
453 lines
13 KiB

Copyright 2013 The Camlistore Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package main
import (
type syncCmd struct {
src string
dest string
third string
srcKeyID string // GPG public key ID of the source server, if supported.
destKeyID string // GPG public key ID of the destination server, if supported.
loop bool
verbose bool
all bool
removeSrc bool
wipe bool
insecureTLS bool
oneIsDisk bool // Whether one of src or dest is a local disk.
logger *log.Logger
func init() {
cmdmain.RegisterCommand("sync", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
cmd := new(syncCmd)
flags.StringVar(&cmd.src, "src", "", "Source blobserver. "+serverFlagHelp)
flags.StringVar(&cmd.dest, "dest", "", "Destination blobserver (same format as src), or 'stdout' to just enumerate the --src blobs to stdout.")
flags.StringVar(&cmd.third, "thirdleg", "", "Copy blobs present in source but missing from destination to this 'third leg' blob store, instead of the destination. (same format as src)")
flags.BoolVar(&cmd.loop, "loop", false, "Create an associate a new permanode for the uploaded file or directory.")
flags.BoolVar(&cmd.verbose, "verbose", false, "Be verbose.")
flags.BoolVar(&cmd.wipe, "wipe", false, "If dest is an index, drop it and repopulate it from scratch. NOOP for now.")
flags.BoolVar(&cmd.all, "all", false, "Discover all sync destinations configured on the source server and run them.")
flags.BoolVar(&cmd.removeSrc, "removesrc", false, "Remove each blob from the source after syncing to the destination; for queue processing.")
// TODO(mpl): maybe move this flag up to the client pkg as an AddFlag, as it can be used by all commands.
if debug, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("CAMLI_DEBUG")); debug {
flags.BoolVar(&cmd.insecureTLS, "insecure", false, "If set, when using TLS, the server's certificates verification is disabled, and they are not checked against the trustedCerts in the client configuration either.")
return cmd
func (c *syncCmd) Describe() string {
return "Synchronize blobs from a source to a destination."
func (c *syncCmd) Usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(cmdmain.Stderr, "Usage: camtool [globalopts] sync [syncopts] \n")
func (c *syncCmd) Examples() []string {
return []string{
"--src http://localhost:3179/bs/ --dest http://localhost:3179/index-mem/",
func (c *syncCmd) RunCommand(args []string) error {
if c.loop && !c.removeSrc {
return cmdmain.UsageError("Can't use --loop without --removesrc")
if c.verbose {
c.logger = log.New(cmdmain.Stderr, "", 0) // else nil
if c.all {
err := c.syncAll()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sync all failed: %v", err)
return nil
ss, err := c.storageFromParam("src", c.src)
if err != nil {
return err
ds, err := c.storageFromParam("dest", c.dest)
if err != nil {
return err
ts, err := c.storageFromParam("thirdleg", c.third)
if err != nil {
return err
differentKeyIDs := fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: the source server GPG key ID (%v) and the destination's (%v) differ. All blobs will be synced, but because the indexer at the other side is indexing claims by a different user, you may not see what you expect in that server's web UI, etc.", c.srcKeyID, c.destKeyID)
if c.dest != "stdout" && !c.oneIsDisk && c.srcKeyID != c.destKeyID { // both blank is ok.
// Warn at the top (and hope the user sees it and can abort if it was a mistake):
fmt.Fprintln(cmdmain.Stderr, differentKeyIDs)
// Warn also at the end (in case the user missed the first one)
defer fmt.Fprintln(cmdmain.Stderr, differentKeyIDs)
passNum := 0
for {
stats, err := c.doPass(ss, ds, ts)
if c.verbose {
log.Printf("sync stats - pass: %d, blobs: %d, bytes %d\n", passNum, stats.BlobsCopied, stats.BytesCopied)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sync failed: %v", err)
if !c.loop {
return nil
// A storageType is one of "src", "dest", or "thirdleg". These match the flag names.
type storageType string
const (
storageSource storageType = "src"
storageDest storageType = "dest"
storageThird storageType = "thirdleg"
// which is one of "src", "dest", or "thirdleg"
func (c *syncCmd) storageFromParam(which storageType, val string) (blobserver.Storage, error) {
var httpClient *http.Client
if val == "" {
switch which {
case storageThird:
return nil, nil
case storageSource:
discl := c.discoClient()
src, err := discl.BlobRoot()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to discover source server's blob path: %v", err)
val = src
httpClient = discl.HTTPClient()
if val == "" {
return nil, cmdmain.UsageError("No --" + string(which) + " flag value specified")
if which == storageDest && val == "stdout" {
return nil, nil
if looksLikePath(val) {
disk, err := localdisk.New(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Interpreted --%v=%q as a local disk path, but got error: %v", which, val, err)
c.oneIsDisk = true
return disk, nil
cl := client.New(val, client.OptionInsecure(c.insecureTLS))
if httpClient == nil {
httpClient = &http.Client{
Transport: cl.TransportForConfig(nil),
if err := cl.SetupAuth(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not setup auth for connecting to %v: %v", val, err)
serverKeyID, err := cl.ServerKeyID()
if err != nil && err != client.ErrNoSigning {
fmt.Fprintf(cmdmain.Stderr, "Failed to discover keyId for server %v: %v", val, err)
} else {
if which == storageSource {
c.srcKeyID = serverKeyID
} else if which == storageDest {
c.destKeyID = serverKeyID
return cl, nil
func looksLikePath(v string) bool {
prefix := func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(v, s) }
return prefix("./") || prefix("/") || prefix("../")
type SyncStats struct {
BlobsCopied int
BytesCopied int64
ErrorCount int
func (c *syncCmd) syncAll() error {
if c.loop {
return cmdmain.UsageError("--all can't be used with --loop")
if c.third != "" {
return cmdmain.UsageError("--all can't be used with --thirdleg")
if c.dest != "" {
return cmdmain.UsageError("--all can't be used with --dest")
dc := c.discoClient()
syncHandlers, err := dc.SyncHandlers()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sync handlers discovery failed: %v", err)
if c.verbose {
log.Printf("To be synced:\n")
for _, sh := range syncHandlers {
log.Printf("%v -> %v", sh.From, sh.To)
for _, sh := range syncHandlers {
from := client.New(sh.From, client.OptionInsecure(c.insecureTLS))
Transport: from.TransportForConfig(nil),
if err := from.SetupAuth(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not setup auth for connecting to %v: %v", sh.From, err)
to := client.New(sh.To, client.OptionInsecure(c.insecureTLS))
Transport: to.TransportForConfig(nil),
if err := to.SetupAuth(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not setup auth for connecting to %v: %v", sh.To, err)
if c.verbose {
log.Printf("Now syncing: %v -> %v", sh.From, sh.To)
stats, err := c.doPass(from, to, nil)
if c.verbose {
log.Printf("sync stats, blobs: %d, bytes %d\n", stats.BlobsCopied, stats.BytesCopied)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// discoClient returns a client initialized with a server
// based from --src or from the configuration file if --src
// is blank. The returned client can then be used to discover
// the blobRoot and syncHandlers.
func (c *syncCmd) discoClient() *client.Client {
cl := newClient(c.src, client.OptionInsecure(c.insecureTLS))
return cl
func enumerateAllBlobs(ctx context.Context, s blobserver.Storage, destc chan<- blob.SizedRef) error {
// Use *client.Client's support for enumerating all blobs if
// possible, since it could probably do a better job knowing
// HTTP boundaries and such.
if c, ok := s.(*client.Client); ok {
return c.SimpleEnumerateBlobs(ctx, destc)
defer close(destc)
return blobserver.EnumerateAll(ctx, s, func(sb blob.SizedRef) error {
select {
case destc <- sb:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
// src: non-nil source
// dest: non-nil destination
// thirdLeg: optional third-leg client. if not nil, anything on src
// but not on dest will instead be copied to thirdLeg, instead of
// directly to dest. (sneakernet mode, copying to a portable drive
// and transporting thirdLeg to dest)
func (c *syncCmd) doPass(src, dest, thirdLeg blobserver.Storage) (stats SyncStats, retErr error) {
srcBlobs := make(chan blob.SizedRef, 100)
destBlobs := make(chan blob.SizedRef, 100)
srcErr := make(chan error, 1)
destErr := make(chan error, 1)
ctx := context.TODO()
enumCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) // used for all (2 or 3) enumerates
defer cancel()
enumerate := func(errc chan<- error, sto blobserver.Storage, blobc chan<- blob.SizedRef) {
err := enumerateAllBlobs(enumCtx, sto, blobc)
if err != nil {
errc <- err
go enumerate(srcErr, src, srcBlobs)
checkSourceError := func() {
if err := <-srcErr; err != nil && err != context.Canceled {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("Enumerate error from source: %v", err)
if c.dest == "stdout" {
for sb := range srcBlobs {
fmt.Fprintf(cmdmain.Stdout, "%s %d\n", sb.Ref, sb.Size)
if c.wipe {
// TODO(mpl): dest is a client. make it send a "wipe" request?
// upon reception its server then wipes itself if it is a wiper.
log.Print("Index wiping not yet supported.")
go enumerate(destErr, dest, destBlobs)
checkDestError := func() {
if err := <-destErr; err != nil && err != context.Canceled {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("Enumerate error from destination: %v", err)
destNotHaveBlobs := make(chan blob.SizedRef)
readSrcBlobs := srcBlobs
if c.verbose {
readSrcBlobs = loggingBlobRefChannel(srcBlobs)
mismatches := []blob.Ref{}
onMismatch := func(br blob.Ref) {
// TODO(bradfitz): check both sides and repair, carefully. For now, fail.
log.Printf("WARNING: blobref %v has differing sizes on source and dest", br)
mismatches = append(mismatches, br)
go blobserver.ListMissingDestinationBlobs(destNotHaveBlobs, onMismatch, readSrcBlobs, destBlobs)
// Handle three-legged mode if tc is provided.
checkThirdError := func() {} // default nop
syncBlobs := destNotHaveBlobs
firstHopDest := dest
if thirdLeg != nil {
thirdBlobs := make(chan blob.SizedRef, 100)
thirdErr := make(chan error, 1)
go enumerate(thirdErr, thirdLeg, thirdBlobs)
checkThirdError = func() {
if err := <-thirdErr; err != nil && err != context.Canceled {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("Enumerate error from third leg: %v", err)
thirdNeedBlobs := make(chan blob.SizedRef)
go blobserver.ListMissingDestinationBlobs(thirdNeedBlobs, onMismatch, destNotHaveBlobs, thirdBlobs)
syncBlobs = thirdNeedBlobs
firstHopDest = thirdLeg
for sb := range syncBlobs {
fmt.Fprintf(cmdmain.Stdout, "Destination needs blob: %s\n", sb)
blobReader, size, err := src.Fetch(sb.Ref)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error fetching %s: %v", sb.Ref, err)
if size != sb.Size {
log.Printf("Source blobserver's enumerate size of %d for blob %s doesn't match its Get size of %d",
sb.Size, sb.Ref, size)
if _, err := blobserver.Receive(firstHopDest, sb.Ref, blobReader); err != nil {
log.Printf("Upload of %s to destination blobserver failed: %v", sb.Ref, err)
stats.BytesCopied += int64(size)
if c.removeSrc {
if err = src.RemoveBlobs([]blob.Ref{sb.Ref}); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to delete %s from source: %v", sb.Ref, err)
if retErr == nil && stats.ErrorCount > 0 {
retErr = fmt.Errorf("%d errors during sync", stats.ErrorCount)
return stats, retErr
func loggingBlobRefChannel(ch <-chan blob.SizedRef) chan blob.SizedRef {
ch2 := make(chan blob.SizedRef)
go func() {
defer close(ch2)
var last time.Time
var nblob, nbyte int64
for v := range ch {
ch2 <- v
nbyte += int64(v.Size)
now := time.Now()
if last.IsZero() || now.After(last.Add(1*time.Second)) {
last = now
log.Printf("At source blob %v (%d blobs, %d bytes)", v.Ref, nblob, nbyte)
log.Printf("Total blobs: %d, %d bytes", nblob, nbyte)
return ch2