from __future__ import annotations import site import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from unittest.mock import Mock import virtualenv from pipdeptree.__main__ import main from pipdeptree._discovery import get_installed_distributions if TYPE_CHECKING: import pytest from pytest_mock import MockerFixture def test_local_only(tmp_path: Path, mocker: MockerFixture, capfd: pytest.CaptureFixture[str]) -> None: venv_path = str(tmp_path / "venv") result = virtualenv.cli_run([venv_path, "--activators", ""]) venv_site_packages = site.getsitepackages([venv_path]) fake_dist = Path(venv_site_packages[0]) / "foo-1.2.5.dist-info" fake_dist.mkdir() fake_metadata = Path(fake_dist) / "METADATA" with"w") as f: f.write("Metadata-Version: 2.3\nName: foo\nVersion: 1.2.5\n") cmd = [str(result.creator.exe.parent / "python3"), "--local-only"] mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.prefix", venv_path) sys_path = sys.path.copy() mock_path = sys_path + venv_site_packages mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.path", mock_path) mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.argv", cmd) main() out, _ = capfd.readouterr() found = {i.split("==")[0] for i in out.splitlines()} expected = {"foo", "pip", "setuptools", "wheel"} if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): expected -= {"setuptools", "wheel"} # pragma: no cover assert found == expected def test_user_only(fake_dist: Path, mocker: MockerFixture, capfd: pytest.CaptureFixture[str]) -> None: # Make a fake user site. fake_user_site = str(fake_dist.parent) mocker.patch("", Mock(return_value=fake_user_site)) # Add fake user site directory into a fake sys.path (normal environments will have the user site in sys.path). fake_sys_path = [*sys.path, fake_user_site] mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.path", fake_sys_path) cmd = ["", "--user-only"] mocker.patch("pipdeptree.__main__.sys.argv", cmd) main() out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not err found = {i.split("==")[0] for i in out.splitlines()} expected = {"bar"} assert found == expected def test_user_only_when_in_virtual_env( tmp_path: Path, mocker: MockerFixture, capfd: pytest.CaptureFixture[str] ) -> None: # ensures that we follow `pip list` by not outputting anything when --user-only is set and pipdeptree is running in # a virtual environment # Create a virtual environment and mock sys.path to point to the venv's site packages. venv_path = str(tmp_path / "venv") virtualenv.cli_run([venv_path, "--activators", ""]) venv_site_packages = site.getsitepackages([venv_path]) mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.path", venv_site_packages) mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.prefix", venv_path) cmd = ["", "--user-only"] mocker.patch("pipdeptree.__main__.sys.argv", cmd) main() out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not err # Here we expect 1 element because print() adds a newline. found = out.splitlines() assert len(found) == 1 assert not found[0] def test_user_only_when_in_virtual_env_and_system_site_pkgs_enabled( tmp_path: Path, fake_dist: Path, mocker: MockerFixture, capfd: pytest.CaptureFixture[str] ) -> None: # ensures that we provide user site metadata when --user-only is set and we're in a virtual env with system site # packages enabled # Make a fake user site directory since we don't know what to expect from the real one. fake_user_site = str(fake_dist.parent) mocker.patch("", Mock(return_value=fake_user_site)) # Create a temporary virtual environment. Add the fake user site to path (since user site packages should normally # be there). venv_path = str(tmp_path / "venv") virtualenv.cli_run([venv_path, "--system-site-packages", "--activators", ""]) venv_site_packages = site.getsitepackages([venv_path]) mock_path = sys.path + venv_site_packages + [fake_user_site] mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.path", mock_path) mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.prefix", venv_path) cmd = ["", "--user-only"] mocker.patch("pipdeptree.__main__.sys.argv", cmd) main() out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not err found = {i.split("==")[0] for i in out.splitlines()} expected = {"bar"} assert found == expected def test_duplicate_metadata(mocker: MockerFixture, capfd: pytest.CaptureFixture[str]) -> None: mocker.patch( "pipdeptree._discovery.distributions", Mock( return_value=[ Mock(metadata={"Name": "foo"}, version="1.2.5", locate_file=Mock(return_value="/path/1")), Mock(metadata={"Name": "foo"}, version="5.9.0", locate_file=Mock(return_value="/path/2")), ] ), ) dists = get_installed_distributions() assert len(dists) == 1 # we expect it to use the first distribution found assert dists[0].version == "1.2.5" _, err = capfd.readouterr() expected = ( 'Warning!!! Duplicate package metadata found:\n"/path/2"\n foo 5.9.0 ' ' (using 1.2.5, "/path/1")\nNOTE: This warning isn\'t a failure warning.\n---------------------------------' "---------------------------------------\n" ) assert err == expected def test_invalid_metadata( mocker: MockerFixture, capfd: pytest.CaptureFixture[str], fake_dist_with_invalid_metadata: Path ) -> None: fake_site_dir = str(fake_dist_with_invalid_metadata.parent) mocked_sys_path = [fake_site_dir] mocker.patch("pipdeptree._discovery.sys.path", mocked_sys_path) dists = get_installed_distributions() assert len(dists) == 0 out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not out assert err == ( "Warning!!! Missing or invalid metadata found in the following site dirs:\n" f"{fake_site_dir}\n" "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) def test_paths(fake_dist: Path) -> None: fake_site_dir = str(fake_dist.parent) mocked_path = [fake_site_dir] dists = get_installed_distributions(supplied_paths=mocked_path) assert len(dists) == 1 assert dists[0].name == "bar" def test_paths_when_in_virtual_env(tmp_path: Path, fake_dist: Path) -> None: # tests to ensure that we use only the user-supplied path, not paths in the virtual env fake_site_dir = str(fake_dist.parent) mocked_path = [fake_site_dir] venv_path = str(tmp_path / "venv") s = virtualenv.cli_run([venv_path, "--activators", ""]) dists = get_installed_distributions(interpreter=str(s.creator.exe), supplied_paths=mocked_path) assert len(dists) == 1 assert dists[0].name == "bar"