battle tower texts

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Bishop 2012-05-23 12:00:27 -05:00
parent 49ae9305ae
commit 487386cebb
1 changed files with 22 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -36387,7 +36387,9 @@ UnknownScript_0x7831d: ; 0x7831d
; 0x7831f
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$7831f,$78322 - $7831f
UnknownScript_0x7831f: ; 0x7831f
jumptext UnknownText_0x7898a
; 0x78322
MapRoute34Signpost0Script: ; 0x78322
jumptext UnknownText_0x789a8
@ -38515,7 +38517,9 @@ KrissHouse2F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x7abab
dbw 1, UnknownScript_0x7abc5
; 0x7abb3
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$7abb3,$7abb4 - $7abb3
UnknownScript_0x7abb3: ; 0x7abb3
; 0x7abb4
UnknownScript_0x7abb4: ; 0x7abb4
special $004a
@ -61752,7 +61756,22 @@ UnknownScript_0x9f66c: ; 0x9f66c
jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x9f7c8
; 0x9f66f
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$9f66f,$a7
UnknownText_0x9f66f: ; 0x9f66f
db $0, "Did you come to", $4f
db "see the BATTLE", $55
db "TOWER too?", $51
db "But I guess you", $4f
db "can't go in yet.", $57
; 0x9f6ba
UnknownText_0x9f6ba: ; 0x9f6ba
db $0, "BATTLE TOWER has", $4f
db "opened.", $51
db "I want to go, but", $4f
db "I haven't thought", $51
db "up a cool line for", $4f
db "when I win.", $57
; 0x9f716
UnknownText_0x9f716: ; 0x9f716
db $0, "Are you going to", $4f