remove incbins in IcePathB1F

This commit is contained in:
yenatch 2013-04-30 22:32:03 -04:00
parent 9fc8d527f7
commit 40876d2800
1 changed files with 68 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -11,11 +11,71 @@ IcePathB1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x7e4b9
; 0x7e4be
UnknownScript_0x7e4be: ; 0x7e4be
writecmdqueue $64c2
writecmdqueue CmdQueue_0x7e4c2
; 0x7e4c2
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$7e4c2,$7e50a - $7e4c2
CmdQueue_0x7e4c2: ; 0x7e4c2
dbw 2, StoneTable_0x7e4c7 ; check if any stones are sitting on a warp
db 0, 0 ; filler
; 0x7e4c7
StoneTable_0x7e4c7: ; 0x7e4c7
db 3, 2 ; warp, person
dw UnknownScript_0x7e4d8
db 4, 3 ; warp, person
dw UnknownScript_0x7e4e0
db 5, 4 ; warp, person
dw UnknownScript_0x7e4e8
db 6, 5 ; warp, person
dw UnknownScript_0x7e4f0
db $ff ; end
; 0x7e4d8
UnknownScript_0x7e4d8: ; 0x7e4d8
disappear 2
clearbit1 $070d
2jump UnknownScript_0x7e4f8
; 0x7e4e0
UnknownScript_0x7e4e0: ; 0x7e4e0
disappear 3
clearbit1 $070e
2jump UnknownScript_0x7e4f8
; 0x7e4e8
UnknownScript_0x7e4e8: ; 0x7e4e8
disappear 4
clearbit1 $070f
2jump UnknownScript_0x7e4f8
; 0x7e4f0
UnknownScript_0x7e4f0: ; 0x7e4f0
disappear 5
clearbit1 $0710
2jump UnknownScript_0x7e4f8
; 0x7e4f8
UnknownScript_0x7e4f8: ; 0x7e4f8
pause 30
2call UnknownScript_0x7e504
2writetext UnknownText_0x7e512
; 0x7e504
UnknownScript_0x7e504: ; 0x7e504
playsound $001b
earthquake 80
; 0x7e50a
UnknownScript_0x7e50a: ; 0x7e50a
jumpstd $000e
@ -30,7 +90,12 @@ MapIcePathB1FSignpostItem0: ; 0x7e50f
; 0x7e512
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$7e512,$1b
UnknownText_0x7e512: ; 0x7e512
db $0, "The boulder fell", $4f
db "through.", $57
; 0x7e52d
IcePathB1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x7e52d
; filler