Route11_MapScriptHeader: ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 TrainerYoungsterOwen: trainer EVENT_BEAT_YOUNGSTER_OWEN, YOUNGSTER, OWEN, YoungsterOwenSeenText, YoungsterOwenBeatenText, $0000, YoungsterOwenScript YoungsterOwenScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x680b2 closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerYoungsterJason: trainer EVENT_BEAT_YOUNGSTER_JASON, YOUNGSTER, JASON, YoungsterJasonSeenText, YoungsterJasonBeatenText, $0000, YoungsterJasonScript YoungsterJasonScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x6814a closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerPsychicHerman: trainer EVENT_BEAT_PSYCHIC_HERMAN, PSYCHIC_T, HERMAN, PsychicHermanSeenText, PsychicHermanBeatenText, $0000, PsychicHermanScript PsychicHermanScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x6817b closetext loadmovesprites end TrainerPsychicFidel: trainer EVENT_BEAT_PSYCHIC_FIDEL, PSYCHIC_T, FIDEL, PsychicFidelSeenText, PsychicFidelBeatenText, $0000, PsychicFidelScript PsychicFidelScript: talkaftercancel loadfont writetext UnknownText_0x681ec closetext loadmovesprites end MapRoute11Signpost0Script: jumptext UnknownText_0x68238 FruitTreeScript_0x68055: fruittree $18 MapRoute11SignpostItem1: dwb EVENT_ROUTE_11_HIDDEN_REVIVE, REVIVE YoungsterOwenSeenText: text "There's no cheat-" line "ing in #MON." para "Let's keep it fair" line "and square!" done YoungsterOwenBeatenText: text "Huh? How did this" line "happen?" done UnknownText_0x680b2: text "I fought fair and" line "square with honor." para "I don't regret" line "this at all." done YoungsterJasonSeenText: text "It itches and" line "tickles a bit when" para "I wear shorts in" line "the grass." done YoungsterJasonBeatenText: text "Aiyaaah!" line "I got stomped!" done UnknownText_0x6814a: text "I'm going to catch" line "more #MON in" cont "the grass." done PsychicHermanSeenText: text "…" done PsychicHermanBeatenText: text "…" done UnknownText_0x6817b: text "…" para "I lost while I had" line "my eyes closed…" done PsychicFidelSeenText: text "I can see it…" para "Everything to see" line "about you…" done PsychicFidelBeatenText: text "I couldn't foresee" line "your power…" done UnknownText_0x681ec: text "Strength in con-" line "viction…" para "You're strong be-" line "cause you believe" cont "in your #MON." done UnknownText_0x68238: text "ROUTE 11" done Route11_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 0 ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 2 signpost 7, 3, SIGNPOST_READ, MapRoute11Signpost0Script signpost 5, 32, SIGNPOST_ITEM, MapRoute11SignpostItem1 ; people-events db 5 person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 18, 26, OW_LEFT | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 3, TrainerYoungsterOwen, -1 person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 8, 24, OW_UP | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 3, TrainerYoungsterJason, -1 person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 11, 32, OW_UP | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 1, TrainerPsychicHerman, -1 person_event SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, 10, 12, OW_LEFT | $2, $0, -1, -1, (PAL_OW_BLUE << 4) | $82, 3, TrainerPsychicFidel, -1 person_event SPRITE_FRUIT_TREE, 6, 36, OW_DOWN | $1, $0, -1, -1, $0, 0, FruitTreeScript_0x68055, -1