CianwoodCity_MapScriptHeader: ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw .Trigger1, $0000 dw .Trigger2, $0000 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 5, .FlyPointAndSuicune .Trigger1 end .Trigger2 end .FlyPointAndSuicune setflag ENGINE_FLYPOINT_CIANWOOD setevent $07aa checkevent $0333 iffalse UnknownScript_0x1a001d disappear $c UnknownScript_0x1a001d: return UnknownScript_0x1a001e: spriteface $0, $1 showemote $0, $0, 15 pause 15 playsound SFX_WARP_FROM applymovement $d, MovementData_0x1a00da spriteface $0, $0 pause 15 playsound SFX_WARP_FROM applymovement $d, MovementData_0x1a00e0 disappear $d pause 10 dotrigger $0 clearevent EVENT_SAW_SUICUNE_ON_ROUTE_42 domaptrigger GROUP_ROUTE_42, MAP_ROUTE_42, $1 checkevent $0333 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1a0083 setevent $0333 playmusic MUSIC_MYSTICALMAN_ENCOUNTER appear $c applymovement $c, MovementData_0x1a00e7 loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x1a0433 closetext loadmovesprites winlosstext UnknownText_0x1a05a1, $0000 setlasttalked $c loadtrainer MYSTICALMAN, EUSINE startbattle reloadmapmusic returnafterbattle playmusic MUSIC_MYSTICALMAN_ENCOUNTER loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x1a05c3 closetext loadmovesprites applymovement $c, MovementData_0x1a00ec disappear $c pause 20 special Functionc48f playmapmusic pause 10 UnknownScript_0x1a0083: end PokefanFScript_0x1a0084: faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_GOT_HM02_FLY iftrue UnknownScript_0x1a00ad writetext UnknownText_0x1a00f1 keeptextopen checkevent EVENT_BEAT_CHUCK iftrue UnknownScript_0x1a009c writetext UnknownText_0x1a0163 closetext loadmovesprites end UnknownScript_0x1a009c: writetext UnknownText_0x1a01e3 keeptextopen verbosegiveitem HM_02, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x1a00b1 setevent EVENT_GOT_HM02_FLY writetext UnknownText_0x1a021d keeptextopen UnknownScript_0x1a00ad: writetext UnknownText_0x1a0277 closetext UnknownScript_0x1a00b1: loadmovesprites end StandingYoungsterScript_0x1a00b3: jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a02df PokefanMScript_0x1a00b6: jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a0319 LassScript_0x1a00b9: jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a0394 UnknownScript_0x1a00bc: jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a03cc CianwoodCitySign: jumptext CianwoodCitySignText CianwoodGymSign: jumptext CianwoodGymSignText CianwoodPharmacySign: jumptext CianwoodPharmacySignText CianwoodPhotoStudioSign: jumptext CianwoodPhotoStudioSignText CianwoodPokeSeerSign: jumptext CianwoodPokeSeerSignText CianwoodPokeCenterSign: jumpstd pokecentersign CianwoodCityRock: jumpstd smashrock MapCianwoodCitySignpostItem6: dw $00b2 db REVIVE MapCianwoodCitySignpostItem7: dw $00b3 db MAX_ETHER MovementData_0x1a00da: db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_right db $38 ; movement step_end MovementData_0x1a00e0: db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_right fast_jump_step_up fast_jump_step_right fast_jump_step_right db $38 ; movement step_end MovementData_0x1a00e7: step_up step_up step_up step_up step_end MovementData_0x1a00ec: step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end UnknownText_0x1a00f1: text "You crossed the" line "sea to get here?" para "That must have" line "been hard." para "It would be much" line "easier if your" para "#MON knew how" line "to FLY…" done UnknownText_0x1a0163: text "But you can't use" line "FLY without this" cont "city's GYM BADGE." para "If you beat the" line "GYM LEADER here," cont "come see me." para "I'll have a nice" line "gift for you." done UnknownText_0x1a01e3: text "That's CIANWOOD's" line "GYM BADGE!" para "Then you should" line "take this HM." done UnknownText_0x1a021d: text "Teach FLY to your" line "#MON." para "You will be able" line "to FLY instantly" para "to anywhere you " line "have visited." done UnknownText_0x1a0277: text "My husband lost to" line "you, so he needs" cont "to train harder." para "That's good, since" line "he was getting a" cont "little chubby." done UnknownText_0x1a02df: text "If you use FLY," line "you can get back" para "to OLIVINE in-" line "stantly." done UnknownText_0x1a0319: text "Boulders to the" line "north of town can" cont "be crushed." para "They may be hiding" line "something." para "Your #MON could" line "use ROCK SMASH to" cont "break them." done UnknownText_0x1a0394: text "CHUCK, the GYM" line "LEADER, spars with" para "his fighting #-" line "MON." done ; possibly unused UnknownText_0x1a03cc: text "There are several" line "islands between" cont "here and OLIVINE." para "A mythical sea" line "creature supposed-" cont "ly lives there." done UnknownText_0x1a0433: text "EUSINE: Yo," line $52, "." para "Wasn't that" line "SUICUNE just now?" para "I only caught a" line "quick glimpse, but" para "I thought I saw" line "SUICUNE running on" cont "the waves." para "SUICUNE is beau-" line "tiful and grand." para "And it races" line "through towns and" para "roads at simply" line "awesome speeds." para "It's wonderful…" para "I want to see" line "SUICUNE up close…" para "I've decided." para "I'll battle you as" line "a trainer to earn" cont "SUICUNE's respect!" para "Come on, ", $52, "." line "Let's battle now!" done UnknownText_0x1a05a1: text "I hate to admit" line "it, but you win." done UnknownText_0x1a05c3: text "You're amazing," line $52, "!" para "No wonder #MON" line "gravitate to you." para "I get it now." para "I'm going to keep" line "searching for" cont "SUICUNE." para "I'm sure we'll see" line "each other again." para "See you around!" done CianwoodCitySignText: text "CIANWOOD CITY" para "A Port Surrounded" line "by Rough Seas" done CianwoodGymSignText: text "CIANWOOD CITY" line "#MON GYM" para "LEADER: CHUCK" para "His Roaring Fists" line "Do the Talking" done CianwoodPharmacySignText: text "500 Years of" line "Tradition" para "CIANWOOD CITY" line "PHARMACY" para "We Await Your" line "Medicinal Queries" done CianwoodPhotoStudioSignText: text "CIANWOOD CITY" line "PHOTO STUDIO" para "Take a Snapshot as" line "a Keepsake!" done CianwoodPokeSeerSignText: text "THE # SEER" line "AHEAD" done CianwoodCity_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 7 warp_def $29, $11, 1, GROUP_MANIAS_HOUSE, MAP_MANIAS_HOUSE warp_def $2b, $8, 1, GROUP_CIANWOOD_GYM, MAP_CIANWOOD_GYM warp_def $2b, $17, 1, GROUP_CIANWOOD_POKECENTER_1F, MAP_CIANWOOD_POKECENTER_1F warp_def $2f, $f, 1, GROUP_CIANWOOD_PHARMACY, MAP_CIANWOOD_PHARMACY warp_def $1f, $9, 1, GROUP_CIANWOOD_CITY_PHOTO_STUDIO, MAP_CIANWOOD_CITY_PHOTO_STUDIO warp_def $25, $f, 1, GROUP_CIANWOOD_LUGIA_SPEECH_HOUSE, MAP_CIANWOOD_LUGIA_SPEECH_HOUSE warp_def $11, $5, 1, GROUP_POKE_SEERS_HOUSE, MAP_POKE_SEERS_HOUSE ; xy triggers db 1 xy_trigger 1, $10, $b, $0, UnknownScript_0x1a001e, $0, $0 ; signposts db 8 signpost 34, 20, $0, CianwoodCitySign signpost 45, 7, $0, CianwoodGymSign signpost 43, 24, $0, CianwoodPokeCenterSign signpost 47, 19, $0, CianwoodPharmacySign signpost 32, 8, $0, CianwoodPhotoStudioSign signpost 24, 8, $0, CianwoodPokeSeerSign signpost 19, 4, $7, MapCianwoodCitySignpostItem6 signpost 29, 5, $7, MapCianwoodCitySignpostItem7 ; people-events db 12 person_event SPRITE_STANDING_YOUNGSTER, 41, 25, $3, $0, 255, 255, $a0, 0, StandingYoungsterScript_0x1a00b3, $ffff person_event SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, 37, 21, $5, $1, 255, 255, $0, 0, PokefanMScript_0x1a00b6, $ffff person_event SPRITE_LASS, 46, 18, $4, $20, 255, 255, $0, 0, LassScript_0x1a00b9, $ffff person_event SPRITE_ROCK, 20, 12, $18, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodCityRock, $ffff person_event SPRITE_ROCK, 21, 13, $18, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodCityRock, $ffff person_event SPRITE_ROCK, 29, 8, $18, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodCityRock, $ffff person_event SPRITE_ROCK, 33, 9, $18, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodCityRock, $ffff person_event SPRITE_ROCK, 31, 14, $18, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodCityRock, $ffff person_event SPRITE_ROCK, 23, 8, $18, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, CianwoodCityRock, $ffff person_event SPRITE_POKEFAN_F, 50, 14, $5, $1, 255, 255, $0, 0, PokefanFScript_0x1a0084, $ffff person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 25, 15, $7, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, ObjectEvent, $07ad person_event SPRITE_SUICUNE, 18, 14, $1, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, ObjectEvent, $07ae