Route43_MapScriptHeader: ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 5, UnknownScript_0x19d051 UnknownScript_0x19d051: checkevent EVENT_CLEARED_ROCKET_HIDEOUT iftrue UnknownScript_0x19d05c domaptrigger GROUP_ROUTE_43_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_43_GATE, $0 return UnknownScript_0x19d05c: domaptrigger GROUP_ROUTE_43_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_43_GATE, $1 return TrainerCamperSpencer: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_CAMPER_SPENCER ; trainer group && trainer id db CAMPER, SPENCER ; text when seen dw CamperSpencerSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CamperSpencerBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CamperSpencerScript CamperSpencerScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x19d57e closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerPokemaniacBen: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_POKEMANIAC_BEN ; trainer group && trainer id db POKEMANIAC, BEN ; text when seen dw PokemaniacBenSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw PokemaniacBenBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw PokemaniacBenScript PokemaniacBenScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x19d2d2 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerPokemaniacBrent1: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_POKEMANIAC_BRENT ; trainer group && trainer id db POKEMANIAC, BRENT1 ; text when seen dw PokemaniacBrent1SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw PokemaniacBrent1BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw PokemaniacBrent1Script PokemaniacBrent1Script: writecode VAR_CALLERID, $1e talkaftercancel loadfont checkflag ENGINE_BRENT iftrue UnknownScript_0x19d0cf checkcellnum $1e iftrue UnknownScript_0x19d138 checkevent EVENT_BRENT_ASKED_FOR_PHONE_NUMBER iftrue UnknownScript_0x19d0b8 writetext UnknownText_0x19d359 keeptextopen setevent EVENT_BRENT_ASKED_FOR_PHONE_NUMBER scall UnknownScript_0x19d12c jump UnknownScript_0x19d0bb UnknownScript_0x19d0b8: scall UnknownScript_0x19d130 UnknownScript_0x19d0bb: askforphonenumber $1e if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x19d140 if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x19d13c trainertotext POKEMANIAC, BRENT1, $0 scall UnknownScript_0x19d134 jump UnknownScript_0x19d138 UnknownScript_0x19d0cf: scall UnknownScript_0x19d144 winlosstext PokemaniacBrent1BeatenText, $0000 copybytetovar wBrentFightCount if_equal 3, .Fight3 if_equal 2, .Fight2 if_equal 1, .Fight1 if_equal 0, .LoadFight0 .Fight3 checkevent EVENT_RESTORED_POWER_TO_KANTO iftrue .LoadFight3 .Fight2 checkevent EVENT_BEAT_ELITE_FOUR iftrue .LoadFight2 .Fight1 checkevent EVENT_CLEARED_ROCKET_HIDEOUT iftrue .LoadFight1 .LoadFight0 loadtrainer POKEMANIAC, BRENT1 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar wBrentFightCount, 1 clearflag ENGINE_BRENT end .LoadFight1 loadtrainer POKEMANIAC, BRENT2 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar wBrentFightCount, 2 clearflag ENGINE_BRENT end .LoadFight2 loadtrainer POKEMANIAC, BRENT3 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar wBrentFightCount, 3 clearflag ENGINE_BRENT end .LoadFight3 loadtrainer POKEMANIAC, BRENT4 startbattle returnafterbattle clearflag ENGINE_BRENT end UnknownScript_0x19d12c: jumpstd asknumber1m end UnknownScript_0x19d130: jumpstd asknumber2m end UnknownScript_0x19d134: jumpstd registerednumberm end UnknownScript_0x19d138: jumpstd numberacceptedm end UnknownScript_0x19d13c: jumpstd numberdeclinedm end UnknownScript_0x19d140: jumpstd phonefullm end UnknownScript_0x19d144: jumpstd rematchm end TrainerPokemaniacRon: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_POKEMANIAC_RON ; trainer group && trainer id db POKEMANIAC, RON ; text when seen dw PokemaniacRonSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw PokemaniacRonBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw PokemaniacRonScript PokemaniacRonScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x19d3f8 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerFisherMarvin: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_FISHER_MARVIN ; trainer group && trainer id db FISHER, MARVIN ; text when seen dw FisherMarvinSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw FisherMarvinBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw FisherMarvinScript FisherMarvinScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x19d4d3 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerPicnickerTiffany3: ; bit/flag number dw EVENT_BEAT_PICNICKER_TIFFANY ; trainer group && trainer id db PICNICKER, TIFFANY3 ; text when seen dw PicnickerTiffany3SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw PicnickerTiffany3BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw PicnickerTiffany3Script PicnickerTiffany3Script: writecode VAR_CALLERID, $1f talkaftercancel loadfont checkflag ENGINE_TIFFANY iftrue UnknownScript_0x19d1c1 checkflag ENGINE_TIFFANY_HAS_PINK_BOW iftrue UnknownScript_0x19d21e checkcellnum $1f iftrue UnknownScript_0x19d245 checkpoke CLEFAIRY iffalse UnknownScript_0x19d233 checkevent EVENT_TIFFANY_ASKED_FOR_PHONE_NUMBER iftrue UnknownScript_0x19d1aa writetext UnknownText_0x19d618 keeptextopen setevent EVENT_TIFFANY_ASKED_FOR_PHONE_NUMBER scall UnknownScript_0x19d239 jump UnknownScript_0x19d1ad UnknownScript_0x19d1aa: scall UnknownScript_0x19d23d UnknownScript_0x19d1ad: askforphonenumber $1f if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x19d24d if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x19d249 trainertotext PICNICKER, TIFFANY3, $0 scall UnknownScript_0x19d241 jump UnknownScript_0x19d245 UnknownScript_0x19d1c1: scall UnknownScript_0x19d251 winlosstext PicnickerTiffany3BeatenText, $0000 copybytetovar wTiffanyFightCount if_equal 3, .Fight3 if_equal 2, .Fight2 if_equal 1, .Fight1 if_equal 0, .LoadFight0 .Fight3 checkevent EVENT_RESTORED_POWER_TO_KANTO iftrue .LoadFight3 .Fight2 checkevent EVENT_BEAT_ELITE_FOUR iftrue .LoadFight2 .Fight1 checkevent EVENT_CLEARED_RADIO_TOWER iftrue .LoadFight1 .LoadFight0 loadtrainer PICNICKER, TIFFANY3 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar wTiffanyFightCount, 1 clearflag ENGINE_TIFFANY end .LoadFight1 loadtrainer PICNICKER, TIFFANY1 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar wTiffanyFightCount, 2 clearflag ENGINE_TIFFANY end .LoadFight2 loadtrainer PICNICKER, TIFFANY2 startbattle returnafterbattle loadvar wTiffanyFightCount, 3 clearflag ENGINE_TIFFANY end .LoadFight3 loadtrainer PICNICKER, TIFFANY4 startbattle returnafterbattle clearflag ENGINE_TIFFANY end UnknownScript_0x19d21e: scall UnknownScript_0x19d255 verbosegiveitem PINK_BOW, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x19d230 clearflag ENGINE_TIFFANY_HAS_PINK_BOW setevent EVENT_104 jump UnknownScript_0x19d245 UnknownScript_0x19d230: jump UnknownScript_0x19d259 UnknownScript_0x19d233: writetext UnknownText_0x19d64b closetext loadmovesprites end UnknownScript_0x19d239: jumpstd asknumber1f end UnknownScript_0x19d23d: jumpstd asknumber2f end UnknownScript_0x19d241: jumpstd registerednumberf end UnknownScript_0x19d245: jumpstd numberacceptedf end UnknownScript_0x19d249: jumpstd numberdeclinedf end UnknownScript_0x19d24d: jumpstd phonefullf end UnknownScript_0x19d251: jumpstd rematchf end UnknownScript_0x19d255: jumpstd giftf end UnknownScript_0x19d259: jumpstd packfullf end MapRoute43Signpost0Script: jumptext UnknownText_0x19d67b MapRoute43Signpost1Script: jumptext UnknownText_0x19d6a2 MapRoute43Signpost2Script: jumptext UnknownText_0x19d6c9 FruitTreeScript_0x19d266: fruittree $8 ItemFragment_0x19d268: db MAX_ETHER, 1 PokemaniacBenSeenText: text "I love #MON!" para "That's why I" line "started--and why" para "I'll keep on col-" line "lecting #MON!" done PokemaniacBenBeatenText: text "How could you do" line "this to me?" done UnknownText_0x19d2d2: text "What else do I" line "like besides" cont "#MON?" para "MARY on the radio." line "I bet she's cute!" done PokemaniacBrent1SeenText: text "Hey! Do you have" line "any rare #MON?" done PokemaniacBrent1BeatenText: text "Oh, my poor #-" line "MON! Darlings!" done UnknownText_0x19d359: text "I'd be happy just" line "to own a single" cont "rare #MON." done PokemaniacRonSeenText: text "Would you get" line "this?" para "Some guy" line "made fun of my" cont "#MON!" para "Darn it! My #-" line "MON's great!" done PokemaniacRonBeatenText: text "My NIDOKING did" line "pretty right on!" done UnknownText_0x19d3f8: text "It's okay for" line "people to like" para "different types" line "of #MON." para "#MON isn't just" line "about having the" cont "most powerful one." done FisherMarvinSeenText: text "I'm in a slump." para "Maybe it's the" line "gear I'm using." para "Let's battle for a" line "change of pace!" done FisherMarvinBeatenText: text "I lost, but I feel" line "better anyway." done UnknownText_0x19d4d3: text "KURT's LURE BALL" line "is the best for" para "catching hooked" line "#MON." para "It's much more" line "effective than a" cont "ULTRA BALL." done CamperSpencerSeenText: text "I can do so much" line "with my #MON--" cont "it's super-fun!" done CamperSpencerBeatenText: text "Losing isn't fun" line "at all…" done UnknownText_0x19d57e: text "What is going on" line "at LAKE OF RAGE?" para "We were planning" line "to camp there." done PicnickerTiffany3SeenText: text "Are you going to" line "LAKE OF RAGE too?" para "Let's play for a " line "little while!" done PicnickerTiffany3BeatenText: text "I played too much!" done UnknownText_0x19d618: text "I'm having a pic-" line "nic with #MON." para "Won't you join us?" done UnknownText_0x19d64b: text "Isn't my CLEFAIRY" line "just the most" cont "adorable thing?" done UnknownText_0x19d67b: text "ROUTE 43" para "LAKE OF RAGE -" line "MAHOGANY TOWN" done UnknownText_0x19d6a2: text "ROUTE 43" para "LAKE OF RAGE -" line "MAHOGANY TOWN" done UnknownText_0x19d6c9: text "TRAINER TIPS" para "All #MON have" line "pros and cons" para "depending on their" line "types." para "If their types" line "differ, a higher-" para "level #MON may" line "lose in battle." para "Learn which types" line "are strong and" para "weak against your" line "#MON's type." done Route43_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 5 warp_def $33, $9, 1, GROUP_ROUTE_43_MAHOGANY_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_43_MAHOGANY_GATE warp_def $33, $a, 2, GROUP_ROUTE_43_MAHOGANY_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_43_MAHOGANY_GATE warp_def $23, $11, 3, GROUP_ROUTE_43_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_43_GATE warp_def $1f, $11, 1, GROUP_ROUTE_43_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_43_GATE warp_def $1f, $12, 2, GROUP_ROUTE_43_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_43_GATE ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 3 signpost 3, 13, SIGNPOST_READ, MapRoute43Signpost0Script signpost 49, 11, SIGNPOST_READ, MapRoute43Signpost1Script signpost 38, 16, SIGNPOST_READ, MapRoute43Signpost2Script ; people-events db 8 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 9, 17, LEFT << 2 | $0, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 2, TrainerPokemaniacBen, -1 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 24, 17, LEFT << 2 | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 3, TrainerPokemaniacBrent1, -1 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 11, 18, UP << 2 | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 2, TrainerPokemaniacRon, -1 person_event SPRITE_FISHER, 20, 8, LEFT << 2 | $1, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_GREEN << 4) | $82, 4, TrainerFisherMarvin, -1 person_event SPRITE_LASS, 29, 13, UP << 2 | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_GREEN << 4) | $82, 2, TrainerPicnickerTiffany3, -1 person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 44, 17, LEFT << 2 | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_GREEN << 4) | $82, 3, TrainerCamperSpencer, -1 person_event SPRITE_FRUIT_TREE, 30, 5, DOWN << 2 | $1, $0, -1, -1, $0, 0, FruitTreeScript_0x19d266, -1 person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 36, 16, DOWN << 2 | $1, $0, -1, -1, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x19d268, EVENT_ROUTE_43_MAX_ETHER