mirror of https://github.com/perkeep/perkeep.git
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646 lines
23 KiB
* @fileoverview Contains a set of BlobItems. Knows how to fetch items from
* the server side. Is preconfigured with common queries like "recent" blobs.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer = function(connection, opt_domHelper) {
goog.base(this, opt_domHelper);
this.checkedBlobItems_ = [];
this.connection_ = connection;
this.eh_ = new goog.events.EventHandler(this);
// BlobRef of the permanode defined as the current collection/set. Selected blobitems will be added as members of that collection upon relevant actions (e.g click on the 'Add to Set' toolbar button).
this.currentCollec_ = "";
// Whether our content has changed since last layout.
this.isLayoutDirty_ = false;
// An id for a timer we use to know when the drag has ended.
this.dragEndTimer_ = 0;
// Whether the blobItems within can be selected.
this.isSelectionEnabled = false;
// Whether users can drag files onto the container to upload.
this.isFileDragEnabled = false;
// Function to call when scrolling reaches end of page.
this.scrollContinuation_ = null;
// A lookup of blobRef->camlistore.BlobItem. This allows us to quickly find and reuse existing controls when we're updating the UI in response to a server push.
this.itemCache_ = {};
// We set this to true once we get our first response over the socket. We must test emperically because even if the browser supports web sockets, the server configuration can cause it to not work.
this.supportsWebSocket_ = false;
goog.inherits(camlistore.BlobItemContainer, goog.ui.Container);
// Margin between items in the layout.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN = 7;
// If the last row uses at least this much of the available width before adjustments, we'll call it "close enough" and adjust things so that it fills the entire row. Less than this, and we'll leave the last row unaligned.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.LAST_ROW_CLOSE_ENOUGH_TO_FULL = 0.85;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_ = [75, 100, 150, 200, 250];
// Distance from the bottom of the page at which we will trigger loading more data.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.INFINITE_SCROLL_THRESHOLD_PX_ = 100;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.NUM_ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 50;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.fileDropHandler_ = null;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.dragActiveElement_ = null;
// Constants for events fired by BlobItemContainer
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.EventType = {
SELECTION_CHANGED: 'Camlistore_BlobItemContainer_SelectionChanged',
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.searchMode_ = {
NEW: 1, // A brand new query the user has just navigated to
APPEND: 2, // Append results to the existing query because of scrolling
UPDATE: 3 // Update the existing results in response to a server push
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.thumbnailSize_ = 200;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.smaller = function() {
var index = camlistore.BlobItemContainer.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_.indexOf(this.thumbnailSize_);
if (index == 0) {
return false;
var el = this.getElement();
goog.dom.classes.remove(el, 'cam-blobitemcontainer-' + this.thumbnailSize_);
this.thumbnailSize_ = camlistore.BlobItemContainer.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_[index-1];
goog.dom.classes.add(el, 'cam-blobitemcontainer-' + this.thumbnailSize_);
return true;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.bigger = function() {
var index = camlistore.BlobItemContainer.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_.indexOf(
if (index == camlistore.BlobItemContainer.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_.length - 1) {
return false;
var el = this.getElement();
goog.dom.classes.remove(el, 'cam-blobitemcontainer-' + this.thumbnailSize_);
this.thumbnailSize_ = camlistore.BlobItemContainer.THUMBNAIL_SIZES_[index+1];
goog.dom.classes.add(el, 'cam-blobitemcontainer-' + this.thumbnailSize_);
return true;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.createDom = function() {
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.decorateInternal = function(element) {
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.superClass_.decorateInternal.call(this, element);
var el = this.getElement();
goog.dom.classes.add(el, 'cam-blobitemcontainer');
goog.dom.classes.add(el, 'cam-blobitemcontainer-' + this.thumbnailSize_);
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.addChildAt = function(child, index, opt_render) {
goog.base(this, "addChildAt", child, index, opt_render);
if (!this.isLayoutDirty_) {
var raf = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
// It's OK if raf not supported, the timer loop we have going will pick up the layout a little later.
if (raf) {
raf(goog.bind(this.layout_, this, false));
this.isLayoutDirty_ = true;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.removeChildAt = function(index, opt_render) {
goog.base(this, "removeChildAt", index, opt_render);
this.isLayoutDirty_ = true;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.enterDocument = function() {
if (this.isFileDragEnabled) {
this.fileDragListener_ = goog.bind(this.handleFileDrag_, this);
this.eh_.listen(document, goog.events.EventType.DRAGOVER, this.fileDragListener_);
this.eh_.listen(document, goog.events.EventType.DRAGENTER, this.fileDragListener_);
this.fileDropHandler_ = new goog.events.FileDropHandler(document);
this.eh_.listen(this.fileDropHandler_, goog.events.FileDropHandler.EventType.DROP, this.handleFileDrop_);
this.eh_.listen(document, goog.events.EventType.SCROLL, this.handleScroll_);
// We can't catch everything that could cause us to need to relayout. Instead, be lazy and just poll every second.
window.setInterval(goog.bind(this.layout_, this, false), 1000);
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.exitDocument = function() {
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.showRecent = function() {
// An expression containing only spaces is the current magic ticket to get the recent query.
this.search(' ');
// @param {string|object} query If string, will be sent as the search 'expression'. Otherwise will be sent as the 'constraint'. See pkg/search/query.go for details.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.search = function(query, opt_searchMode, opt_continuationToken) {
var searchMode = opt_searchMode || this.searchMode_.NEW;
// Clear this out now in case the user scrolls while the request is outstanding.
this.scrollContinuation_ = null;
// TODO(aa): This needs to be determined dynamically, based on size of window. Otherwise, with very large windows, we can never trigger paging.
var limit = this.constructor.NUM_ITEMS_PER_PAGE;
if (searchMode == this.searchMode_.UPDATE) {
limit = Math.ceil(this.getChildCount() / limit) * limit;
// TODO(aa): Get rid of thumbnail size from protocol -- server should just return aspect ratio for each image.
var describe = {
thumbnailSize: this.thumbnailSize_
this.connection_.search(query, describe, limit, opt_continuationToken,
goog.bind(this.searchDone_, this, query, searchMode));
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.reset = function() {
this.itemCache_ = {};
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.searchDone_ = function(query, searchMode, result) {
if (searchMode == this.searchMode_.NEW) {
this.itemCache_ = {};
if (!result.blobs || !result.blobs.length) {
this.populateChildren_(result, searchMode == this.searchMode_.APPEND);
var lastItem = result.description.meta[
result.blobs[result.blobs.length - 1].blob];
if (result.continue) {
this.scrollContinuation_ = this.search.bind(this, query, this.searchMode_.APPEND, result.continue);
// If the window was very large, we might not have enough data yet for the user to get their scroll on. Let's fix that.
var docHeight = goog.dom.getDocumentHeight();
var viewportHeight = goog.dom.getViewportSize().height;
if (docHeight < (viewportHeight * 1.5)) {
// Quick and dirty use of WebSocket to know when the current query may have changed. We don't use the response from the server directly, as it is quite hard to integrate into previous results reliably with the current protocol. Instead, we just use it as a tickle to redo the real query.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.startSocketQuery_ = function(callerQuery) {
if (!window.WebSocket) {
var config = this.connection_.config_;
var uri = new goog.Uri(goog.uri.utils.appendPath(config.searchRoot, 'camli/search/ws?authtoken=' + (config.wsAuthToken || '')));
if (location.protocol == "https:") {
} else {
var describe = {}; // so we see the 'description' in the response & attr changes
var query = this.connection_.buildQuery(callerQuery, describe);
var ws = new WebSocket(uri.toString());
ws.onopen = function() {
var message = {
tag: 'q1',
query: query
ws.onmessage = function() {
this.supportsWebSocket_ = true;
// Ignore the first response.
ws.onmessage = function() {
this.search(callerQuery, this.searchMode_.UPDATE);
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.findByBlobref_ = function(blobref) {
blobref, this.thumbnailSize_,
goog.bind(this.findByBlobrefDone_, this, blobref),
function(msg) { alert(msg); });
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.getCheckedBlobItems = function() {
return this.checkedBlobItems_;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.listenToBlobItemEvents_ = function() {
var doc = goog.dom.getOwnerDocument(this.element_);
this.eh_.listen(this, goog.ui.Component.EventType.CHECK, this.handleBlobItemChecked_);
this.eh_.listen(this, goog.ui.Component.EventType.UNCHECK, this.handleBlobItemChecked_);
this.eh_.listen(doc, goog.events.EventType.KEYDOWN, this.handleKeyDownEvent_);
this.eh_.listen(doc, goog.events.EventType.KEYUP, this.handleKeyUpEvent_);
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.isShiftKeyDown_ = false;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.isCtrlKeyDown_ = false;
// Sets state for whether or not the shift or ctrl key is down.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleKeyDownEvent_ = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.SHIFT) {
this.isShiftKeyDown_ = true;
this.isCtrlKeyDown_ = false;
if (e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.CTRL) {
this.isCtrlKeyDown_ = true;
this.isShiftKeyDown_ = false;
// Sets state for whether or not the shift or ctrl key is up.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleKeyUpEvent_ = function(e) {
this.isShiftKeyDown_ = false;
this.isCtrlKeyDown_ = false;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleBlobItemChecked_ = function(e) {
// Because the CHECK/UNCHECK event dispatches before isChecked is set.
// We stop the default behaviour because want to control manually here whether
// the source blobitem gets checked or not. See http://camlistore.org/issue/134
var blobItem = e.target;
var isCheckingItem = !blobItem.isChecked();
var isShiftMultiSelect = this.isShiftKeyDown_;
var isCtrlMultiSelect = this.isCtrlKeyDown_;
if (isShiftMultiSelect || isCtrlMultiSelect) {
var lastChildSelected = this.checkedBlobItems_[this.checkedBlobItems_.length - 1];
var firstChildSelected = this.checkedBlobItems_[0];
var lastChosenIndex = this.indexOfChild(lastChildSelected);
var firstChosenIndex = this.indexOfChild(firstChildSelected);
var thisIndex = this.indexOfChild(blobItem);
if (isShiftMultiSelect) {
// deselect all items after the chosen one
for (var i = lastChosenIndex; i > thisIndex; i--) {
var item = this.getChildAt(i);
item.setState(goog.ui.Component.State.CHECKED, false);
if (goog.array.contains(this.checkedBlobItems_, item)) {
goog.array.remove(this.checkedBlobItems_, item);
// make sure all the others are selected.
for (var i = firstChosenIndex; i <= thisIndex; i++) {
var item = this.getChildAt(i);
item.setState(goog.ui.Component.State.CHECKED, true);
if (!goog.array.contains(this.checkedBlobItems_, item)) {
} else if (isCtrlMultiSelect) {
if (isCheckingItem) {
blobItem.setState(goog.ui.Component.State.CHECKED, true);
if (!goog.array.contains(this.checkedBlobItems_, blobItem)) {
var pos = -1;
for (var i = 0; i <= this.checkedBlobItems_.length; i++) {
var idx = this.indexOfChild(this.checkedBlobItems_[i]);
if (idx > thisIndex) {
pos = i;
if (pos != -1) {
goog.array.insertAt(this.checkedBlobItems_, blobItem, pos)
} else {
} else {
blobItem.setState(goog.ui.Component.State.CHECKED, false);
if (goog.array.contains(this.checkedBlobItems_, blobItem)) {
var done = goog.array.remove(this.checkedBlobItems_, blobItem);
if (!done) {
alert("Failed to remove item from selection");
} else {
blobItem.setState(goog.ui.Component.State.CHECKED, isCheckingItem);
if (isCheckingItem) {
} else {
goog.array.remove(this.checkedBlobItems_, blobItem);
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.unselectAll = function() {
goog.array.forEach(this.checkedBlobItems_, function(item) {
item.setState(goog.ui.Component.State.CHECKED, false);
this.checkedBlobItems_ = [];
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.populateChildren_ = function(result, append) {
for (var i = 0, blob; blob = result.blobs[i]; i++) {
var blobRef = blob.blob;
var item = this.itemCache_[blobRef];
var render = true;
// If there's already an item for this blob, reuse it so that we don't lose any of the UI state (like whether it is selected).
if (item) {
item.update(blobRef, result.description.meta);
render = false;
} else {
item = new camlistore.BlobItem(blobRef, result.description.meta);
this.itemCache_[blobRef] = item;
if (append) {
this.addChild(item, render);
} else {
this.addChildAt(item, i, render);
// Remove any children we don't need anymore.
if (!append) {
var numBlobs = result.blobs.length;
while (this.getChildCount() > numBlobs) {
this.itemCache_[this.getChildAt(numBlobs).getBlobRef()] = null;
this.removeChildAt(numBlobs, true);
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.layout_ = function(force) {
var el = this.getElement();
var availWidth = el.clientWidth;
if (!force && !this.isLayoutDirty_ && availWidth == this.lastClientWidth_) {
this.isLayoutDirty_ = false;
this.lastClientWidth_ = availWidth;
var currentTop = this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN;
var currentWidth = this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN;
var rowStart = 0;
var lastItem = this.getChildCount() - 1;
for (var i = rowStart; i <= lastItem; i++) {
var item = this.getChildAt(i);
var nextWidth = currentWidth + this.thumbnailSize_ * item.getThumbAspect() + this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN;
if (i != lastItem && nextWidth < availWidth) {
currentWidth = nextWidth;
// Decide how many items are going to be in this row. We choose the number that will result in the smallest adjustment to the image sizes having to be done.
var rowEnd, rowWidth;
if (i == lastItem) {
rowEnd = lastItem;
rowWidth = nextWidth;
if (nextWidth / availWidth <
this.constructor.LAST_ROW_CLOSE_ENOUGH_TO_FULL) {
availWidth = nextWidth;
} else if (availWidth - currentWidth <= nextWidth - availWidth) {
rowEnd = i - 1;
rowWidth = currentWidth;
} else {
rowEnd = i;
rowWidth = nextWidth;
currentTop += this.layoutRow_(rowStart, rowEnd, availWidth, rowWidth, currentTop) + this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN;
currentWidth = this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN;
rowStart = rowEnd + 1;
i = rowEnd;
el.style.height = currentTop + this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN + 'px';
// @param {Number} startIndex The index of the first item in the row.
// @param {Number} endIndex The index of the last item in the row.
// @param {Number} availWidth The width available to the row for layout.
// @param {Number} usedWidth The width that the contents of the row consume
// using their initial dimensions, before any scaling or clipping.
// @param {Number} top The position of the top of the row.
// @return {Number} The height of the row after layout.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.layoutRow_ = function(startIndex, endIndex, availWidth, usedWidth, top) {
var currentLeft = 0;
var rowHeight = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
var numItems = endIndex - startIndex + 1;
var availThumbWidth = availWidth - (this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN * (numItems + 1));
var usedThumbWidth = usedWidth - (this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN * (numItems + 1));
for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
var item = this.getChildAt(i);
// We figure out the amount to adjust each item in this slightly non- intuitive way so that the adjustment is split up as fairly as possible. Figuring out a ratio up front and applying it to all items uniformly can end up with a large amount left over because of rounding.
var numItemsLeft = (endIndex + 1) - i;
var delta = Math.round((availThumbWidth - usedThumbWidth) / numItemsLeft);
var originalWidth = this.thumbnailSize_ * item.getThumbAspect();
var width = originalWidth + delta;
var ratio = width / originalWidth;
var height = Math.round(this.thumbnailSize_ * ratio);
var elm = item.getElement();
elm.style.left = currentLeft + this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN + 'px';
elm.style.top = top + 'px';
item.setSize(width, height);
currentLeft += width + this.constructor.BLOB_ITEM_MARGIN;
usedThumbWidth += delta;
rowHeight = Math.min(rowHeight, height);
for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
return rowHeight;
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleScroll_ = function() {
var docHeight = goog.dom.getDocumentHeight();
var scroll = goog.dom.getDocumentScroll();
var viewportSize = goog.dom.getViewportSize();
if ((docHeight - scroll.y - viewportSize.height) >
if (this.scrollContinuation_) {
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.findByBlobrefDone_ = function(permanode, result) {
if (!result) {
var meta = result.meta;
if (!meta || !meta[permanode]) {
var item = new camlistore.BlobItem(permanode, meta);
this.addChild(item, true);
// Clears all children from this container, reseting to the default state.
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.resetChildren_ = function() {
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleFileDrop_ = function(e) {
var recipient = this.dragActiveElement_;
if (!recipient) {
console.log("No valid target to drag and drop on.");
goog.dom.classes.remove(recipient.getElement(), 'cam-dropactive');
this.dragActiveElement_ = null;
var files = e.getBrowserEvent().dataTransfer.files;
for (var i = 0, n = files.length; i < n; i++) {
var file = files[i];
// TODO(bslatkin): Add an uploading item placeholder while the upload is in progress. Somehow pipe through the POST progress.
this.connection_.uploadFile(file, goog.bind(this.handleUploadSuccess_, this, file, recipient.blobRef_));
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleUploadSuccess_ = function(file, recipient, blobRef) {
goog.bind(this.handleCreatePermanodeSuccess_, this, file, recipient, blobRef));
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleCreatePermanodeSuccess_ = function(file, recipient, blobRef, permanode) {
this.connection_.newSetAttributeClaim(permanode, 'camliContent', blobRef,
goog.bind(this.handleSetAttributeSuccess_, this, file, recipient, blobRef, permanode));
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleSetAttributeSuccess_ = function(file, recipient, blobRef, permanode) {
this.connection_.describeWithThumbnails(permanode, this.thumbnailSize_,
goog.bind(this.handleDescribeSuccess_, this, recipient, permanode));
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleDescribeSuccess_ = function(recipient, permanode, describeResult) {
if (recipient) {
this.connection_.newAddAttributeClaim(recipient, 'camliMember', permanode);
if (this.supportsWebSocket_) {
// We'll find this when we reload.
var item = new camlistore.BlobItem(permanode, describeResult.meta);
this.addChildAt(item, 0, true);
if (!recipient) {
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.handleFileDrag_ = function(e) {
if (this.dragEndTimer_) {
this.dragEndTimer_ = window.clearTimeout(this.dragEndTimer_);
this.dragEndTimer_ = window.setTimeout(this.fileDragListener_, 2000);
var activeElement = e ? this.getOwnerControl(e.target) : e;
if (activeElement) {
if (!activeElement.isCollection()) {
activeElement = this;
} else if (e) {
activeElement = this;
if (activeElement == this.dragActiveElement_) {
if (this.dragActiveElement_) {
goog.dom.classes.remove(this.dragActiveElement_.getElement(), 'cam-dropactive');
this.dragActiveElement_ = activeElement;
if (this.dragActiveElement_) {
goog.dom.classes.add(this.dragActiveElement_.getElement(), 'cam-dropactive');
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.hide_ = function() {
goog.dom.classes.remove(this.getElement(), 'cam-blobitemcontainer-' + this.thumbnailSize_);
goog.dom.classes.add(this.getElement(), 'cam-blobitemcontainer-hidden');
camlistore.BlobItemContainer.prototype.show_ = function() {
goog.dom.classes.remove(this.getElement(), 'cam-blobitemcontainer-hidden');
goog.dom.classes.add(this.getElement(), 'cam-blobitemcontainer-' + this.thumbnailSize_);