# Pokémon Crystal

This is a hand-crafted disassembly of Pokémon Crystal.

The source code in this project successfully converts back into a ROM image. All source code is meticulously commented.

## Base ROM

The following rom is required for compiling:

Pokemon - Crystal Version (UE) (V1.0) [C][!].gbc
md5: 9f2922b235a5eeb78d65594e82ef5dde

Eventually this will not be necessary.

## What can I do?

* Are we missing something? Make a pull request! Contributions are welcome.

* Take a look at some of the disasm tools in **extras/**. Most of the scripts are generalized enough to take apart other Game Boy games.

* Tackle some **[issues](https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal/issues)**!

## See also

* Hang out with us on irc: **[nucleus.kafuka.org #skeetendo](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.nolimitzone.com/?#skeetendo)**

* Disassembly of **[Pokémon Red](http://bitbucket.org/iimarckus/pokered)**.