
273 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2017-09-28 13:34:21 +00:00
2017-11-11 13:45:08 +00:00
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
#define IN_BOX_ROWS 6
#define IN_BOX_COLUMS 5
2017-11-11 13:45:08 +00:00
#include "pc_screen_effect.h"
#include "mon_markings.h"
struct PokemonStorageSystemFunc
u8 (*func)(void);
s8 unk4;
struct StorageAction
const u8 *text;
u8 format;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
struct StorageMenu
const u8 *text;
int textId;
struct PSS_MenuStringPtrs
const u8 *text;
const u8 *desc;
struct UnkStruct_2000028
const u8 *unk_00;
u8 *unk_04;
u16 unk_08;
u16 unk_0a;
void (*unk_0c)(struct UnkStruct_2000028 *data);
struct UnkStruct_2000020
struct UnkStruct_2000028 *unk_00;
u8 unk_04;
u8 unk_05;
struct UnkPSSStruct_2002370
struct Sprite *unk_0000;
struct Sprite *unk_0004[4];
u32 unk_0014[3];
struct Sprite *unk_0020[2];
u8 filler_0028[0x214];
u32 unk_023c;
u16 unk_0240;
u16 unk_0242;
u8 curBox;
u8 unk_0245;
u8 unk_0246;
2018-12-17 22:00:08 +00:00
struct UnkStorageStruct
struct Sprite *sprite;
u8 *tiles;
u16 palIndex;
u8 unk8;
u8 unk9;
u8 unk10;
struct PokemonStorageSystemData
u8 state;
u8 boxOption;
2018-12-10 20:36:52 +00:00
u8 screenChangeType;
2018-12-10 22:42:44 +00:00
bool8 isReshowingPSS;
u8 taskId;
2018-12-09 15:44:01 +00:00
struct UnkStruct_2000020 unk_0020;
struct UnkStruct_2000028 unk_0028[8];
2018-12-12 22:19:50 +00:00
u16 field_90[16];
u16 field_B0[528 / 2];
u16 field_2C0;
u16 field_2C2;
u8 field_2C4;
u8 field_2C5;
u8 showPartyMenuState;
2018-12-09 15:44:01 +00:00
u8 unk_02C7;
u8 unk_02C8;
2018-12-12 22:19:50 +00:00
bool8 unk_02C9;
2018-12-09 20:06:43 +00:00
s16 newCurrBoxId;
u16 bg2_X;
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
s16 field_2CE;
u16 field_2D0;
u8 field_2D2;
u8 field_2D3;
u8 field_2D4;
u8 field_2D5;
u16 field_2D6;
s16 field_2D8;
u16 field_2DA;
u16 field_2DC;
u16 field_2DE;
u16 field_2E0;
u8 field_2E2;
u8 field_2E3;
u8 field_2E4[20];
u8 field_2F8[1024];
u8 field_6F8;
u8 field_6F9;
u8 field_6FA;
s8 field_6FB;
u16 field_6FC[16];
u16 field_71C;
u16 field_71E;
struct Sprite *field_720[2];
struct Sprite *field_728[2];
struct Sprite *field_730[2];
u32 field_738;
u8 field_73C[80];
2018-12-12 22:19:50 +00:00
u16 field_78C;
2018-12-09 20:06:43 +00:00
s16 wallpaperSetId;
s16 wallpaperId;
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u16 field_792[360];
2018-12-09 15:44:01 +00:00
u8 wallpaperChangeState;
u8 field_A63;
u8 field_A64;
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
s8 field_A65;
2018-12-09 15:44:01 +00:00
u8 field_A66;
u8 field_A67;
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u8 *wallpaperTiles;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
struct Sprite *movingMonSprite;
2018-12-12 22:19:50 +00:00
struct Sprite *partySprites[PARTY_SIZE];
struct Sprite *boxMonsSprites[IN_BOX_COUNT];
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
struct Sprite **field_B00;
struct Sprite **field_B04;
2018-12-12 22:19:50 +00:00
u16 field_B08[40];
u16 field_B58[40];
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u16 boxSpecies[IN_BOX_COUNT];
u32 boxPersonalities[IN_BOX_COUNT];
u8 field_C5C;
u8 field_C5D;
u8 field_C5E;
u8 field_C5F;
u16 field_C60;
s16 field_C62;
s16 field_C64;
u16 field_C66;
u8 field_C68;
s8 field_C69;
u8 field_C6A;
u8 field_C6B;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
struct WindowTemplate menuWindow;
struct StorageMenu menuItems[7];
u8 menuItemsCount;
u8 menuWidth;
u8 field_CAE;
u8 field_CAF;
u16 field_CB0;
u8 field_CB2;
u8 field_CB3;
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
struct Sprite *field_CB4;
struct Sprite *field_CB8;
s32 field_CBC;
s32 field_CC0;
u32 field_CC4;
u32 field_CC8;
s16 field_CCC;
s16 field_CCE;
u16 field_CD0;
s8 field_CD2;
s8 field_CD3;
u8 field_CD4;
u8 field_CD5;
u8 field_CD6;
u8 field_CD7;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
u8 field_CD8[2];
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u8 field_CDA;
u8 field_CDB;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
const u32 *cursorMonPalette;
2018-12-11 22:09:12 +00:00
u32 cursorMonPersonality;
u16 cursorMonSpecies;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
u16 cursorMonItem;
2018-12-09 20:06:43 +00:00
u16 field_CE8;
u8 field_CEA;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
u8 cursorMonMarkings;
u8 cursorMonLevel;
bool8 cursorMonIsEgg;
u8 cursorMonNick[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
u8 cursorMonNickText[36];
2018-12-11 22:09:12 +00:00
u8 cursorMonSpeciesName[36];
u8 cursorMonGenderLvlText[36];
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u8 cursorMonItemName[36];
bool8 (*monPlaceChangeFunc)(void);
u8 monPlaceChangeState;
u8 field_D91;
2018-12-10 22:42:44 +00:00
struct Sprite *field_D94;
struct Sprite *field_D98[2];
u16 *field_DA0;
2018-12-09 15:44:01 +00:00
struct PokemonMarkMenu field_DA4;
2018-12-09 20:06:43 +00:00
struct UnkPSSStruct_2002370 field_1E5C;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
struct Pokemon movingMon;
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
struct Pokemon field_2108;
s8 field_216C;
u8 field_216D;
s8 field_216E;
s8 field_216F;
s8 field_2170;
s8 field_2171;
u16 field_2172;
u16 field_2174;
u16 field_2176[5];
2018-12-10 20:36:52 +00:00
u8 field_2180;
u8 field_2181;
u8 field_2182;
u8 field_2183;
u8 field_2184;
u8 field_2185;
u8 field_2186;
u8 field_2187;
u8 field_2188;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
struct Pokemon *mon;
struct BoxPokemon *box;
} field_218C;
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u8 field_2190[40];
u8 field_21B8[40];
2018-12-12 22:19:50 +00:00
u8 field_21E0[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
u8 field_21EB[15]; // TODO: ITEM NAME LENGTH + 1
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u8 field_21FA;
u8 field_21FB;
u8 field_21FC;
u8 field_21FD;
u8 field_21FE;
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
u8 inBoxMovingMode;
2018-12-17 22:00:08 +00:00
u16 field_2200;
struct UnkStorageStruct field_2204[3];
2018-12-10 20:36:52 +00:00
u16 movingItem;
2018-12-11 22:09:12 +00:00
u8 field_2236;
u8 field_2237;
u8 field_2238;
u8 field_2239;
u16 field_223A;
u16 *field_223C;
struct Sprite *cursorMonSprite;
u16 field_2244[16];
u8 field_2264[96];
u8 field_22C4[0x800];
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u8 field_2AC4[8192];
u8 field_4AC4[0x1000];
2018-12-10 22:42:44 +00:00
u8 field_5AC4[0x800];
extern struct UnkPSSStruct_2002370 *gUnknown_02039D04;
extern struct PokemonStorageSystemData *gUnknown_02039D08;
2017-09-28 13:34:21 +00:00
u8* GetBoxNamePtr(u8 boxNumber);
Decompile TV (#80) * ClearTVShowData * special_0x44 * DoTVShow (nonmatching because align) * DoTVShowBravoTrainerPokemonProfile * Update field names * DoTVShowBravoTrainerBattleTower * Renaming of struct fields * sub_80EBFF4 and UpdateTVScreensOnMap * SetTVMetatilesOnMap * Power buttons for the TV screens on the map * special_0x45 * sub_80EC18C * special_0x4a * ResetGabbyAndTy * GabbyAndTyBeforeInterview * GabbyAndTyAfterInterview * Through IsTVShowInSearchOfTrainersAiring * GabbyAndTyGetLastQuote * GabbyAndTyGetLastBattleTrivia * GabbyAndTySetScriptVarsToFieldObjectLocalIds * InterviewAfter; use TVShow as a precursor for making the individual show structs anonymous * Make TV structs anonymous within the union * Move the TV union to its own subheader * Move TV show enums to the global.tv.h subheader * Funcion renaming * Apply static attributes where able * PutPokemonTodayCaughtOnAir * sub_80EC8A4 * PutPokemonTodayFailedOnTheAir * sub_80EC9E8, sub_80ECA10 * sub_80ECA38 * sub_80ECB00 * Put3CheersForPokeblocksOnTheAir * PutFanClubSpecialOnTheAir * ContestLiveUpdates_BeforeInterview * Other before-interview Contest Live Updates functions * ContestLiveUpdates_BeforeInterview_5 * InterviewAfter_BravoTrainerPokemonProfile * BravoTrainerPokemonProfile_BeforeInterview1 * BravoTrainerPokemonProfile_BeforeInterview2 * Disassemble TV data * Decompile TV data * InterviewAfter_BravoTrainerBattleTowerProfile * SaveRecordedItemPurchasesForTVShow * PutNameRaterShowOnTheAir * StartMassOutbreak * PutLilycoveContestLadyShowOnTheAir * InterviewAfter_FanClubLetter * Rip TV strings * InterviewAfter_RecentHappenings * InterviewAfter_PkmnFanClubOpinions * sub_80ED718 * EndMassOutbreak * sub_80ED888 * sub_80ED8B4 * UpdateMassOutbreakTimeLeft * sub_80ED950 * PutFishingAdviceShowOnTheAir * through sub_80EDA80 * ewram and common syms are now fetched from the object files * BSS symbols are taken from the tv.o file * through sub_80EDC60 * sub_80EDCE8 * sub_80EDD78 * through sub_80EDE84 * nomatching sub_80EDE98 * sub_80EDFB4 * sub_80EE104 * sub_80EE104 * sub_80EE184 * sub_80EE2CC * sub_80EE35C * sub_80EE44C * sub_80EE4DC * sub_80EE5A4 * sub_80EE69C * sub_80EE72C * sub_80EE7C0 * sub_80EE818 * sub_80EE8C8 * sub_80EEA70 * sub_80EEB98 * sub_80EEBF4 * through sub_80EED60 * Functions relating to Pokemon News * sub_80EEF6C * GetPriceReduction * IsPriceDiscounted * sub_80EF120 * through sub_80EF370 * sub_80EF40C * HasMixableShowAlreadyBeenSpawnedWithPlayerID * TV_SortPurchasesByQuantity * FindActiveBroadcastByShowType_SetScriptResult * InterviewBefore * through sub_80EF88C * through sub_80EF93C * through sub_80EFA24 * through TV_BernoulliTrial * sub_80EFB58 * sub_80EFBA4 * sub_80EFBDC * through sub_80EFD98 * ChangePokemonNickname * ChangeBoxPokemonNickname * sub_80EFF9C * through player_id_to_dword * CheckForBigMovieOrEmergencyNewsOnTV * GetMomOrDadStringForTVMessage * sub_80F01E8 * sub_80F0358 * sub_80F049C * TV record mixing functions * sub_80F06D0 * sub_80F0708 nonmatching * through sub_80F0B24 * sub_80F0B64 * through sub_80F0C04 * sub_80F0C7C * sub_80F0D60 * sub_80F0E58 * sub_80F0E84 * through sub_80F0F24 * sub_80F0F64 * sub_80F1208 * sub_80F1254 * sub_80F1290 * sub_80F12A4 * sub_80F14F8 * DoTVShowTodaysSmartShopper * DoTVShowTheNameRaterShow * DoTVShowPokemonTodaySuccessfulCapture * DoTVShowPokemonTodayFailedCapture * DoTVShowPokemonFanClubLetter * DoTVShowRecentHappenings * DoTVShowPokemonFanClubOpinions * DoTVShowPokemonNewsMassOutbreak * DoTVShowPokemonContestLiveUpdates * DoTVShowPokemonBattleUpdate * DoTVShow3CheersForPokeblocks * DoTVShowInSearchOfTrainers * Label GabbyAndTyData fields; remove ddump comments from data/text/tv.inc * DoTVShowPokemonAngler * DoTVShowTheWorldOfMasters; update RAM symbols and field names * Decorate static functions * DoTVShowTodaysRivalTrainer; region map enums * TVDewfordTrendWatcherNetworkTextGroup * DoTVShowHoennTreasureInvestigators * DoTVShowFindThatGamer * DoTVShowBreakingNewsTV * DoTVShowSecretBaseVisit * DoTVShowPokemonLotterWinnerFlashReport * DoTVShowThePokemonBattleSeminar * DoTVShowTrainerFanClubSpecial, DoTVShowTrainerFanClub * DoTVShowSpotTheCuties * DoTVShowPokemonNewsBattleFrontier * DoTVShowWhatsNo1InHoennToday * Helpers for DoTVShowSecretBaseSecrets * DoTVShowSecretBaseSecrets * DoTVShowSafariFanClub * Finish decompilation of tv.s * Some renaming * Rename text group pointers * revoke statis; pokenews enums * Labels are number one * Label all TV struct fields * Make data/text/tv.inc more readable * Split data/text/tv.inc * Rename pokenews text pointers * Frontier Symbol constants; indicate static rodata objects with 's' prefix * Fix leading spaces/tabs F*** CLion sometimes * Fix inconsequential warning
2017-10-13 15:09:36 +00:00
struct BoxPokemon *GetBoxedMonPtr(u8, u8);
void SetBoxMonNickFromAnyBox(u8, u8, u8 *);
2018-12-16 20:10:01 +00:00
s16 CompactPartySlots(void);
2018-12-15 22:58:47 +00:00
u32 GetBoxMonDataAt(u8 boxId, u8 monPosition, u32 request);
bool8 CheckFreePokemonStorageSpace(void);
2018-08-10 21:07:23 +00:00
u8 StorageGetCurrentBox(void);
u8 sub_80D214C(struct BoxPokemon *a, u8 b, u8 c, u8 d);
2017-09-28 13:34:21 +00:00