Represent the Poké Ball battle transition in binary, not hex.

This commit is contained in:
IIMarckus 2015-07-08 20:18:21 -06:00
parent 904ab6c05b
commit b82b27c264
1 changed files with 18 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -64380,20 +64380,28 @@ Unknown_8c6a9: ; 8c6a9
RGB 31, 05, 05
RGB 31, 05, 05
RGB 31, 05, 05
; 8c6b1
Function8c6b1: ; 8c6b1 (23:46b1)
ld a, [OtherTrainerClass]
ld de, Unknown_8c6b8
ld de, PokeBallTransition
; 8c6b8 (23:46b8)
Unknown_8c6b8: ; 8c6b8
db $03, $c0, $0f, $f0, $3c, $3c, $30, $0c
db $60, $06, $63, $c6, $c6, $63, $fc, $3f
db $fc, $3f, $c6, $63, $63, $c6, $60, $06
db $30, $0c, $3c, $3c, $0f, $f0, $03, $c0
; 8c6d8
db %00000011,%11000000
db %00001111,%11110000
db %00111100,%00111100
db %00110000,%00001100
db %01100000,%00000110
db %01100011,%11000110
db %11000110,%01100011
db %11111100,%00111111
db %11000110,%01100011
db %01100011,%11000110
db %01100000,%00000110
db %00110000,%00001100
db %00111100,%00111100
db %00001111,%11110000
db %00000011,%11000000
Function8c6d8: ; 8c6d8
ld a, [rSVBK]