2013-02-17 06:54:07 +00:00
CinnabarIsland_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x1ac9a7
; trigger count
db 0
; callback count
db 1
; callbacks
dbw 5, UnknownScript_0x1ac9ac
; 0x1ac9ac
UnknownScript_0x1ac9ac: ; 0x1ac9ac
setbit2 $003f
; 0x1ac9b0
2013-07-12 21:06:11 +00:00
BlueScript_0x1ac9b0: ; 0x1ac9b0
2013-02-17 06:54:07 +00:00
2writetext UnknownText_0x1ac9d2
playsound $0013
applymovement $2, MovementData_0x1ac9d0
disappear $2
2013-09-24 07:48:58 +00:00
clearevent $0776
2013-02-17 06:54:07 +00:00
; 0x1ac9c4
MapCinnabarIslandSignpost1Script: ; 0x1ac9c4
jumptext UnknownText_0x1acc73
; 0x1ac9c7
MapCinnabarIslandSignpost2Script: ; 0x1ac9c7
jumptext UnknownText_0x1accc2
; 0x1ac9ca
MapCinnabarIslandSignpost0Script: ; 0x1ac9ca
jumpstd $0010
; 0x1ac9cd
MapCinnabarIslandSignpostItem3: ; 0x1ac9cd
dw $00fe
; 0x1ac9d0
MovementData_0x1ac9d0: ; 0x1ac9d0
; 0x1ac9d2
UnknownText_0x1ac9d2: ; 0x1ac9d2
db $0, "Who are you?", $51
db "Well, it's plain", $4f
db "to see that you're", $55
db "a trainer…", $51
db "My name's BLUE.", $51
db "I was once the", $4f
db "CHAMPION, although", $51
db "it was for only a", $4f
db "short time…", $51
db "That meddling RED", $4f
db "did me in…", $51
db "Anyway, what do", $4f
db "you want? You want", $51
db "to challenge me or", $4f
db "something?", $51
db "…I hate to say", $4f
db "it, but I'm not in", $51
db "the mood for a", $4f
db "battle now.", $51
db "Take a good look", $4f
db "around you…", $51
db "A volcano erupts,", $4f
db "and just like", $51
db "that, a whole town", $4f
db "disappears.", $51
db "We can go on win-", $4f
db "ning and losing in", $51
db "#MON. But if", $4f
db "nature so much as", $51
db "twitches, we can", $4f
db "lose in a second.", $51
db "…", $51
db "That's the way it", $4f
db "is…", $51
db "But, anyway, I'm", $4f
db "still a trainer.", $51
db "If I see a strong", $4f
db "opponent, it makes", $55
db "me want to battle.", $51
db "If you want to", $4f
db "battle me, come to", $55
db "the VIRIDIAN GYM.", $51
db "I'll take you on", $4f
db "then.", $57
; 0x1acc73
UnknownText_0x1acc73: ; 0x1acc73
db $0, "There's a notice", $4f
db "here…", $51
db "CINNABAR GYM has", $4f
db "relocated to SEA-", $55
db "FOAM ISLANDS.", $51
db "BLAINE", $57
; 0x1accc2
UnknownText_0x1accc2: ; 0x1accc2
db $0, "CINNABAR ISLAND", $51
db "The Fiery Town of", $4f
db "Burning Desire", $57
; 0x1accf4
CinnabarIsland_MapEventHeader: ; 0x1accf4
; filler
db 0, 0
; warps
db 1
; xy triggers
db 0
; signposts
db 4
signpost 11, 12, $0, MapCinnabarIslandSignpost0Script
signpost 11, 9, $0, MapCinnabarIslandSignpost1Script
signpost 7, 7, $0, MapCinnabarIslandSignpost2Script
signpost 1, 9, $7, MapCinnabarIslandSignpostItem3
; people-events
db 1
2013-07-12 21:06:11 +00:00
person_event SPRITE_BLUE, 10, 13, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, BlueScript_0x1ac9b0, $0775
2013-02-17 06:54:07 +00:00
; 0x1acd20