Clock text and bank 8 code.

This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2014-03-04 02:04:37 -05:00
parent 2564836df1
commit e149fa6715
1 changed files with 53 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -30847,8 +30847,8 @@ Function20000: ; 20000 (8:4000)
push hl
dec a
ld e, a
ld d, $0
ld hl, $4015
ld d, 0
ld hl, Unknown_20015
add hl, de
add hl, de
add hl, de
@ -30864,11 +30864,20 @@ Function20000: ; 20000 (8:4000)
; 20015 (8:4015)
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$20015,$20021 - $20015
Unknown_20015: ; 20015
dw $d1ed
db $07, $04
dw $d1ee
db $18, $0c
dw $d1ef
db $3c, $0f
; 20021
; no known jump sources
Function20021: ; 20021 (8:4021)
ld hl, $4047
ld hl, UnknownText_0x20047
call PrintText
ld hl, Options ; $cfcc
ld a, [hl]
@ -30876,7 +30885,7 @@ Function20021: ; 20021 (8:4021)
set 4, [hl]
call Function1d6e
call ClearTileMap
ld hl, $404c
ld hl, UnknownText_0x2004c
call PrintText
call Function20051
call Function1c07
@ -30887,7 +30896,17 @@ Function20021: ; 20021 (8:4021)
; 20047 (8:4047)
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$20047,$20051 - $20047
UnknownText_0x20047: ; 0x20047
; The clock's time may be wrong. Please reset the time.
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c40e6
db "@"
; 0x2004c
UnknownText_0x2004c: ; 0x2004c
; Set with the Control Pad. Confirm: A Button Cancel: B Button
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c411c
db "@"
; 0x20051
; known jump sources: 2003a (8:403a)
Function20051: ; 20051 (8:4051)
@ -30909,7 +30928,7 @@ Function20051: ; 20051 (8:4051)
and a
ret nz
call Function2011f
ld hl, $40b0
ld hl, UnknownText_0x200b0
call PrintText
call YesNoBox
jr c, .asm_200ad
@ -30923,7 +30942,7 @@ Function20051: ; 20051 (8:4051)
ld [$d089], a
call Function677
call Function2011f
ld hl, $40b5
ld hl, UnknownText_0x200b5
call PrintText
call Functiona80
xor a
@ -30933,7 +30952,17 @@ Function20051: ; 20051 (8:4051)
; 200b0 (8:40b0)
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$200b0,$200ba - $200b0
UnknownText_0x200b0: ; 0x200b0
; Is this OK?
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c415b
db "@"
; 0x200b5
UnknownText_0x200b5: ; 0x200b5
; The clock has been reset.
text_jump UnknownText_0x1c4168
db "@"
; 0x200ba
; known jump sources: 20071 (8:4071), 200db (8:40db)
Function200ba: ; 200ba (8:40ba)
@ -31020,17 +31049,22 @@ Function2011f: ; 2011f (8:411f)
ld de, $c54b
callba Function1dd6bb
ld a, [Buffer2] ; $d1eb (aliases: MovementType)
ld de, $7f7f
lb de, $7f, $7f
call Function20168
ld a, [Buffer1] ; $d1ea (aliases: MagikarpLength)
ld de, $61ee
lb de, $61, $ee
call Function20168
ld a, [Buffer1] ; $d1ea (aliases: MagikarpLength)
ld [Buffer2], a ; $d1eb (aliases: MovementType)
; 20160 (8:4160)
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$20160,$20168 - $20160
Function20160: ; 20160
ld a, [$d1ec]
ld b, a
call GetTileCoord
; 20168
; known jump sources: 2014d (8:414d), 20156 (8:4156)
Function20168: ; 20168 (8:4168)
@ -31048,7 +31082,13 @@ Function20168: ; 20168 (8:4168)
; 2017c (8:417c)
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$2017c,$20181 - $2017c
String_2017c: ; 2017c
db "じ@" ; HR
; 2017e
String_2017e: ; 2017e
db "ふん@" ; MIN
; 20181