trainer headers

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Bishop 2012-03-12 01:09:25 -05:00
parent 0a7278c144
commit 873b07dcf9
1 changed files with 136 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -375,6 +375,8 @@ def calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address, bank=False):
bank = calculate_bank(address)
elif bank == "reverse" or bank == "reversed":
bank = ord(rom[address+2])
elif type(bank) == int:
raise "bad bank given to calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at"
byte1 = ord(rom[address])
@ -410,7 +412,7 @@ def command_debug_information(command_byte=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, ad
#info1 += " long_info: " + long_info
return info1
def parse_text_engine_script_at(address):
def parse_text_engine_script_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None):
"""parses a text-engine script ("in-text scripts")
@ -2538,6 +2540,56 @@ def parse_signpost_bytes(some_bytes, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None):
"script": script,
return signposts
def parse_trainer_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None):
[Bit no. (2byte)][Trainer group][Trainer]
[2byte pointer to Text when seen]
[2byte pointer to text when trainer beaten]
[2byte pointer to script when lost (0000=Blackout)]
[2byte pointer to script if won/talked to again]
The bit number tell the game later on if the trainer has been
beaten already (bit = 1) or not (bit = 0). All Bit number of BitTable1.
03 = Nothing
04 = Nothing
05 = Nothing
06 = Nothing
bank = calculate_bank(address)
bytes = rom_interval(address, 12, strings=False)
bit_number = bytes[0]
trainer_group = bytes[1]
trainer_id = bytes[2]
text_when_seen_ptr = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+3, bank=bank)
text_when_seen = parse_text_engine_script_at(text_when_seen_ptr, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+5, bank=bank)
text_when_trainer_beaten = parse_text_engine_script_at(text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
if [ord(rom[address+7]), ord(rom[address+8])] == [0, 0]:
script_when_lost_ptr = 0
script_when_lost = None
print "parsing script-when-lost"
script_when_lost_ptr = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+7, bank=bank)
script_when_lost = None #parse_script_engine_script_at(script_when_lost_ptr, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
print "parsing script-talk-again" #or is this a text?
script_talk_again_ptr = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+9, bank=bank)
script_talk_again = None #parse_script_engine_script_at(script_talk_again_ptr, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
return {
"bit_number": bit_number,
"trainer_group": trainer_group,
"trainer_id": trainer_id,
"text_when_seen_ptr": text_when_seen_ptr,
"text_when_seen": text_when_seen,
"text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr": text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr,
"text_when_trainer_beaten": text_when_trainer_beaten,
"script_when_lost_ptr": script_when_lost_ptr,
"script_when_lost": script_when_lost,
"script_talk_again_ptr": script_talk_again_ptr,
"script_talk_again": script_talk_again,
def parse_people_event_bytes(some_bytes, address=None, map_group=None, map_id=None): #max of 14 people per map?
"""parse some number of people-events from the data
@ -2568,20 +2620,54 @@ def parse_people_event_bytes(some_bytes, address=None, map_group=None, map_id=No
color_function_byte = int(bytes[7], 16) #Color|Function
trainer_sight_range = int(bytes[8], 16)
lower_bits = color_function_byte & 0xF
#lower_bits_high = lower_bits >> 2
#lower_bits_low = lower_bits & 3
higher_bits = color_function_byte >> 4
#higher_bits_high = higher_bits >> 2
#higher_bits_low = higher_bits & 3
is_regular_script = lower_bits == 00
#pointer points to script
is_give_item = lower_bits == 01
#pointer points to [Item no.][Amount]
is_trainer = lower_bits == 02
#pointer points to trainer header
#goldmap called these next two bytes "text_block" and "text_bank"?
script_pointer_byte1 = int(bytes[9], 16)
script_pointer_byte2 = int(bytes[10], 16)
script_pointer = script_pointer_byte1 + (script_pointer_byte2 << 8)
#calculate the full address by assuming it's in the current bank
#but what if it's not in the same bank?
script_address = None
script = None
extra_portion = {}
if bank:
print "parsing a person-script at x=" + str(x) + " y=" + str(y)
script_address = calculate_pointer(script_pointer, bank)
script = parse_script_engine_script_at(script_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
#take the script pointer
ptr_address = calculate_pointer(script_pointer, bank)
if is_regular_script:
print "parsing a person-script at x=" + str(x-4) + " y=" + str(y-4)
script = parse_script_engine_script_at(ptr_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
extra_portion = {
"script_address": ptr_address,
#"script": script,
"event_type": "script",
if is_give_item:
print "... not parsing give item event... [item id][quantity]"
extra_portion = {
"event_type": "give_item",
"give_item_data_address": ptr_address,
"item_id": ord(rom[ptr_address]),
"item_qty": ord(rom[ptr_address+1]),
if is_trainer:
print "parsing a trainer (person-event) at x=" + str(x) + " y=" + str(y)
parsed_trainer = parse_trainer_header_at(ptr_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
extra_portion = {
"event_type": "trainer",
"trainer_data_address": ptr_address,
"trainer_data": parsed_trainer,
#XXX not sure what's going on here
#bit no. of bit table 1 (hidden if set)
@ -2589,7 +2675,11 @@ def parse_people_event_bytes(some_bytes, address=None, map_group=None, map_id=No
when_byte = int(bytes[11], 16)
hide = int(bytes[12], 16)
bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte2 = int(bytes[11], 16)
bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte1 = int(bytes[12], 16)
bit_number_of_bit_table1 = bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte1 + (bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte2 << 8)
people_event = {
"pict": pict,
"y": y, #y from top + 4
"x": x, #x from left + 4
@ -2601,13 +2691,14 @@ def parse_people_event_bytes(some_bytes, address=None, map_group=None, map_id=No
"trainer_sight_range": trainer_sight_range, #trainer range of sight
"script_pointer": {"1": script_pointer_byte1,
"2": script_pointer_byte2},
"script_address": script_address,
"script": script, #parsed script.. hah!
#"text_block": text_block, #script pointer byte 1
#"text_bank": text_bank, #script pointer byte 2
"when_byte": when_byte, #bit no. of bit table 1 (hidden if set)
"hide": hide, #note: FFFF for none
return people_events
class MapEventElement():
@ -2737,14 +2828,12 @@ def parse_map_event_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None):
after_signposts = after_triggers + 1 + signpost_byte_count
returnable.update({"signpost_count": signpost_count, "signposts": parse_signpost_bytes(signposts, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)})
print "skipping event data... (oops)"
#raise NotImplementedError, "holy mother of god"
#XXX parse trainer data too.. this changes the structure of people events...
#people events
#people_event_count = ord(rom[after_signposts])
#people_event_byte_count = people_event_byte_size * people_event_count
#people_events = rom_interval(after_signposts+1, people_event_byte_count)
#returnable.update({"people_event_count": people_event_count, "people_events": parse_people_event_bytes(people_events, address=after_signposts+1, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)})
people_event_count = ord(rom[after_signposts])
people_event_byte_count = people_event_byte_size * people_event_count
people_events_bytes = rom_interval(after_signposts+1, people_event_byte_count)
people_events = parse_people_event_bytes(people_events_bytes, address=after_signposts+1, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
returnable.update({"people_event_count": people_event_count, "people_events": people_events})
return returnable
@ -2800,12 +2889,14 @@ def parse_map_script_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None):
after battle:
01, 04
print "starting to parse the map's script header.."
#[[Number1 of pointers] Number1 * [2byte pointer to script][00][00]]
ptr_line_size = 4 #[2byte pointer to script][00][00]
trigger_ptr_cnt = ord(rom[address])
trigger_pointers = grouper(rom_interval(address+1, trigger_ptr_cnt * ptr_line_size, strings=False), count=ptr_line_size)
triggers = {}
for index, trigger_pointer in enumerate(trigger_pointers):
print "parsing a trigger header..."
byte1 = trigger_pointer[0]
byte2 = trigger_pointer[1]
ptr = byte1 + (byte2 << 8)
@ -2827,6 +2918,7 @@ def parse_map_script_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None):
callback_pointers = {}
callbacks = {}
for index, callback_line in enumerate(callback_ptrs):
print "parsing a callback header..."
hook_byte = callback_line[0] #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
callback_byte1 = callback_line[1]
callback_byte2 = callback_line[2]
@ -2851,18 +2943,40 @@ def parse_map_script_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None):
"callback_scripts": callbacks,
def parse_map_header_by_id(*args, **kwargs):
"""convenience function to parse a specific map"""
map_group, map_id = None, None
if "map_group" in kwargs.keys():
map_group = kwargs["map_group"]
if "map_id" in kwargs.keys():
map_id = kwargs["map_id"]
if (map_group == None and map_id != None) or \
(map_group != None and map_id == None):
raise Exception, "map_group and map_id must both be provided"
elif map_group == None and map_id == None and len(args) == 0:
raise Exception, "must be given an argument"
elif len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == str:
map_group = int(args[0].split(".")[0])
map_id = int(args[0].split(".")[1])
raise Exception, "dunno what to do with input"
offset = map_names[map_group]["offset"]
map_header_offset = offset + ((map_id - 1) * map_header_byte_size)
return parse_map_header_at(map_header_offset, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)
def parse_all_map_headers():
"""calls parse_map_header_at for each map in each map group"""
global map_names
if not map_names[1].has_key("offset"):
raise "dunno what to do - map_names should have groups with pre-calculated offsets by now"
raise Exception, "dunno what to do - map_names should have groups with pre-calculated offsets by now"
for group_id, group_data in map_names.items():
offset = group_data["offset"]
#we only care about the maps
del group_data["offset"]
#del group_data["offset"]
for map_id, map_data in group_data.items():
map_header_offset = offset + ((map_id - 1) * map_header_byte_size)
if map_id == "offset": continue #skip the "offset" address for this map group
print "map_group is: " + str(group_id) + " map_id is: " + str(map_id)
map_header_offset = offset + ((map_id - 1) * map_header_byte_size)
parsed_map = parse_map_header_at(map_header_offset, map_group=group_id, map_id=map_id)
map_names[group_id][map_id]["header_offset"] = map_header_offset