296 lines
8.7 KiB
296 lines
8.7 KiB
from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from unittest import mock
except ImportError:
import mock
import pytest
import pipdeptree as p
# Tests for DAG classes
def mock_pkgs(simple_graph):
for node, children in simple_graph.items():
nk, nv = node
p = mock.Mock(key=nk, project_name=nk, version=nv)
as_req = mock.Mock(key=nk, project_name=nk, specs=[('==', nv)])
p.as_requirement = mock.Mock(return_value=as_req)
reqs = []
for child in children:
ck, cv = child
r = mock.Mock(key=ck, project_name=ck, specs=cv)
p.requires = mock.Mock(return_value=reqs)
yield p
def mock_PackageDAG(simple_graph):
pkgs = list(mock_pkgs(simple_graph))
return p.PackageDAG.from_pkgs(pkgs)
# util for comparing tree contents with a simple graph
def dag_to_dict(g):
return {k.key: [v.key for v in vs] for k, vs in g._obj.items()}
def sort_map_values(m):
return {k: sorted(v) for k, v in m.items()}
t = mock_PackageDAG({
('a', '3.4.0'): [('b', [('>=', '2.0.0')]),
('c', [('>=', '5.7.1')])],
('b', '2.3.1'): [('d', [('>=', '2.30'), ('<', '2.42')])],
('c', '5.10.0'): [('d', [('>=', '2.30')]),
('e', [('>=', '0.12.1')])],
('d', '2.35'): [('e', [('>=', '0.9.0')])],
('e', '0.12.1'): [],
('f', '3.1'): [('b', [('>=', '2.1.0')])],
('g', '6.8.3rc1'): [('e', [('>=', '0.9.0')]),
('f', [('>=', '3.0.0')])]
def test_PackageDAG__get_node_as_parent():
assert 'b' == t.get_node_as_parent('b').key
assert 'c' == t.get_node_as_parent('c').key
def test_PackageDAG_filter():
# When both show_only and exclude are not specified, same tree
# object is returned
assert t.filter(None, None) is t
# when show_only is specified
g1 = dag_to_dict(t.filter(set(['a', 'd']), None))
expected = {'a': ['b', 'c'],
'b': ['d'],
'c': ['d', 'e'],
'd': ['e'],
'e': []}
assert expected == g1
# when exclude is specified
g2 = dag_to_dict(t.filter(None, ['d']))
expected = {'a': ['b', 'c'],
'b': [],
'c': ['e'],
'e': [],
'f': ['b'],
'g': ['e', 'f']}
assert expected == g2
# when both show_only and exclude are specified
g3 = dag_to_dict(t.filter(set(['a', 'g']), set(['d', 'e'])))
expected = {'a': ['b', 'c'],
'b': [],
'c': [],
'f': ['b'],
'g': ['f']}
assert expected == g3
# when conflicting values in show_only and exclude, AssertionError
# is raised
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
dag_to_dict(t.filter(set(['d']), set(['D', 'e'])))
def test_PackageDAG_reverse():
t1 = t.reverse()
expected = {'a': [],
'b': ['a', 'f'],
'c': ['a'],
'd': ['b', 'c'],
'e': ['c', 'd', 'g'],
'f': ['g'],
'g': []}
assert isinstance(t1, p.ReversedPackageDAG)
assert sort_map_values(expected) == sort_map_values(dag_to_dict(t1))
assert all([isinstance(k, p.ReqPackage) for k in t1.keys()])
assert all([isinstance(v, p.DistPackage) for v in p.flatten(t1.values())])
# testing reversal of ReversedPackageDAG instance
expected = {'a': ['b', 'c'],
'b': ['d'],
'c': ['d', 'e'],
'd': ['e'],
'e': [],
'f': ['b'],
'g': ['e', 'f']}
t2 = t1.reverse()
assert isinstance(t2, p.PackageDAG)
assert sort_map_values(expected) == sort_map_values(dag_to_dict(t2))
assert all([isinstance(k, p.DistPackage) for k in t2.keys()])
assert all([isinstance(v, p.ReqPackage) for v in p.flatten(t2.values())])
# Tests for Package classes
# Note: For all render methods, we are only testing for frozen=False
# as mocks with frozen=True are a lot more complicated
def test_DistPackage__render_as_root():
foo = mock.Mock(key='foo', project_name='foo', version='20.4.1')
dp = p.DistPackage(foo)
is_frozen = False
assert 'foo==20.4.1' == dp.render_as_root(is_frozen)
def test_DistPackage__render_as_branch():
foo = mock.Mock(key='foo', project_name='foo', version='20.4.1')
bar = mock.Mock(key='bar', project_name='bar', version='4.1.0')
bar_req = mock.Mock(key='bar',
specs=[('>=', '4.0')])
rp = p.ReqPackage(bar_req, dist=bar)
dp = p.DistPackage(foo).as_parent_of(rp)
is_frozen = False
assert 'foo==20.4.1 [requires: bar>=4.0]' == dp.render_as_branch(is_frozen)
def test_DistPackage__as_parent_of():
foo = mock.Mock(key='foo', project_name='foo', version='20.4.1')
dp = p.DistPackage(foo)
assert dp.req is None
bar = mock.Mock(key='bar', project_name='bar', version='4.1.0')
bar_req = mock.Mock(key='bar',
specs=[('>=', '4.0')])
rp = p.ReqPackage(bar_req, dist=bar)
dp1 = dp.as_parent_of(rp)
assert dp1._obj == dp._obj
assert dp1.req is rp
dp2 = dp.as_parent_of(None)
assert dp2 is dp
def test_DistPackage__as_dict():
foo = mock.Mock(key='foo', project_name='foo', version='1.3.2b1')
dp = p.DistPackage(foo)
result = dp.as_dict()
expected = {'key': 'foo',
'package_name': 'foo',
'installed_version': '1.3.2b1'}
assert expected == result
def test_ReqPackage__render_as_root():
bar = mock.Mock(key='bar', project_name='bar', version='4.1.0')
bar_req = mock.Mock(key='bar',
specs=[('>=', '4.0')])
rp = p.ReqPackage(bar_req, dist=bar)
is_frozen = False
assert 'bar==4.1.0' == rp.render_as_root(is_frozen)
def test_ReqPackage__render_as_branch():
bar = mock.Mock(key='bar', project_name='bar', version='4.1.0')
bar_req = mock.Mock(key='bar',
specs=[('>=', '4.0')])
rp = p.ReqPackage(bar_req, dist=bar)
is_frozen = False
assert 'bar [required: >=4.0, installed: 4.1.0]' == rp.render_as_branch(is_frozen)
def test_ReqPackage__as_dict():
bar = mock.Mock(key='bar', project_name='bar', version='4.1.0')
bar_req = mock.Mock(key='bar',
specs=[('>=', '4.0')])
rp = p.ReqPackage(bar_req, dist=bar)
result = rp.as_dict()
expected = {'key': 'bar',
'package_name': 'bar',
'installed_version': '4.1.0',
'required_version': '>=4.0'}
assert expected == result
# Tests for graph outputs
def test_render_pdf():
output = p.dump_graphviz(t, output_format='pdf')
def redirect_stdout(new_target):
old_target, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, new_target
yield new_target
sys.stdout = old_target
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) as f:
with redirect_stdout(f):
rf = open(f.name, 'rb')
assert b'%PDF' == rf.read()[:4]
# @NOTE: rf is not closed to avoid "bad filedescriptor" error
def test_render_svg(capsys):
output = p.dump_graphviz(t, output_format='svg')
out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
assert out.startswith('<?xml')
assert '<svg' in out
assert out.strip().endswith('</svg>')
# Tests for the argparse parser
def test_parser_default():
parser = p.get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args([])
assert not args.json
assert args.output_format is None
def test_parser_j():
parser = p.get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(['-j'])
assert args.json
assert args.output_format is None
def test_parser_json():
parser = p.get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(['--json'])
assert args.json
assert args.output_format is None
def test_parser_json_tree():
parser = p.get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(['--json-tree'])
assert args.json_tree
assert not args.json
assert args.output_format is None
def test_parser_pdf():
parser = p.get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(['--graph-output', 'pdf'])
assert args.output_format == 'pdf'
assert not args.json
def test_parser_svg():
parser = p.get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(['--graph-output', 'svg'])
assert args.output_format == 'svg'
assert not args.json