Majorly refactor the code

The primary reason behind refactoring the code is to be able to make it
straightforward to implement the --reverse mode (ie. instead of showing
package and their sub-deps, it will show the sub-deps and the packages
that need them).

As a part of this change, wrapper classes have been added for
Distribution and Requirements instances that pip returns. These wrapper
classes have handle the rendering of the pkg as a root (top level) and a
branch (non-top level) accordingly. As a result the same function
`render_tree` can be used for --reverse mode.

This change doesn't include the --reverse mode implementation. It will
be added in the subsequent commit.
This commit is contained in:
Vineet Naik 2015-11-07 22:35:24 +05:30
parent 07685bd313
commit 8db536eab3
2 changed files with 260 additions and 189 deletions

View File

@ -13,99 +13,206 @@ __version__ = '0.4.3'
flatten = chain.from_iterable
def req_version(req):
"""Builds the version string for the requirement instance
def build_dist_index(pkgs):
"""Build an index pkgs by their key as a dict.
:param req: requirement object
:returns: the version in desired format
:rtype: string or NoneType
:param list pkgs: list of pkg_resources.Distribution instances
:returns: index of the pkgs by the pkg key
:rtype: dict
return ''.join(req.specs[0]) if req.specs else None
return {p.key: DistPackage(p) for p in pkgs}
def top_pkg_name(pkg):
"""Builds the package name for top level package
def construct_tree(index):
"""Construct tree representation of the pkgs from the index.
This just prints the name and the version of the package which may
not necessarily match with the output of `pip freeze` which also
includes info such as VCS source for editable packages
The keys of the dict representing the tree will be objects of type
DistPackage and the values will be list of ReqPackage objects.
:param pkg: pkg_resources.Distribution
:returns: the package name and version in the desired format
:rtype: string
:param dict index: dist index ie. index of pkgs by their keys
:returns: tree of pkgs and their dependencies
:rtype: dict
return '{0}=={1}'.format(pkg.project_name, pkg.version)
return {p: [ReqPackage(r, index.get(r.key))
for r in p.requires()]
for p in index.values()}
def non_top_pkg_name(req, pkg):
"""Builds the package name for a non-top level package
class Package(object):
"""Abstract class for wrappers around objects that pip returns.
For the dependencies of the top level packages, the installed
version as well as the version required by it's parent package
will be specified with it's name
:param req: requirements instance
:param pkg: pkg_resources.Distribution
:returns: the package name and version in the desired format
:rtype: string
This class needs to be subclassed with implementations for
`render_as_root` and `render_as_branch` methods.
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
self.project_name = obj.project_name
self.key = obj.key
# an instance of every subclass of Package will have a
# DistPackage object associated with it. In case of
# DistPackage class, it will be the object itself.
self.dist = None
def render_as_root(self, frozen):
return NotImplementedError
def render_as_branch(self, parent, frozen):
return NotImplementedError
def render(self, parent=None, frozen=False):
if not parent:
return self.render_as_root(frozen)
return self.render_as_branch(parent, frozen)
def frozen_repr(self):
if self.dist:
fr = pip.FrozenRequirement.from_dist(self.dist._obj, [])
return str(fr).strip()
return self.project_name
def __getattr__(self, key):
return getattr(self._obj, key)
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0}("{1}")>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.key)
class DistPackage(Package):
"""Wrapper class for pkg_resources.Distribution instances"""
def __init__(self, obj):
super(DistPackage, self).__init__(obj)
# this itself is the associated dist package obj
self.dist = self
self.version_spec = None
def render_as_root(self, frozen):
if not frozen:
return '{0}=={1}'.format(self.project_name, self.version)
return self.frozen_repr()
def render_as_branch(self, parent, _frozen):
parent_ver_spec = parent.version_spec
parent_str = parent.project_name
if parent_ver_spec:
parent_str += parent_ver_spec
return (
'{0}=={1} [requires: {2}]'
).format(self.project_name, self.version, parent_str)
def as_requirement(self):
return ReqPackage(self._obj.as_requirement(), dist=self)
class ReqPackage(Package):
"""Wrapper class for Requirements instance"""
def __init__(self, obj, dist=None):
super(ReqPackage, self).__init__(obj)
self.dist = dist
def version_spec(self):
specs = self._obj.specs
return ''.join(specs[0]) if specs else None
def installed_version(self):
# if the dist is None as in some cases, we don't know the
# installed version
return self.dist.version if self.dist else '?'
def render_as_root(self, frozen):
if not frozen:
return '{0}=={1}'.format(self.project_name, self.installed_version)
return self.frozen_repr()
def render_as_branch(self, _parent, frozen):
if not frozen:
vers = []
req_ver = req_version(req)
if req_ver:
vers.append(('required', req_ver))
if pkg:
vers.append(('installed', pkg.version))
if self.version_spec:
vers.append(('required', self.version_spec))
if self.dist:
vers.append(('installed', self.installed_version))
if not vers:
return req.key
return self.key
ver_str = ', '.join(['{0}: {1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in vers])
return '{0} [{1}]'.format(pkg.project_name, ver_str)
return '{0} [{1}]'.format(self.project_name, ver_str)
return self.render_as_root(frozen)
def top_pkg_src(pkg):
"""Returns the frozen package name
def render_tree(tree, list_all=True, frozen=False):
"""Convert to tree to string representation
The may or may not be the same as the package name.
:param pkg: pkg_resources.Distribution
:returns: frozen name of the package
:rtype: string
:param dict tree: the package tree
:param bool list_all: whether to list all the pgks at the root
level or only those that are the
:param bool frozen: whether or not show the names of the pkgs in
the output that's favourable to pip --freeze
:returns: string representation of the tree
:rtype: str
return str(pip.FrozenRequirement.from_dist(pkg, [])).strip()
branch_keys = set(r.key for r in flatten(tree.values()))
nodes = tree.keys()
use_bullets = not frozen
key_tree = {k.key: v for k, v in tree.iteritems()}
get_children = lambda n: key_tree[n.key]
if not list_all:
nodes = [p for p in nodes if p.key not in branch_keys]
def aux(node, parent=None, indent=0, chain=None):
if chain is None:
chain = [node.project_name]
node_str = node.render(parent, frozen)
if parent:
prefix = ' '*indent + ('-' if use_bullets else ' ') + ' '
node_str = prefix + node_str
result = [node_str]
# the dist attr for some ReqPackage could be None
# eg. testresources, setuptools which is a dependencies of
# some pkg but doesn't get listed in the result of
# pip.get_installed_distributions.
if node.dist:
children = [aux(c, node, indent=indent+2,
for c in get_children(node)
if c.project_name not in chain]
result += list(flatten(children))
return result
lines = flatten([aux(p) for p in nodes])
return '\n'.join(lines)
def non_top_pkg_src(_req, pkg):
"""Returns frozen package name for non top level package
:param _req: the requirements instance
:param pkg: pkg_resources.Distribution
:returns: frozen name of the package
:rtype: string
return top_pkg_src(pkg)
def has_multi_versions(reqs):
vers = (req_version(r) for r in reqs)
return len(set(vers)) > 1
def confusing_deps(req_map):
def confusing_deps(tree):
"""Returns group of dependencies that are possibly confusing
eg. if pkg1 requires pkg3>=1.0 and pkg2 requires pkg3>=1.0,<=2.0
:param dict req_map: mapping of pkgs with the list of their deps
:param dict tree: the requirements tree
:returns: groups of dependencies paired with their top level pkgs
:rtype: list of list of pairs
def has_multi_versions(req_pkgs):
return len(set(r.version_spec for r in req_pkgs)) > 1
deps = defaultdict(list)
for p, rs in req_map.items():
for p, rs in tree.items():
for r in rs:
deps[r.key].append((p, r))
return [ps for r, ps in deps.items()
@ -113,63 +220,7 @@ def confusing_deps(req_map):
and has_multi_versions(d for p, d in ps)]
def render_tree(pkgs, pkg_index, req_map, list_all,
top_pkg_str, non_top_pkg_str, bullets=True):
"""Renders a package dependency tree as a string
:param list pkgs: pkg_resources.Distribution instances
:param dict pkg_index: mapping of pkgs with their respective keys
:param dict req_map: mapping of pkgs with the list of their deps
:param bool list_all: whether to show globally installed pkgs
if inside a virtualenv with global access
:param function top_pkg_str: function to render a top level
package as string
:param function non_top_pkg_str: function to render a non-top
level package as string
:param bool bullets: whether or not to show bullets for child
dependencies [default: True]
:returns: dependency tree encoded as string
:rtype: str
non_top = set(r.key for r in flatten(req_map.values()))
top = [p for p in pkgs if p.key not in non_top]
def aux(pkg, indent=0, chain=None):
if chain is None:
chain = [pkg.project_name]
# In this function, pkg can either be a Distribution or
# Requirement instance
if indent > 0:
# this is definitely a Requirement (due to positive
# indent) so we need to find the Distribution instance for
# it from the pkg_index
dist = pkg_index.get(pkg.key)
# FixMe! Some dependencies are not present in the result of
# `pip.get_installed_distributions`
# eg. `testresources`. This is a hack around it.
name = pkg.project_name if dist is None else non_top_pkg_str(pkg, dist)
result = [' '*indent + ('-' if bullets else ' ') + ' ' + name]
result = [top_pkg_str(pkg)]
# FixMe! in case of some pkg not present in list of all
# packages, eg. `testresources`, this will fail
if pkg.key in pkg_index:
pkg_deps = pkg_index[pkg.key].requires()
filtered_deps = [
aux(d, indent=indent+2, chain=chain+[d.project_name])
for d in pkg_deps
if d.project_name not in chain]
result += list(flatten(filtered_deps))
return result
lines = flatten([aux(p) for p in (pkgs if list_all else top)])
return '\n'.join(lines)
def cyclic_deps(pkgs, pkg_index):
def cyclic_deps(tree):
"""Generator that produces cyclic dependencies
:param list pkgs: pkg_resources.Distribution instances
@ -179,16 +230,20 @@ def cyclic_deps(pkgs, pkg_index):
:rtype: generator
def aux(pkg, chain):
if pkg.key in pkg_index:
for d in pkg_index[pkg.key].requires():
if d.project_name in chain:
yield ' => '.join([str(p) for p in chain] + [str(d)])
nodes = tree.keys()
key_tree = {k.key: v for k, v in tree.iteritems()}
get_children = lambda n: key_tree[n.key]
def aux(node, chain):
if node.dist:
for c in get_children(node):
if c.project_name in chain:
yield ' => '.join([str(p) for p in chain] + [str(c)])
for cycle in aux(d, chain=chain+[d.project_name]):
for cycle in aux(c, chain=chain+[c.project_name]):
yield cycle
for cycle in flatten([aux(p, chain=[]) for p in pkgs]):
for cycle in flatten([aux(n, chain=[]) for n in nodes]):
yield cycle
@ -235,44 +290,33 @@ def main():
pkgs = pip.get_installed_distributions(local_only=args.local_only,
pkg_index = dict((p.key, p) for p in pkgs)
req_map = dict((p, p.requires()) for p in pkgs)
dist_index = build_dist_index(pkgs)
tree = construct_tree(dist_index)
# show warnings about possibly confusing deps if found and
# warnings are enabled
if not args.nowarn:
confusing = confusing_deps(req_map)
confusing = confusing_deps(tree)
if confusing:
print('Warning!!! Possible confusing dependencies found:', file=sys.stderr)
for xs in confusing:
for i, (p, d) in enumerate(xs):
if d.key in skip:
pkg = top_pkg_name(p)
req = non_top_pkg_name(d, pkg_index[d.key])
pkg = p.render_as_root(False)
req = d.render_as_branch(p, False)
tmpl = ' {0} -> {1}' if i > 0 else '* {0} -> {1}'
print(tmpl.format(pkg, req), file=sys.stderr)
print('-'*72, file=sys.stderr)
is_empty, cyclic = peek_into(cyclic_deps(pkgs, pkg_index))
is_empty, cyclic = peek_into(cyclic_deps(tree))
if not is_empty:
print('Warning!!! Cyclic dependencies found:', file=sys.stderr)
for xs in cyclic:
print('- {0}'.format(xs), file=sys.stderr)
print('-'*72, file=sys.stderr)
if args.freeze:
top_pkg_str, non_top_pkg_str = top_pkg_src, non_top_pkg_src
top_pkg_str, non_top_pkg_str = top_pkg_name, non_top_pkg_name
tree = render_tree(pkgs,
bullets=not args.freeze)
tree = render_tree(tree, list_all=args.all, frozen=args.freeze)
return 0

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import pickle
from pipdeptree import (req_version, render_tree,
top_pkg_name, non_top_pkg_name,
top_pkg_src, non_top_pkg_src, peek_into)
from pipdeptree import (build_dist_index, construct_tree, peek_into,
DistPackage, ReqPackage, render_tree)
def venv_fixture(pickle_file):
@ -15,48 +14,82 @@ def venv_fixture(pickle_file):
with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f:
pkgs = pickle.load(f)
pkg_index = dict((p.key, p) for p in pkgs)
req_map = dict((p, p.requires()) for p in pkgs)
return pkgs, pkg_index, req_map
dist_index = build_dist_index(pkgs)
tree = construct_tree(dist_index)
return pkgs, dist_index, tree
pkgs, pkg_index, req_map = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/testenv.pickle')
pkgs, dist_index, tree = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/testenv.pickle')
def find_req(req, parent):
"""Helper to get the requirement object from it's parent package
:param req: string
:param parent: pkg_resources.Distribution instance
:rtype: instance of requirement frozen set
return [r for r in pkg_index[parent].requires() if r.key == req][0]
def find_dist(key):
return dist_index[key]
def test_req_version():
def find_req(key, parent_key):
parent = [x for x in tree.keys() if x.key == parent_key][0]
return [x for x in tree[parent] if x.key == key][0]
def test_build_dist_index():
assert len(dist_index) == len(pkgs)
assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in dist_index.keys())
assert all(isinstance(x, DistPackage) for x in dist_index.values())
def test_tree():
assert len(tree) == len(pkgs)
assert all((isinstance(k, DistPackage) and
all(isinstance(v, ReqPackage) for v in vs))
for k, vs in tree.iteritems())
def test_DistPackage_render_as_root():
alembic = find_dist('alembic')
assert alembic.version == '0.6.2'
assert alembic.project_name == 'alembic'
assert alembic.render_as_root(frozen=False) == 'alembic==0.6.2'
def test_DistPackage_render_as_branch():
alembic = find_dist('alembic')
assert alembic.project_name == 'alembic'
assert alembic.version == '0.6.2'
sqlalchemy = find_req('sqlalchemy', 'alembic')
assert req_version(sqlalchemy) == '>=0.7.3'
mako = find_req('mako', 'alembic')
assert req_version(mako) is None
assert sqlalchemy.project_name == 'SQLAlchemy'
assert sqlalchemy.version_spec == '>=0.7.3'
assert sqlalchemy.installed_version == '0.9.1'
result_1 = alembic.render_as_branch(sqlalchemy, False)
result_2 = alembic.render_as_branch(sqlalchemy, False)
assert result_1 == result_2 == 'alembic==0.6.2 [requires: SQLAlchemy>=0.7.3]'
def test_non_top_pkg_name():
flask_p = pkg_index['flask']
flask_r = find_req('flask', 'flask-script')
assert non_top_pkg_name(flask_r, flask_p) == 'Flask [installed: 0.10.1]'
def test_ReqPackage_render_as_root():
flask = find_req('flask', 'flask-script')
assert flask.project_name == 'Flask'
assert flask.installed_version == '0.10.1'
assert flask.render_as_root(frozen=False) == 'Flask==0.10.1'
markupsafe_p = pkg_index['markupsafe']
markupsafe_jinja2_r = find_req('markupsafe', 'jinja2')
assert non_top_pkg_name(markupsafe_jinja2_r, markupsafe_p) == 'MarkupSafe [installed: 0.18]'
markupsafe_mako_r = find_req('markupsafe', 'mako')
assert non_top_pkg_name(markupsafe_mako_r, markupsafe_p) == 'MarkupSafe [required: >=0.9.2, installed: 0.18]'
def test_ReqPackage_render_as_branch():
mks1 = find_req('markupsafe', 'jinja2')
jinja = find_dist('jinja2')
assert mks1.project_name == 'markupsafe'
assert mks1.installed_version == '0.18'
assert mks1.version_spec is None
assert mks1.render_as_branch(jinja, False) == 'markupsafe [installed: 0.18]'
assert mks1.render_as_branch(jinja, True) == 'MarkupSafe==0.18'
mks2 = find_req('markupsafe', 'mako')
mako = find_dist('mako')
assert mks2.project_name == 'MarkupSafe'
assert mks2.installed_version == '0.18'
assert mks2.version_spec == '>=0.9.2'
assert mks2.render_as_branch(mako, False) == 'MarkupSafe [required: >=0.9.2, installed: 0.18]'
assert mks2.render_as_branch(mako, True) == 'MarkupSafe==0.18'
def test_render_tree_only_top():
tree_str = render_tree(pkgs, pkg_index, req_map, False,
top_pkg_name, non_top_pkg_name)
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=False)
lines = set(tree_str.split('\n'))
assert 'Flask-Script==0.6.6' in lines
assert ' - SQLAlchemy [required: >=0.7.3, installed: 0.9.1]' in lines
@ -65,8 +98,7 @@ def test_render_tree_only_top():
def test_render_tree_list_all():
tree_str = render_tree(pkgs, pkg_index, req_map, True,
top_pkg_name, non_top_pkg_name)
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=True)
lines = set(tree_str.split('\n'))
assert 'Flask-Script==0.6.6' in lines
assert ' - SQLAlchemy [required: >=0.7.3, installed: 0.9.1]' in lines
@ -75,8 +107,7 @@ def test_render_tree_list_all():
def test_render_tree_freeze():
tree_str = render_tree(pkgs, pkg_index, req_map, False,
top_pkg_src, non_top_pkg_src, bullets=False)
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=False, frozen=True)
lines = set()
for line in tree_str.split('\n'):
# Workaround for
@ -92,10 +123,8 @@ def test_render_tree_freeze():
def test_render_tree_cyclic_dependency():
cyclic_pkgs, pkg_index, req_map = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/cyclicenv.pickle')
list_all = True
tree_str = render_tree(cyclic_pkgs, pkg_index, req_map, list_all,
top_pkg_name, non_top_pkg_name)
cyclic_pkgs, dist_index, tree = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/cyclicenv.pickle')
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=True)
lines = set(tree_str.split('\n'))
assert 'CircularDependencyA==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' - CircularDependencyB [installed: 0.0.0]' in lines
@ -104,15 +133,13 @@ def test_render_tree_cyclic_dependency():
def test_render_tree_freeze_cyclic_dependency():
cyclic_pkgs, pkg_index, req_map = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/cyclicenv.pickle')
list_all = True
tree_str = render_tree(cyclic_pkgs, pkg_index, req_map, list_all,
top_pkg_src, non_top_pkg_src)
cyclic_pkgs, dist_index, tree = venv_fixture('tests/virtualenvs/cyclicenv.pickle')
tree_str = render_tree(tree, list_all=True, frozen=True)
lines = set(tree_str.split('\n'))
assert 'CircularDependencyA==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' - CircularDependencyB==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' CircularDependencyB==0.0.0' in lines
assert 'CircularDependencyB==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' - CircularDependencyA==0.0.0' in lines
assert ' CircularDependencyA==0.0.0' in lines
def test_peek_into():