comment changes in the make example

This commit is contained in:
Jack O'Connor 2015-09-21 12:11:19 -04:00
parent f980a722b8
commit e7b8a3003d
1 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
# Declaring phony targets explicitly in your Makefiles is a good habit. If for
# some strange reason we created a file called "run" or "phony", make could get
# tricked into thinking that those rules didn't need to run. This directive
# means that make will never look for those file.
# means that make will never look for those files.
.PHONY: run phony
run: hello
# Depending on the lastimports file means that this rule will only run when the
# imports actually change, even though the sync runs every time. Peru will not
# touch this file if nothing has changed since the last sync.
hello: .peru/lastimports
gcc -o hello c.c
# Depending on a phony target causes this rule to run every time it's used.
# This is what we want -- it ensures that peru will check local overrides for
# any changes. But the lastimports file will only be touched if the imports
# tree actually changes, so the gcc rule above doesn't run every time.
# Depending on a phony target causes this rule to run every time it's
# referenced. This is what we want; it ensures that peru will check local
# overrides for any changes, even though make doesn't know about them.
.peru/lastimports: phony
peru sync