Route8_MapScriptHeader: ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 TrainerBikerDwayne: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_BIKER_DWAYNE ; trainer group && trainer id db BIKER, DWAYNE ; text when seen dw BikerDwayneSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw BikerDwayneBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw BikerDwayneScript BikerDwayneScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x6c0c8 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerBikerHarris: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_BIKER_HARRIS ; trainer group && trainer id db BIKER, HARRIS ; text when seen dw BikerHarrisSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw BikerHarrisBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw BikerHarrisScript BikerHarrisScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x6c143 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerBikerZeke: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_BIKER_ZEKE ; trainer group && trainer id db BIKER, ZEKE ; text when seen dw BikerZekeSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw BikerZekeBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw BikerZekeScript BikerZekeScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x6c1a3 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerSupernerdSam: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_SUPER_NERD_SAM ; trainer group && trainer id db SUPER_NERD, SAM ; text when seen dw SupernerdSamSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw SupernerdSamBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw SupernerdSamScript SupernerdSamScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x6c219 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerSupernerdTom: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_SUPER_NERD_TOM ; trainer group && trainer id db SUPER_NERD, TOM ; text when seen dw SupernerdTomSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw SupernerdTomBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw SupernerdTomScript SupernerdTomScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x6c27e closetext loadmovesprites end MapRoute8Signpost1Script: jumptext UnknownText_0x6c2aa MapRoute8Signpost0Script: jumptext UnknownText_0x6c2b7 FruitTreeScript_0x6c06c: fruittree $1b BikerDwayneSeenText: text "We're the KANTO" line "#MON FEDERATION" cont "trainer group." para "We'll drive you" line "under our wheels!" done BikerDwayneBeatenText: text "S-sorry!" done UnknownText_0x6c0c8: text "The KANTO #MON" line "FEDERATION will" cont "never fall!" done BikerHarrisSeenText: text "The cops shut down" line "our UNDERGROUND" para "PATH! That really" line "fries me!" done BikerHarrisBeatenText: text "F-forgive me!" done UnknownText_0x6c143: text "Wiped out by some" line "punk from JOHTO…" done BikerZekeSeenText: text "We're the KANTO" line "#MON FEDERA-" cont "TION!" cont "Right on!" done BikerZekeBeatenText: text "Yikes! Sorry!" done UnknownText_0x6c1a3: text "We'll try not to" line "disturb anyone" cont "from now on…" done SupernerdSamSeenText: text "How does the MAG-" line "NET TRAIN work?" done SupernerdSamBeatenText: text "I just want to see" line "the MAGNET TRAIN…" done UnknownText_0x6c219: text "The power of mag-" line "nets is awesome!" done SupernerdTomSeenText: text "Hm… You've got" line "many GYM BADGES." done SupernerdTomBeatenText: text "Just as I thought…" line "You're tough!" done UnknownText_0x6c27e: text "GYM BADGES give" line "you advantages in" cont "battles." done UnknownText_0x6c2aa: text "It's locked…" done UnknownText_0x6c2b7: text "The flyer's torn." para "It's impossible to" line "read…" done Route8_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $4, $4, 3, GROUP_ROUTE_8_SAFFRON_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_8_SAFFRON_GATE warp_def $5, $4, 4, GROUP_ROUTE_8_SAFFRON_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_8_SAFFRON_GATE ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 2 signpost 7, 11, SIGNPOST_READ, MapRoute8Signpost0Script signpost 5, 10, SIGNPOST_READ, MapRoute8Signpost1Script ; people-events db 6 person_event SPRITE_BIKER, 12, 14, LEFT << 2 | $0, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_RED << 4) | $82, 5, TrainerBikerDwayne, -1 person_event SPRITE_BIKER, 13, 14, LEFT << 2 | $0, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_GREEN << 4) | $82, 5, TrainerBikerHarris, -1 person_event SPRITE_BIKER, 14, 14, LEFT << 2 | $0, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 5, TrainerBikerZeke, -1 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 6, 27, UP << 2 | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BROWN << 4) | $82, 3, TrainerSupernerdSam, -1 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 16, 35, LEFT << 2 | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BROWN << 4) | $82, 4, TrainerSupernerdTom, -1 person_event SPRITE_FRUIT_TREE, 9, 37, DOWN << 2 | $1, $0, -1, -1, $0, 0, FruitTreeScript_0x6c06c, -1