180 lines
6.4 KiB
180 lines
6.4 KiB
import pickle
from pipdeptree import (build_dist_index, construct_tree, peek_into,
DistPackage, ReqPackage, render_tree,
reverse_tree, conflicting_deps)
def venv_fixture(pickle_file):
"""Loads required virtualenv pkg data from a pickle file
:param pickle_file: path to a .pickle file
:returns: a tuple of pkgs, pkg_index, req_map
:rtype: tuple
with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f:
pkgs = pickle.load(f)
dist_index = build_dist_index(pkgs)
tree = construct_tree(dist_index)
return pkgs, dist_index, tree
pkgs, dist_index, tree = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/testenv.pickle')
def find_dist(key):
return dist_index[key]
def find_req(key, parent_key):
parent = [x for x in tree.keys() if x.key == parent_key][0]
return [x for x in tree[parent] if x.key == key][0]
def test_build_dist_index():
assert len(dist_index) == len(pkgs)
assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in dist_index.keys())
assert all(isinstance(x, DistPackage) for x in dist_index.values())
def test_tree():
assert len(tree) == len(pkgs)
assert all((isinstance(k, DistPackage) and
all(isinstance(v, ReqPackage) for v in vs))
for k, vs in tree.items())
def test_reverse_tree():
rtree = reverse_tree(tree)
assert all((isinstance(k, ReqPackage) and
all(isinstance(v, DistPackage) for v in vs))
for k, vs in rtree.items())
def test_DistPackage_render_as_root():
alembic = find_dist('alembic')
assert alembic.version == '0.6.2'
assert alembic.project_name == 'alembic'
assert alembic.render_as_root(frozen=False) == 'alembic==0.6.2'
def test_DistPackage_render_as_branch():
alembic = find_dist('alembic')
assert alembic.project_name == 'alembic'
assert alembic.version == '0.6.2'
sqlalchemy = find_req('sqlalchemy', 'alembic')
assert sqlalchemy.project_name == 'SQLAlchemy'
assert sqlalchemy.version_spec == '>=0.7.3'
assert sqlalchemy.installed_version == '0.9.1'
result_1 = alembic.render_as_branch(sqlalchemy, False)
result_2 = alembic.render_as_branch(sqlalchemy, False)
assert result_1 == result_2 == 'alembic==0.6.2 [requires: SQLAlchemy>=0.7.3]'
def test_ReqPackage_render_as_root():
flask = find_req('flask', 'flask-script')
assert flask.project_name == 'Flask'
assert flask.installed_version == '0.10.1'
assert flask.render_as_root(frozen=False) == 'Flask==0.10.1'
def test_ReqPackage_render_as_branch():
mks1 = find_req('markupsafe', 'jinja2')
jinja = find_dist('jinja2')
assert mks1.project_name == 'markupsafe'
assert mks1.installed_version == '0.18'
assert mks1.version_spec is None
assert mks1.render_as_branch(jinja, False) == 'markupsafe [installed: 0.18]'
assert mks1.render_as_branch(jinja, True) == 'MarkupSafe==0.18'
mks2 = find_req('markupsafe', 'mako')
mako = find_dist('mako')
assert mks2.project_name == 'MarkupSafe'
assert mks2.installed_version == '0.18'
assert mks2.version_spec == '>=0.9.2'
assert mks2.render_as_branch(mako, False) == 'MarkupSafe [required: >=0.9.2, installed: 0.18]'
assert mks2.render_as_branch(mako, True) == 'MarkupSafe==0.18'
def test_render_tree_only_top():
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=False)
lines = set(tree_str.split('\n'))
assert 'Flask-Script==0.6.6' in lines
assert ' - SQLAlchemy [required: >=0.7.3, installed: 0.9.1]' in lines
assert 'Lookupy==0.1' in lines
assert 'itsdangerous==0.23' not in lines
def test_render_tree_list_all():
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=True)
lines = set(tree_str.split('\n'))
assert 'Flask-Script==0.6.6' in lines
assert ' - SQLAlchemy [required: >=0.7.3, installed: 0.9.1]' in lines
assert 'Lookupy==0.1' in lines
assert 'itsdangerous==0.23' in lines
def test_render_tree_freeze():
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=False, frozen=True)
lines = set()
for line in tree_str.split('\n'):
# Workaround for https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1867
# When hash randomization is enabled, pip can return different names
# for git editables from run to run
line = line.replace('origin/master', 'master')
line = line.replace('origin/HEAD', 'master')
assert 'Flask-Script==0.6.6' in lines
assert ' SQLAlchemy==0.9.1' in lines
# TODO! Fix the following failing test
# assert '-e git+https://github.com/naiquevin/lookupy.git@cdbe30c160e1c29802df75e145ea4ad903c05386#egg=Lookupy-master' in lines
assert 'itsdangerous==0.23' not in lines
def test_render_tree_cyclic_dependency():
cyclic_pkgs, dist_index, tree = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/cyclicenv.pickle')
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=True)
lines = set(tree_str.split('\n'))
assert 'CircularDependencyA==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' - CircularDependencyB [installed: 0.0.0]' in lines
assert 'CircularDependencyB==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' - CircularDependencyA [installed: 0.0.0]' in lines
def test_render_tree_freeze_cyclic_dependency():
cyclic_pkgs, dist_index, tree = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/cyclicenv.pickle')
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=True, frozen=True)
lines = set(tree_str.split('\n'))
assert 'CircularDependencyA==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' CircularDependencyB==0.0.0' in lines
assert 'CircularDependencyB==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' CircularDependencyA==0.0.0' in lines
def test_peek_into():
r1, g1 = peek_into(i for i in [])
assert r1
assert len(list(g1)) == 0
r2, g2 = peek_into(i for i in range(100))
assert not r2
assert len(list(g2)) == 100
def test_conflicting_deps():
# the custom environment has a bad jinja version and it's missing simplejson
_, _, conflicting_tree = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/unsatisfiedenv.pickle')
flask = next((x for x in conflicting_tree.keys() if x.key == 'flask'))
jinja = next((x for x in conflicting_tree[flask] if x.key == 'jinja2'))
uritemplate = next((x for x in conflicting_tree.keys() if x.key == 'uritemplate'))
simplejson = next((x for x in conflicting_tree[uritemplate] if x.key == 'simplejson'))
assert jinja
assert flask
assert uritemplate
assert simplejson
unsatisfied = conflicting_deps(conflicting_tree)
assert unsatisfied == {
flask: [jinja],
uritemplate: [simplejson],