Also tweak wording in a couple places, and delete the stub manpage until
we decide to flesh it out.
The gif was generated from my
repo using ffmpeg and convert (imagemagick). The relevant commands were:
ffmpeg -y -framerate 10 -video_size 602x338 -f x11grab -i :0.0+54,207 \
-preset ultrafast -qp 0 out.mkv
ffmpeg -i out.mkv frame%04d.png
convert -delay 10 frame*.png -layers OptimizeFrame out.gif
- I used `xwininfo` to grab the dimensions info for the first command. I
also subtracted the width of the scrollbar, measured with a screenshot
in Gimp.
- The `-y` flag automatically says yes when prompted to overwrite an
existing video file (this seemingly optional flag actually avoids a
nasty bug:
- `-qp 0` makes sure the video is recorded losslessly.
- `-preset ultrafast` skips most compression, to take load off the CPU,
since we're recording in real time.
- `-layers OptimizeFrame` does some very clever gif magic to remove
duplicate pixels between frames, which shrinks our gif by ~4x.
Reviewers: sean
Differential Revision: