A command line utility to display dependency tree of the installed Python packages
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Vineet Naik 771c9e8096 Add two variants of make targets for e2e-tests
The default one 'test-e2e' starts with a clean slate ie. it removes
existing virtualenvs and sets them up again before running the tests.

The 'test-e2e-quick' reuses the existing virtualenvs (and hence runs

Also updated README.
2020-06-13 12:32:24 +05:30
docs Update README 2020-06-12 01:24:24 +05:30
tests Fix e2e tests 2020-06-13 12:32:24 +05:30
.gitignore Add .pytest_cache dir to gitignore 2018-04-15 10:38:58 +05:30
.travis.yml Install the graphviz apt-package and graphviz lib in travis conf 2020-06-05 01:16:28 +05:30
CHANGES.md Bump version to 1.0.0 2020-06-13 11:22:30 +05:30
LICENSE Update year in license 2015-07-26 23:24:32 +05:30
MANIFEST.in Include license and changelog in dist tar ball 2015-07-26 23:26:35 +05:30
Makefile Add two variants of make targets for e2e-tests 2020-06-13 12:32:24 +05:30
README.rst Add two variants of make targets for e2e-tests 2020-06-13 12:32:24 +05:30
dev-requirements.txt Update and fix Makefile for new test suites 2020-06-07 23:47:11 +05:30
pipdeptree.py Bump version to 1.0.0 2020-06-13 11:22:30 +05:30
pytest.ini Update and fix Makefile for new test suites 2020-06-07 23:47:11 +05:30
setup.py Drop support for Python 2.6 2017-03-19 11:57:23 +05:30
tox.ini Fix and simplify tox.ini 2020-06-07 23:28:42 +05:30



.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/naiquevin/pipdeptree.svg?branch=master
   :target: https://travis-ci.org/naiquevin/pipdeptree

``pipdeptree`` is a command line utility for displaying the installed
python packages in form of a dependency tree. It works for packages
installed globally on a machine as well as in a virtualenv. Since
``pip freeze`` shows all dependencies as a flat list, finding out
which are the top level packages and which packages do they depend on
requires some effort. It can also be tedious to resolve conflicting
dependencies because ``pip`` doesn't have true dependency resolution
yet [1]_. ``pipdeptree`` can help here by identifying conflicting
dependencies installed in the environment.

To some extent, ``pipdeptree`` is inspired by the ``lein deps :tree``
command of `Leiningen <http://leiningen.org/>`_.


.. code-block:: bash

    $ pip install pipdeptree

This will install the latest stable version which is ``0.13.2``. This
version works well for the basic use case but has many flaws and

Work on an improved version is in progress and you can install it from
the ``v2beta`` branch as follows,

.. code-block:: bash

    $ sudo pip install git+https://git@github.com/naiquevin/pipdeptree.git@v2beta#egg=v2beta

The current stable version is tested with ``2.7``, ``3.4``, ``3.5`` and ``3.6``.

The ``v2beta`` branch has been tested with Python ``3.4``, ``3.5``, ``3.6``, ``3.7``,
``3.8`` as well as ``2.7``.

Python ``2.6`` is way past it's end of life but if you ever find
yourself stuck on a legacy environment, you can use version ``0.9.0``.

Usage and examples

To give you a brief idea, here is the output of ``pipdeptree``
compared with ``pip freeze``:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pip freeze
    -e git+git@github.com:naiquevin/lookupy.git@cdbe30c160e1c29802df75e145ea4ad903c05386#egg=Lookupy
    pipdeptree @ file:///private/tmp/pipdeptree-2.0.0b1-py3-none-any.whl

And now see what ``pipdeptree`` outputs,

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree
    Warning!!! Possibly conflicting dependencies found:
    * Jinja2==2.11.2
     - MarkupSafe [required: >=0.23, installed: 0.22]
      - itsdangerous [required: >=0.21, installed: 0.24]
      - Jinja2 [required: >=2.4, installed: 2.11.2]
        - MarkupSafe [required: >=0.23, installed: 0.22]
      - Werkzeug [required: >=0.7, installed: 0.11.2]
      - pip [required: >=6.0.0, installed: 20.1.1]

Is it possible to find out why a particular package is installed?

`New in ver. 0.5.0`

Yes, there's a ``--reverse`` (or simply ``-r``) flag for this. To find
out what all packages require particular package(s), it can be
combined with ``--packages`` flag as follows:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree --reverse --packages itsdangerous,MarkupSafe
    Warning!!! Possibly conflicting dependencies found:
    * Jinja2==2.11.2
     - MarkupSafe [required: >=0.23, installed: 0.22]
      - Flask==0.10.1 [requires: itsdangerous>=0.21]
      - Jinja2==2.11.2 [requires: MarkupSafe>=0.23]
        - Flask==0.10.1 [requires: Jinja2>=2.4]

What's with the warning about conflicting dependencies?

As seen in the above output, ``pipdeptree`` by default warns about
possible conflicting dependencies. Any package that's specified as a
dependency of multiple packages with a different version is considered
as a possible conflicting dependency. Conflicting dependencies are
possible due to pip's `lack of true dependency resolution
<https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/988>`_ [1]_. The warning is
printed to stderr instead of stdout and it can be completely silenced
by specifying the ``-w silence`` or ``--warn silence`` flag. On the
other hand, it can be made mode strict with ``--warn fail`` in which
case the command will not only print the warnings to stderr but also
exit with a non-zero status code. This could be useful if you want to
fit this tool into your CI pipeline.

**Note** The ``--warn`` flag was added in version ``0.6.0``. If you
are using an older version, use ``--nowarn`` flag to silence the

Warnings about circular dependencies

In case any of the packages have circular dependencies (eg. package A
depending upon package B and package B depending upon package A), then
``pipdeptree`` will print warnings about that as well.

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree --exclude pip,pipdeptree,setuptools,wheel
    Warning!!! Cyclic dependencies found:
    - CircularDependencyA => CircularDependencyB => CircularDependencyA
    - CircularDependencyB => CircularDependencyA => CircularDependencyB

As with the conflicting dependencies warnings, these are printed to
stderr and can be controlled using the ``--warn`` flag.

In the above example, you can also see the ``--exclude`` flag which is
the opposite of ``--packages`` ie. these packages will be excluded
from the output.

Using pipdeptree to write requirements.txt file

If you wish to track only the top level packages in your
``requirements.txt`` file, it's possible to do so using ``pipdeptree``
by grep-ing only the top-level lines from the output,

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree --warn silence | grep -E '^\w+'

There is a problem here though. The output doesn't mention anything
about ``Lookupy`` being installed as an editable package (refer to the
output of ``pip freeze`` above) and information about its source is
lost. To fix this, ``pipdeptree`` must be run with a ``-f`` or
``--freeze`` flag.

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree -f --warn silence | grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+'
    -e git+git@github.com:naiquevin/lookupy.git@cdbe30c160e1c29802df75e145ea4ad903c05386#egg=Lookupy
    pipdeptree @ file:///private/tmp/pipdeptree-2.0.0b1-py3-none-any.whl

    $ pipdeptree -f --warn silence | grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+' > requirements.txt

The freeze flag will also not output the hyphens for child
dependencies, so you could dump the complete output of ``pipdeptree
-f`` to the requirements.txt file making the file human-friendly (due
to indentations) as well as pip-friendly.

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree -f | tee locked-requirements.txt
    -e git+git@github.com:naiquevin/lookupy.git@cdbe30c160e1c29802df75e145ea4ad903c05386#egg=Lookupy
    pipdeptree @ file:///private/tmp/pipdeptree-2.0.0b1-py3-none-any.whl

Once confirming that there are no conflicting dependencies, you can
even treat this as a "lock file" where all packages, including the
transient dependencies will be pinned to the currently installed
versions. Note that the ``locked-requirements.txt`` file could end up
with duplicate entries. Although ``pip install`` wouldn't complain
about that, you can avoid duplicate lines at the cost of losing

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree -f | sed 's/ //g' | sort -u > locked-requirements.txt

Using pipdeptree with external tools

`New in ver. 0.5.0`

It's also possible to have ``pipdeptree`` output json representation
of the dependency tree so that it may be used as input to other
external tools.

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree --json

Note that ``--json`` will output a flat list of all packages with
their immediate dependencies. This is not very useful in itself. To
obtain nested json, use ``--json-tree``

`New in ver. 0.11.0`

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree --json-tree

The dependency graph can be layed out as any of the formats supported by
`GraphViz <http://www.graphviz.org/>`_:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pipdeptree --graph-output dot > dependencies.dot
    $ pipdeptree --graph-output pdf > dependencies.pdf
    $ pipdeptree --graph-output png > dependencies.png
    $ pipdeptree --graph-output svg > dependencies.svg

Note that ``graphviz`` is an optional dependency ie. required only if
you want to use ``--graph-output``.

Starting version ``2.0.0b1``, pipdeptree now supports ``--package``
and ``--reverse`` flags with different output formats ie. ``--json``,
``--json-tree`` and ``--graph-output``.

For earlier versions, the ``--json``, ``--json-tree`` and
``--graph-output`` options override ``--package`` and ``--reverse``.


.. code-block:: bash

    usage: pipdeptree [-h] [-v] [-f] [-a] [-l] [-u] [-w [{silence,suppress,fail}]]
                      [-r] [-p PACKAGES] [-e PACKAGES] [-j] [--json-tree]
                      [--graph-output OUTPUT_FORMAT]
    Dependency tree of the installed python packages
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
      -f, --freeze          Print names so as to write freeze files
      -a, --all             list all deps at top level
      -l, --local-only      If in a virtualenv that has global access do not show
                            globally installed packages
      -u, --user-only       Only show installations in the user site dir
      -w [{silence,suppress,fail}], --warn [{silence,suppress,fail}]
                            Warning control. "suppress" will show warnings but
                            return 0 whether or not they are present. "silence"
                            will not show warnings at all and always return 0.
                            "fail" will show warnings and return 1 if any are
                            present. The default is "suppress".
      -r, --reverse         Shows the dependency tree in the reverse fashion ie.
                            the sub-dependencies are listed with the list of
                            packages that need them under them.
      -p PACKAGES, --packages PACKAGES
                            Comma separated list of select packages to show in the
                            output. If set, --all will be ignored.
      -e PACKAGES, --exclude PACKAGES
                            Comma separated list of select packages to exclude
                            from the output. If set, --all will be ignored.
      -j, --json            Display dependency tree as json. This will yield "raw"
                            output that may be used by external tools. This option
                            overrides all other options.
      --json-tree           Display dependency tree as json which is nested the
                            same way as the plain text output printed by default.
                            This option overrides all other options (except
      --graph-output OUTPUT_FORMAT
                            Print a dependency graph in the specified output
                            format. Available are all formats supported by
                            GraphViz, e.g.: dot, jpeg, pdf, png, svg

Known issues

1. To work with packages installed inside a virtualenv, pipdeptree
   also needs to be installed in the same virtualenv even if it's
   already installed globally.

2. Due to (1), the output of ``pipdeptree`` also includes
   ``pipdeptree`` itself as a dependency along with ``pip``,
   ``setuptools`` and ``wheel`` which get installed in the virtualenv
   by default. To ignore them, use the ``--exclude`` option.

3. ``pipdeptree`` relies on the internal API of ``pip``. I fully
   understand that it's a bad idea but it mostly works! On rare
   occasions, it breaks when a new version of ``pip`` is out with
   backward incompatible changes in internal API. So beware if you are
   using this tool in environments in which ``pip`` version is
   unpinned, specially automation or CD/CI pipelines.

Limitations & Alternatives

``pipdeptree`` merely looks at the installed packages in the current
environment using pip, constructs the tree, then outputs it in the
specified format. If you want to generate the dependency tree without
installing the packages, then you need a dependency resolver. You
might want to check alternatives such as `pipgrip
<https://github.com/ddelange/pipgrip>`_ or `poetry

Also, stay tuned for the dependency resolver in upcoming versions of
pip [1]_.

Runing Tests (for contributors)

There are 2 test suites in this repo:

1. Unit tests that use mock objects. These are configured to run on
   every push to the repo and on every PR thanks to travis.ci

2. End-to-end tests that are run against actual packages installed in

Unit tests can be run against all version of python using `tox
<http://tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`_ as follows:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ make test-tox-all

This assumes that you have python versions specified in the
``tox.ini`` file.

If you don't want to install all the versions of python but want to
run tests quickly against ``Python3.6`` only:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ make test

Unit tests are written using ``pytest`` and you can also run the tests
with code coverage as follows,

.. code-block:: bash

    $ make test-cov

On the other hand, end-to-end tests actually create virtualenvs,
install packages and then run tests against them. These tests are more
reliable in the sense that they also test ``pipdeptree`` with the
latest version of ``pip`` and ``setuptools``.

The downside is that when new versions of ``pip`` or ``setuptools``
are released, these need to be updated. At present the process is
manual but I have plans to setup nightly builds for these for faster

The end-to-end tests can be run as follows,

.. code-block:: bash

    $ make test-e2e  # starts with a clean virtualenvs

    $ # or

    $ make test-e2e-quick # reuses existing virtualenvs

By default the e2e tests uses python executable ``python3.6``. To use
an alternate version set the environment var ``E2E_PYTHON_EXE``.

.. code-block:: bash

    $ E2E_PYTHON_EXE=python2.7 make test-e2e

Release checklist

* Make sure that tests pass on travis.ci.

* Create a commit with following changes and push it to github
  - Update the `__version__` in the `pipdeptree.py` file.
  - Add Changelog in `CHANGES.md` file.
  - Also update `README.md` if required.

* Create an annotated tag on the above commit and push the tag to

* Upload new version to PyPI.




.. [1] Soon we'll have `a dependency resolver in pip itself