A seashell found\ndeep inside the\nSHOAL CAVE.");
const u8 gRedShardItemDescription[] = _("A shard from an\nancient item. Can\nbe sold cheaply.");
const u8 gBlueShardItemDescription[] = _("A shard from an\nancient item. Can\nbe sold cheaply.");
const u8 gYellowShardItemDescription[] = _("A shard from an\nancient item. Can\nbe sold cheaply.");
const u8 gGreenShardItemDescription[] = _("A shard from an\nancient item. Can\nbe sold cheaply.");
const u8 gHPUpItemDescription[] = _("Raises the base HP\nof one POKéMON.");
const u8 gProteinItemDescription[] = _("Raises the base\nATTACK stat of one\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gIronItemDescription[] = _("Raises the base\nDEFENSE stat of\none POKéMON.");
const u8 gCarbosItemDescription[] = _("Raises the base\nSPEED stat of one\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gCalciumItemDescription[] = _("Raises the base\nSP. ATK stat of one\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gRareCandyItemDescription[] = _("Raises the level\nof a POKéMON by\none.");
const u8 gPPUpItemDescription[] = _("Raises the maximum\nPP of a selected\nmove.");
const u8 gZincItemDescription[] = _("Raises the base\nSP. DEF stat of one\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gPPMaxItemDescription[] = _("Raises the PP of a\nmove to its maximum\npoints.");
//Battle items
const u8 gGuardSpecItemDescription[] = _("Prevents stat\nreduction when\nused in battle.");
const u8 gDireHitItemDescription[] = _("Raises the\ncritical-hit ratio\nduring one battle.");
const u8 gXAttackItemDescription[] = _("Raises the stat\nATTACK during one\nbattle.");
const u8 gXDefendItemDescription[] = _("Raises the stat\nDEFENSE during one\nbattle.");
const u8 gXSpeedItemDescription[] = _("Raises the stat\nSPEED during one\nbattle.");
const u8 gXAccuracyItemDescription[] = _("Raises accuracy\nof attack moves\nduring one battle.");
const u8 gXSpecialItemDescription[] = _("Raises the stat\nSP. ATK during one\nbattle.");
const u8 gPokeDollItemDescription[] = _("Use to flee from\nany battle with\na wild POKéMON.");
const u8 gFluffyTailItemDescription[] = _("Use to flee from\nany battle with\na wild POKéMON.");
//Field items
const u8 gSuperRepelItemDescription[] = _("Repels weak wild\nPOKéMON for 200\nsteps.");
const u8 gMaxRepelItemDescription[] = _("Repels weak wild\nPOKéMON for 250\nsteps.");
const u8 gEscapeRopeItemDescription[] = _("Use to escape\ninstantly from a\ncave or a dungeon.");
const u8 gRepelItemDescription[] = _("Repels weak wild\nPOKéMON for 100\nsteps.");
//Evolution stones
const u8 gSunStoneItemDescription[] = _("Makes certain\nspecies of POKéMON\nevolve.");
const u8 gMoonStoneItemDescription[] = _("Makes certain\nspecies of POKéMON\nevolve.");
const u8 gFireStoneItemDescription[] = _("Makes certain\nspecies of POKéMON\nevolve.");
const u8 gThunderStoneItemDescription[] = _("Makes certain\nspecies of POKéMON\nevolve.");
const u8 gWaterStoneItemDescription[] = _("Makes certain\nspecies of POKéMON\nevolve.");
const u8 gLeafStoneItemDescription[] = _("Makes certain\nspecies of POKéMON\nevolve.");
//Valuable items
const u8 gTinyMushroomItemDescription[] = _("A plain mushroom\nthat would sell\nat a cheap price.");
const u8 gBigMushroomItemDescription[] = _("A rare mushroom\nthat would sell at a\nhigh price.");
const u8 gPearlItemDescription[] = _("A pretty pearl\nthat would sell at a\ncheap price.");
const u8 gBigPearlItemDescription[] = _("A lovely large pearl\nthat would sell at a\nhigh price.");
const u8 gStardustItemDescription[] = _("Beautiful red sand.\nCan be sold at a\nhigh price.");
const u8 gStarPieceItemDescription[] = _("A red gem shard.\nIt would sell for a\nvery high price.");
const u8 gNuggetItemDescription[] = _("A nugget of pure\ngold. Can be sold at\na high price.");
const u8 gHeartScaleItemDescription[] = _("A lovely scale.\nIt is coveted by\ncollectors.");
const u8 gOrangeMailItemDescription[] = _("A ZIGZAGOON-print\nMAIL to be held by\na POKéMON.");
const u8 gHarborMailItemDescription[] = _("A WINGULL-print\nMAIL to be held by\na POKéMON.");
const u8 gGlitterMailItemDescription[] = _("A PIKACHU-print\nMAIL to be held by\na POKéMON.");
const u8 gMechMailItemDescription[] = _("A MAGNEMITE-print\nMAIL to be held by\na POKéMON.");
const u8 gWoodMailItemDescription[] = _("A SLAKOTH-print\nMAIL to be held by\na POKéMON.");
const u8 gWaveMailItemDescription[] = _("A WAILMER-print\nMAIL to be held by\na POKéMON.");
const u8 gBeadMailItemDescription[] = _("MAIL featuring a\nsketch of the\nholding POKéMON.");
const u8 gShadowMailItemDescription[] = _("A DUSKULL-print\nMAIL to be held by\na POKéMON.");
const u8 gTropicMailItemDescription[] = _("A BELLOSSOM-print\nMAIL to be held by\na POKéMON.");
const u8 gDreamMailItemDescription[] = _("MAIL featuring a\nsketch of the\nholding POKéMON.");
const u8 gFabMailItemDescription[] = _("A gorgeous-print\nMAIL to be held\nby a POKéMON.");
const u8 gRetroMailItemDescription[] = _("MAIL featuring the\ndrawings of three\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gCheriBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nheals paralysis\nin battle.");
const u8 gChestoBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nawakens POKéMON\nin battle.");
const u8 gPechaBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nheals poisoning\nin battle.");
const u8 gRawstBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nheals a burn in\nbattle.");
const u8 gAspearBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\ndefrosts POKéMON\nin battle.");
const u8 gLeppaBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores 10 PP in\nbattle.");
const u8 gOranBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores 10 HP in\nbattle.");
const u8 gPersimBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nheals confusion\nin battle.");
const u8 gLumBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nheals any status\nproblem in battle.");
const u8 gSitrusBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores 30 HP in\nbattle.");
const u8 gFigyBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores HP but\nmay confuse.");
const u8 gWikiBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores HP but\nmay confuse.");
const u8 gMagoBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores HP but\nmay confuse.");
const u8 gAguavBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores HP but\nmay confuse.");
const u8 gIapapaBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores HP but\nmay confuse.");
const u8 gRazzBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow RAZZ.");
const u8 gBlukBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow BLUK.");
const u8 gNanabBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow NANAB.");
const u8 gWepearBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow WEPEAR.");
const u8 gPinapBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow PINAP.");
const u8 gPomegBerryItemDescription[] = _("Makes a POKéMON\nfriendly but lowers\nbase HP.");
const u8 gKelpsyBerryItemDescription[] = _("Makes a POKéMON\nfriendly but lowers\nbase ATTACK.");
const u8 gQualotBerryItemDescription[] = _("Makes a POKéMON\nfriendly but lowers\nbase DEFENSE.");
const u8 gHondewBerryItemDescription[] = _("Makes a POKéMON\nfriendly but lowers\nbase SP. ATK.");
const u8 gGrepaBerryItemDescription[] = _("Makes a POKéMON\nfriendly but lowers\nbase SP. DEF.");
const u8 gTamatoBerryItemDescription[] = _("Makes a POKéMON\nfriendly but lowers\nbase SPEED.");
const u8 gCornnBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow CORNN.");
const u8 gMagostBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow MAGOST.");
const u8 gRabutaBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow RABUTA.");
const u8 gNomelBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow NOMEL.");
const u8 gSpelonBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow SPELON.");
const u8 gPamtreBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow PAMTRE.");
const u8 gWatmelBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow WATMEL.");
const u8 gDurinBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow DURIN.");
const u8 gBelueBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow BELUE.");
const u8 gLiechiBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises ATTACK in\na pinch.");
const u8 gGanlonBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises DEFENSE in\na pinch.");
const u8 gSalacBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises SPEED in\na pinch.");
const u8 gPetayaBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises SP. ATK in\na pinch.");
const u8 gApicotBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises SP. DEF in\na pinch.");
const u8 gLansatBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nups the critical-\nhit rate in a pinch.");
const u8 gStarfBerryItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nsharply boosts a\nstat in a pinch.");
const u8 gEnigmaBerryItemDescription[] = _("{POKEBLOCK} ingredient.\nPlant in loamy soil\nto grow a mystery.");
//Hold items
const u8 gBrightPowderItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\ncasts a glare to\nreduce accuracy.");
const u8 gWhiteHerbItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores any\nlowered stat.");
const u8 gMachoBraceItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\npromotes growth,\nbut reduces SPEED.");
const u8 gExpShareItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\ngets EXP. points\nfrom battles.");
const u8 gQuickClawItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\noccasionally allows\nthe first strike.");
const u8 gSootheBellItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\ncalms spirits and\nfosters friendship.");
const u8 gMentalHerbItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nsnaps POKéMON out\nof infatuation.");
const u8 gChoiceBandItemDescription[] = _("Raises a moves\npower, but permits\nonly that move.");
const u8 gKingsRockItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nmay cause flinching\nwhen the foe is hit.");
const u8 gSilverPowderItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nBUG-type moves.");
const u8 gAmuletCoinItemDescription[] = _("Doubles money in\nbattle if the\nholder takes part.");
const u8 gCleanseTagItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nhelps repel wild\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gSoulDewItemDescription[] = _("Hold item: raises\nSP. ATK & SP. DEF of\nLATIOS & LATIAS.");
const u8 gDeepSeaToothItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the SP. ATK\nof CLAMPERL.");
const u8 gDeepSeaScaleItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the SP. DEF\nof CLAMPERL.");
const u8 gSmokeBallItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nassures fleeing\nfrom wild POKéMON.");
const u8 gEverstoneItemDescription[] = _("A wondrous hold\nitem that prevents\nevolution.");
const u8 gFocusBandItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\noccasionally\nprevents fainting.");
const u8 gLuckyEggItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nboosts EXP. points\nearned in battle.");
const u8 gScopeLensItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nimproves the\ncritical-hit rate.");
const u8 gMetalCoatItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nSTEEL-type moves.");
const u8 gLeftoversItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\ngradually restores\nHP in battle.");
const u8 gDragonScaleItemDescription[] = _("A strange scale\nheld by DRAGON-\ntype POKéMON.");
const u8 gLightBallItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the SP. ATK\nof PIKACHU.");
const u8 gSoftSandItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nGROUND-type moves.");
const u8 gHardStoneItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nROCK-type moves.");
const u8 gMiracleSeedItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nGRASS-type moves.");
const u8 gBlackGlassesItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nDARK-type moves.");
const u8 gBlackBeltItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nboosts FIGHTING-\ntype moves.");
const u8 gMagnetItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nboosts ELECTRIC-\ntype moves.");
const u8 gMysticWaterItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nWATER-type moves.");
const u8 gSharpBeakItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nFLYING-type moves.");
const u8 gPoisonBarbItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nPOISON-type moves.");
const u8 gNeverMeltIceItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nICE-type moves.");
const u8 gSpellTagItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nGHOST-type moves.");
const u8 gTwistedSpoonItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nboosts PSYCHIC-\ntype moves.");
const u8 gCharcoalItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nFIRE-type moves.");
const u8 gDragonFangItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nDRAGON-type moves.");
const u8 gSilkScarfItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises the power of\nNORMAL-type moves.");
const u8 gUpGradeItemDescription[] = _("A peculiar box made\nby SILPH CO.");
const u8 gShellBellItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nrestores HP upon\nstriking the foe.");
const u8 gSeaIncenseItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nslightly boosts\nWATER-type moves.");
const u8 gLaxIncenseItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nslightly lowers the\nfoes accuracy.");
const u8 gLuckyPunchItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises CHANSEYs\ncritical-hit rate.");
const u8 gMetalPowderItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises DITTOs\nDEFENSE.");
const u8 gThickClubItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that \nraises CUBONE or\nMAROWAKs ATTACK.");
const u8 gStickItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises FARFETCHDs\ncritical-hit ratio.");
const u8 gRedScarfItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises COOL in\nCONTESTS.");
const u8 gBlueScarfItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises BEAUTY in\nCONTESTS.");
const u8 gPinkScarfItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises CUTE in\nCONTESTS.");
const u8 gGreenScarfItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises SMART in\nCONTESTS.");
const u8 gYellowScarfItemDescription[] = _("A hold item that\nraises TOUGH in\nCONTESTS.");
//Key items
const u8 gMachBikeItemDescription[] = _("A folding bicycle\nthat doubles your\nspeed or better.");
const u8 gCoinCaseItemDescription[] = _("A case that holds\nup to 9,999 COINS.");
const u8 gItemfinderItemDescription[] = _("A device that\nsignals an invisible\nitem by sound.");
const u8 gOldRodItemDescription[] = _("Use by any body of\nwater to fish for\nwild POKéMON.");
const u8 gGoodRodItemDescription[] = _("A decent fishing\nrod for catching\nwild POKéMON.");
const u8 gSuperRodItemDescription[] = _("The best fishing\nrod for catching\nwild POKéMON.");
const u8 gSSTicketItemDescription[] = _("The ticket required\nfor sailing on a\nferry.");
const u8 gContestPassItemDescription[] = _("The pass required\nfor entering\nPOKéMON CONTESTS.");
const u8 gWailmerPailItemDescription[] = _("A tool used for\nwatering BERRIES\nand plants.");
const u8 gDevonGoodsItemDescription[] = _("A package that\ncontains DEVONs\nmachine parts.");
const u8 gSootSackItemDescription[] = _("A sack used to\ngather and hold\nvolcanic ash.");
const u8 gBasementKeyItemDescription[] = _("The key for NEW\nMAUVILLE beneath\nMAUVILLE CITY.");
const u8 gAcroBikeItemDescription[] = _("A folding bicycle\ncapable of jumps\nand wheelies.");
const u8 gPokeblockCaseItemDescription[] = _("A case for holding\n{POKEBLOCK}S made with\na BERRY BLENDER.");
const u8 gLetterItemDescription[] = _("A letter to STEVEN\nfrom the PRESIDENT\nof the DEVON CORP.");
const u8 gEonTicketItemDescription[] = _("The ticket for a\nferry to a distant\nsouthern island.");
const u8 gRedOrbItemDescription[] = _("A red, glowing orb\nsaid to contain an\nancient power.");
const u8 gBlueOrbItemDescription[] = _("A blue, glowing orb\nsaid to contain an\nancient power.");
const u8 gScannerItemDescription[] = _("A device found\ninside the\nABANDONED SHIP.");
const u8 gGoGogglesItemDescription[] = _("Nifty goggles that\nprotect eyes from\ndesert sandstorms.");
const u8 gMeteoriteItemDescription[] = _("A meteorite found\nat METEOR FALLS.");
const u8 gRoom1KeyItemDescription[] = _("A key that opens a\ndoor inside the\nABANDONED SHIP.");
const u8 gRoom2KeyItemDescription[] = _("A key that opens a\ndoor inside the\nABANDONED SHIP.");
const u8 gRoom4KeyItemDescription[] = _("A key that opens a\ndoor inside the\nABANDONED SHIP.");
const u8 gRoom6KeyItemDescription[] = _("A key that opens a\ndoor inside the\nABANDONED SHIP.");
const u8 gStorageKeyItemDescription[] = _("The key to the\nstorage inside the\nABANDONED SHIP.");
const u8 gRootFossilItemDescription[] = _("A fossil of an\nancient, seafloor-\ndwelling POKéMON.");
const u8 gClawFossilItemDescription[] = _("A fossil of an\nancient, seafloor-\ndwelling POKéMON.");
const u8 gDevonScopeItemDescription[] = _("A device by DEVON\nthat signals any\nunseeable POKéMON.");
const u8 gTM01ItemDescription[] = _("Powerful, but makes\nthe user flinch if\nhit by the foe.");
const u8 gTM02ItemDescription[] = _("Hooks and slashes\nthe foe with long,\nsharp claws.");
const u8 gTM03ItemDescription[] = _("Generates an\nultrasonic wave\nthat may confuse.");
const u8 gTM04ItemDescription[] = _("Raises SP. ATK and\nSP. DEF by focusing\nthe mind.");
const u8 gTM05ItemDescription[] = _("A savage roar that\nmakes the foe flee \nto end the battle.");
const u8 gTM06ItemDescription[] = _("Poisons the foe\nwith a toxin that\ngradually worsens.");
const u8 gTM07ItemDescription[] = _("Creates a hailstorm\nthat damages all\ntypes except ICE.");
const u8 gTM08ItemDescription[] = _("Bulks up the body\nto boost both\nATTACK & DEFENSE.");
const u8 gTM09ItemDescription[] = _("Shoots 2 to 5 seeds\nin a row to strike\nthe foe.");
const u8 gTM10ItemDescription[] = _("The attack power\nvaries among\ndifferent POKéMON.");
const u8 gTM11ItemDescription[] = _("Raises the power of\nFIRE-type moves\nfor 5 turns.");
const u8 gTM12ItemDescription[] = _("Enrages the foe so\nit can only use\nattack moves.");
const u8 gTM13ItemDescription[] = _("Fires an icy cold\nbeam that may\nfreeze the foe.");
const u8 gTM14ItemDescription[] = _("A brutal snow-and-\nwind attack that\nmay freeze the foe.");
const u8 gTM15ItemDescription[] = _("Powerful, but needs\nrecharging the\nnext turn.");
const u8 gTM16ItemDescription[] = _("Creates a wall of\nlight that lowers\nSP. ATK damage.");
const u8 gTM17ItemDescription[] = _("Negates all damage,\nbut may fail if used\nin succession.");
const u8 gTM18ItemDescription[] = _("Raises the power of\nWATER-type moves\nfor 5 turns.");
const u8 gTM19ItemDescription[] = _("Recovers half the\nHP of the damage \nthis move inflicts.");
const u8 gTM20ItemDescription[] = _("Prevents status\nabnormality with a\nmystical power.");
const u8 gTM21ItemDescription[] = _("The less the user\nlikes you, the more\npowerful this move.");
const u8 gTM22ItemDescription[] = _("Absorbs sunlight in\nthe 1st turn, then\nattacks next turn.");
const u8 gTM23ItemDescription[] = _("Slams the foe with\na hard tail. It may\nlower DEFENSE.");
const u8 gTM24ItemDescription[] = _("A powerful electric\nattack that may\ncause paralysis.");
const u8 gTM25ItemDescription[] = _("Strikes the foe\nwith a thunderbolt.\nIt may paralyze.");
const u8 gTM26ItemDescription[] = _("Causes a quake\nthat has no effect\non flying foes.");
const u8 gTM27ItemDescription[] = _("The more the user\nlikes you, the more\npowerful this move.");
const u8 gTM28ItemDescription[] = _("Digs underground\nthe 1st turn, then\nstrikes next turn.");
const u8 gTM29ItemDescription[] = _("A powerful psychic\nattack that may\nlower SP. DEF.");
const u8 gTM30ItemDescription[] = _("Hurls a dark lump\nat the foe. It may\nlower SP. DEF.");
const u8 gTM31ItemDescription[] = _("Destroys barriers\nlike LIGHT SCREEN\nand causes damage.");
const u8 gTM32ItemDescription[] = _("Creates illusory\ncopies to enhance\nelusiveness.");
const u8 gTM33ItemDescription[] = _("Creates a wall of\nlight that weakens\nphysical attacks.");
const u8 gTM34ItemDescription[] = _("Zaps the foe with a\njolt of electricity\nthat never misses.");
const u8 gTM35ItemDescription[] = _("Looses a stream of\nfire that may burn\nthe foe.");
const u8 gTM36ItemDescription[] = _("Hurls sludge at the\nfoe. It may poison\nthe foe.");
const u8 gTM37ItemDescription[] = _("Causes a sandstorm\nthat hits the foe\nover several turns.");
const u8 gTM38ItemDescription[] = _("A powerful fire\nattack that may\nburn the foe.");
const u8 gTM39ItemDescription[] = _("Stops the foe from\nmoving with rocks.\nMay lower SPEED.");
const u8 gTM40ItemDescription[] = _("An extremely fast\nattack that cant\nbe avoided.");
const u8 gTM41ItemDescription[] = _("Prevents the foe\nfrom using the same\nmove in a row.");
const u8 gTM42ItemDescription[] = _("Raises ATTACK when\npoisoned, burned,\nor paralyzed.");
const u8 gTM43ItemDescription[] = _("Adds an effect to\nattack depending\non the location.");
const u8 gTM44ItemDescription[] = _("The user sleeps for\n2 turns to restore\nhealth and status.");
const u8 gTM45ItemDescription[] = _("Makes it tough to\nattack a foe of the\nopposite gender.");
const u8 gTM46ItemDescription[] = _("While attacking,\nit may steal the\nfoes held item.");
const u8 gTM47ItemDescription[] = _("Spreads hard-\nedged wings and\nslams into the foe.");
const u8 gTM48ItemDescription[] = _("Switches abilities\nwith the foe on the\nturn this is used.");
const u8 gTM49ItemDescription[] = _("Steals the effects\nof the move the foe\nis trying to use.");
const u8 gTM50ItemDescription[] = _("Enables full-power\nattack, but sharply\nlowers SP. ATK.");
const u8 gHM01ItemDescription[] = _("Attacks the foe\nwith sharp blades\nor claws.");
const u8 gHM02ItemDescription[] = _("Flies up on the\nfirst turn, then\nattacks next turn.");
const u8 gHM03ItemDescription[] = _("Creates a huge\nwave, then crashes\nit down on the foe.");
const u8 gHM04ItemDescription[] = _("Builds enormous\npower, then slams\nthe foe.");
const u8 gHM05ItemDescription[] = _("Looses a powerful\nblast of light that\nreduces accuracy.");
const u8 gHM06ItemDescription[] = _("A rock-crushingly\ntough attack that\nmay lower DEFENSE.");
const u8 gHM07ItemDescription[] = _("Attacks the foe\nwith enough power\nto climb waterfalls.");
const u8 gHM08ItemDescription[] = _("Dives underwater\nthe 1st turn, then\nattacks next turn.");
//FireRed/LeafGreen key items
const u8 gOaksParcelItemDescription[] = _("A parcel for PROF.\nOAK from a POKéMON\nMARTs clerk.");
const u8 gPokeFluteItemDescription[] = _("A sweet-sounding\nflute that awakens\nPOKéMON.");
const u8 gSecretKeyItemDescription[] = _("The key to the\nCINNABAR ISLAND\nGYMs entrance.");
const u8 gBikeVoucherItemDescription[] = _("A voucher for\nobtaining a bicycle\nfrom the BIKE SHOP.");
const u8 gGoldTeethItemDescription[] = _("Gold dentures lost\nby the SAFARI\nZONEs WARDEN.");
const u8 gOldAmberItemDescription[] = _("A stone containing\nthe genes of an\nancient POKéMON.");
const u8 gCardKeyItemDescription[] = _("A card-type door\nkey used in SILPH\nCOs office.");
const u8 gLiftKeyItemDescription[] = _("An elevator key\nused in TEAM\nROCKETs HIDEOUT.");
const u8 gHelixFossilItemDescription[] = _("A piece of an\nancient marine\nPOKéMONs seashell.");
const u8 gDomeFossilItemDescription[] = _("A piece of an\nancient marine\nPOKéMONs shell.");
const u8 gSilphScopeItemDescription[] = _("SILPH COs scope\nmakes unseeable\nPOKéMON visible.");
const u8 gBicycleItemDescription[] = _("A folding bicycle\nthat is faster than\nthe RUNNING SHOES.");
const u8 gTownMapItemDescription[] = _("Can be viewed\nanytime. Shows your\npresent location.");
const u8 gVSSeekerItemDescription[] = _("A rechargeable unit\nthat flags battle-\nready TRAINERS.");
const u8 gFameCheckerItemDescription[] = _("Stores information\non famous people\nfor instant recall.");
const u8 gTMCaseItemDescription[] = _("A convenient case \nthat holds TMs and\nHMs.");
const u8 gBerryPouchItemDescription[] = _("A convenient\ncontainer that\nholds BERRIES.");
const u8 gTeachyTVItemDescription[] = _("A TV set tuned to\nan advice program\nfor TRAINERS.");
const u8 gTriPassItemDescription[] = _("A pass for ferries\nbetween ONE, TWO,\nand THREE ISLAND.");
const u8 gRainbowPassItemDescription[] = _("For ferries serving\nVERMILION and the\nSEVII ISLANDS.");
const u8 gTeaItemDescription[] = _("A thirst-quenching\ntea prepared by an\nold lady.");
const u8 gMysticTicketItemDescription[] = _("A ticket required\nto board the ship\nto NAVEL ROCK.");
const u8 gAuroraTicketItemDescription[] = _("A ticket required\nto board the ship\nto BIRTH ISLAND.");
const u8 gPowderJarItemDescription[] = _("Stores BERRY\nPOWDER made using\na BERRY CRUSHER.");
const u8 gRubyItemDescription[] = _("An exquisite, red-\nglowing gem that\nsymbolizes passion.");
const u8 gSapphireItemDescription[] = _("A brilliant blue gem\nthat symbolizes\nhonesty.");
//Emerald-specific key items
const u8 gMagmaEmblemItemDescription[] = _("A medal-like item in\nthe same shape as\nTEAM MAGMAs mark.");
const u8 gOldSeaMapItemDescription[] = _("A faded sea chart\nthat shows the way\nto a certain island.");