Route37_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 0 .MapCallbacks: db 1 ; callbacks dbw 2, SunnyCallback SunnyCallback: checkcode VAR_WEEKDAY if_equal SUNDAY, .SunnyAppears disappear $6 return .SunnyAppears appear $6 return TrainerTwinsAnnandanne1: trainer EVENT_BEAT_TWINS_ANN_AND_ANNE, TWINS, ANNANDANNE1, TwinsAnnandanne1SeenText, TwinsAnnandanne1BeatenText, $0000, TwinsAnnandanne1Script TwinsAnnandanne1Script: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x1a8e62 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerTwinsAnnandanne2: trainer EVENT_BEAT_TWINS_ANN_AND_ANNE, TWINS, ANNANDANNE2, TwinsAnnandanne2SeenText, TwinsAnnandanne2BeatenText, $0000, TwinsAnnandanne2Script TwinsAnnandanne2Script: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x1a8eec closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerPsychicGreg: trainer EVENT_BEAT_PSYCHIC_GREG, PSYCHIC_T, GREG, PsychicGregSeenText, PsychicGregBeatenText, $0000, PsychicGregScript PsychicGregScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x1a8f80 closetext loadmovesprites end SunnyScript: faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_GOT_MAGNET_FROM_SUNNY iftrue SunnySundayScript checkcode VAR_WEEKDAY if_not_equal SUNDAY, SunnyNotSundayScript checkevent EVENT_MET_SUNNY_OF_SUNDAY iftrue .MetSunny writetext MeetSunnyText keeptextopen setevent EVENT_MET_SUNNY_OF_SUNDAY .MetSunny checkflag ENGINE_PLAYER_IS_FEMALE iftrue .Kris writetext SunnyGivesGiftText1 keeptextopen jump .next .Kris writetext SunnyGivesGiftText2 keeptextopen .next verbosegiveitem MAGNET, 1 iffalse SunnyDoneScript setevent EVENT_GOT_MAGNET_FROM_SUNNY writetext SunnyGaveGiftText closetext loadmovesprites end SunnySundayScript: writetext SunnySundayText closetext SunnyDoneScript: loadmovesprites end SunnyNotSundayScript: writetext SunnyNotSundayText closetext loadmovesprites end MapRoute37Signpost0Script: jumptext UnknownText_0x1a9197 FruitTreeScript_0x1a8e09: fruittree $11 FruitTreeScript_0x1a8e0b: fruittree $12 FruitTreeScript_0x1a8e0d: fruittree $13 MapRoute37SignpostItem1: dwb EVENT_ROUTE_37_HIDDEN_ETHER, ETHER TwinsAnnandanne1SeenText: text "ANN: ANNE and I" line "are in this to-" cont "gether!" done TwinsAnnandanne1BeatenText: text "ANN & ANNE: Nnn… A" line "little too strong." done UnknownText_0x1a8e62: text "ANN: I can tell" line "what my sister and" para "my #MON are" line "thinking." done TwinsAnnandanne2SeenText: text "ANNE: ANN and I" line "are in this to-" cont "gether!" done TwinsAnnandanne2BeatenText: text "ANN & ANNE: Nnn… A" line "little too strong." done UnknownText_0x1a8eec: text "ANNE: We share the" line "same feelings as" cont "our #MON." done PsychicGregSeenText: text "#MON can't do a" line "thing if they are" cont "asleep." para "I'll show you how" line "scary that is!" done PsychicGregBeatenText: text "I lost. That's" line "pretty sad…" done UnknownText_0x1a8f80: text "Putting #MON to" line "sleep or paralyz-" cont "ing them are good" cont "battle techniques." done MeetSunnyText: text "SUNNY: Hi!" para "I'm SUNNY of Sun-" line "day, meaning it's" cont "Sunday today!" done SunnyGivesGiftText1: text "I was told to give" line "you this if I saw" cont "you!" done SunnyGivesGiftText2: text "I was told to give" line "you this if I saw" cont "you!" done SunnyGaveGiftText: text "SUNNY: That thing…" para "Um…" para "… What was it now…" para "…" para "Oh! I remember" line "now!" para "A #MON that" line "knows electric" para "moves should hold" line "it." para "My sis MONICA said" line "it powers up" cont "electric moves!" done SunnySundayText: text "SUNNY: My sisters" line "and brothers are" cont "MONICA, TUSCANY," cont "WESLEY, ARTHUR," cont "FRIEDA and SANTOS." para "They're all older" line "than me!" done SunnyNotSundayText: text "SUNNY: Isn't today" line "Sunday?" cont "Um… I forgot!" done UnknownText_0x1a9197: text "ROUTE 37" done Route37_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 0 .XYTriggers: db 0 .Signposts: db 2 signpost 3, 5, SIGNPOST_READ, MapRoute37Signpost0Script signpost 2, 4, SIGNPOST_ITEM, MapRoute37SignpostItem1 .PersonEvents: db 7 person_event SPRITE_WEIRD_TREE, 16, 10, $6, 0, 0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_RED << 4) | $82, 1, TrainerTwinsAnnandanne1, -1 person_event SPRITE_WEIRD_TREE, 16, 11, $6, 0, 0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_RED << 4) | $82, 1, TrainerTwinsAnnandanne2, -1 person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 10, 10, $a, 0, 0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 1, TrainerPsychicGreg, -1 person_event SPRITE_FRUIT_TREE, 9, 17, $1, 0, 0, -1, -1, $0, 0, FruitTreeScript_0x1a8e09, -1 person_event SPRITE_BUG_CATCHER, 12, 20, $2, 1, 1, -1, -1, $0, 0, SunnyScript, EVENT_ROUTE_37_SUNNY_OF_SUNDAY person_event SPRITE_FRUIT_TREE, 9, 20, $1, 0, 0, -1, -1, $0, 0, FruitTreeScript_0x1a8e0b, -1 person_event SPRITE_FRUIT_TREE, 11, 19, $1, 0, 0, -1, -1, $0, 0, FruitTreeScript_0x1a8e0d, -1