
503 lines
13 KiB

Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package server
import (
var queueSyncInterval = 5 * time.Second
const (
maxErrors = 20
// The SyncHandler handles async replication in one direction between
// a pair storage targets, a source and target.
// SyncHandler is a BlobReceiver but doesn't actually store incoming
// blobs; instead, it records blobs it has received and queues them
// for async replication soon, or whenever it can.
type SyncHandler struct {
// TODO: rate control + tunable
// TODO: expose copierPoolSize as tunable
fromName, toName string
from blobserver.Storage
to blobserver.BlobReceiver
queue sorted.KeyValue
toIndex bool // whether this sync is from a blob storage to an index
idle bool // if true, the handler does nothing other than providing the discovery.
copierPoolSize int
// blobc receives a blob to copy. It's an optimization only to wake up
// the syncer from idle sleep periods and sends are non-blocking and may
// drop blobs. The queue is the actual source of truth.
blobc chan blob.SizedRef
lk sync.Mutex // protects following
status string
blobStatus map[string]fmt.Stringer // stringer called with lk held
recentErrors []timestampedError
recentCopyTime time.Time
totalCopies int64
totalCopyBytes int64
totalErrors int64
func (sh *SyncHandler) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[SyncHandler %v -> %v]", sh.fromName, sh.toName)
func (sh *SyncHandler) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Printf(sh.String()+" "+format, args...)
var (
_ blobserver.Storage = (*SyncHandler)(nil)
_ blobserver.HandlerIniter = (*SyncHandler)(nil)
func init() {
blobserver.RegisterHandlerConstructor("sync", newSyncFromConfig)
func newSyncFromConfig(ld blobserver.Loader, conf jsonconfig.Obj) (http.Handler, error) {
var (
from = conf.RequiredString("from")
to = conf.RequiredString("to")
fullSync = conf.OptionalBool("fullSyncOnStart", false)
blockFullSync = conf.OptionalBool("blockingFullSyncOnStart", false)
idle = conf.OptionalBool("idle", false)
queueConf = conf.OptionalObject("queue")
if err := conf.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if idle {
synch, err := createIdleSyncHandler(from, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return synch, nil
if len(queueConf) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New(`Missing required "queue" object`)
q, err := sorted.NewKeyValue(queueConf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
isToIndex := false
fromBs, err := ld.GetStorage(from)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
toBs, err := ld.GetStorage(to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := fromBs.(*index.Index); !ok {
if _, ok := toBs.(*index.Index); ok {
isToIndex = true
sh, err := createSyncHandler(from, to, fromBs, toBs, q, isToIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if fullSync || blockFullSync {
didFullSync := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
n := sh.runSync("queue", sh.enumerateQueuedBlobs)
sh.logf("Queue sync copied %d blobs", n)
n = sh.runSync("full", blobserverEnumerator(context.TODO(), fromBs))
sh.logf("Full sync copied %d blobs", n)
didFullSync <- true
if blockFullSync {
sh.logf("Blocking startup, waiting for full sync from %q to %q", from, to)
sh.logf("Full sync complete.")
} else {
go sh.syncQueueLoop()
return sh, nil
func (sh *SyncHandler) InitHandler(hl blobserver.FindHandlerByTyper) error {
_, h, err := hl.FindHandlerByType("root")
if err == blobserver.ErrHandlerTypeNotFound {
// It's optional. We register ourselves if it's there.
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type timestampedError struct {
t time.Time
err error
func createSyncHandler(fromName, toName string,
from blobserver.Storage, to blobserver.BlobReceiver,
queue sorted.KeyValue, isToIndex bool) (*SyncHandler, error) {
h := &SyncHandler{
copierPoolSize: 3,
from: from,
to: to,
fromName: fromName,
toName: toName,
queue: queue,
toIndex: isToIndex,
blobc: make(chan blob.SizedRef, 8),
status: "not started",
blobStatus: make(map[string]fmt.Stringer),
return h, nil
func createIdleSyncHandler(fromName, toName string) (*SyncHandler, error) {
h := &SyncHandler{
fromName: fromName,
toName: toName,
idle: true,
status: "disabled",
return h, nil
func (sh *SyncHandler) discoveryMap() map[string]interface{} {
// TODO(mpl): more status info
return map[string]interface{}{
"from": sh.fromName,
"to": sh.toName,
"toIndex": sh.toIndex,
func (sh *SyncHandler) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<h1>%s to %s Sync Status</h1><p><b>Current status: </b>%s</p>",
sh.fromName, sh.toName, html.EscapeString(sh.status))
if sh.idle {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<h2>Stats:</h2><ul>")
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<li>Blobs copied: %d</li>", sh.totalCopies)
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<li>Bytes copied: %d</li>", sh.totalCopyBytes)
if !sh.recentCopyTime.IsZero() {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<li>Most recent copy: %s</li>", sh.recentCopyTime.Format(time.RFC3339))
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<li>Copy errors: %d</li>", sh.totalErrors)
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "</ul>")
if len(sh.blobStatus) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<h2>Current Copies:</h2><ul>")
for blobstr, sfn := range sh.blobStatus {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<li>%s: %s</li>\n",
blobstr, html.EscapeString(sfn.String()))
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "</ul>")
if len(sh.recentErrors) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<h2>Recent Errors:</h2><ul>")
for _, te := range sh.recentErrors {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<li>%s: %s</li>\n",
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "</ul>")
func (sh *SyncHandler) setStatus(s string, args ...interface{}) {
s = time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339) + ": " + fmt.Sprintf(s, args...)
sh.status = s
func (sh *SyncHandler) setBlobStatus(blobref string, s fmt.Stringer) {
if s != nil {
sh.blobStatus[blobref] = s
} else {
delete(sh.blobStatus, blobref)
func (sh *SyncHandler) addErrorToLog(err error) {
sh.logf("%v", err)
sh.recentErrors = append(sh.recentErrors, timestampedError{time.Now().UTC(), err})
if len(sh.recentErrors) > maxErrors {
// Kinda lame, but whatever. Only for errors, rare.
copy(sh.recentErrors[:maxErrors], sh.recentErrors[1:maxErrors+1])
sh.recentErrors = sh.recentErrors[:maxErrors]
type copyResult struct {
sb blob.SizedRef
err error
func blobserverEnumerator(ctx *context.Context, src blobserver.BlobEnumerator) func(chan<- blob.SizedRef, <-chan struct{}) error {
return func(dst chan<- blob.SizedRef, intr <-chan struct{}) error {
return blobserver.EnumerateAll(ctx, src, func(sb blob.SizedRef) error {
select {
case dst <- sb:
case <-intr:
return errors.New("interrupted")
return nil
func (sh *SyncHandler) enumerateQueuedBlobs(dst chan<- blob.SizedRef, intr <-chan struct{}) error {
defer close(dst)
it := sh.queue.Find("", "")
for it.Next() {
br, ok := blob.Parse(it.Key())
size, err := strconv.ParseUint(it.Value(), 10, 32)
if !ok || err != nil {
sh.logf("ERROR: bogus sync queue entry: %q => %q", it.Key(), it.Value())
select {
case dst <- blob.SizedRef{br, uint32(size)}:
case <-intr:
return it.Close()
return it.Close()
func (sh *SyncHandler) enumerateBlobc(first blob.SizedRef) func(chan<- blob.SizedRef, <-chan struct{}) error {
return func(dst chan<- blob.SizedRef, intr <-chan struct{}) error {
defer close(dst)
dst <- first
for {
select {
case sb := <-sh.blobc:
dst <- sb
return nil
func (sh *SyncHandler) runSync(srcName string, enumSrc func(chan<- blob.SizedRef, <-chan struct{}) error) int {
enumch := make(chan blob.SizedRef, 8)
errch := make(chan error, 1)
intr := make(chan struct{})
defer close(intr)
go func() { errch <- enumSrc(enumch, intr) }()
nCopied := 0
toCopy := 0
workch := make(chan blob.SizedRef, 1000)
resch := make(chan copyResult, 8)
for sb := range enumch {
workch <- sb
if toCopy <= sh.copierPoolSize {
go sh.copyWorker(resch, workch)
sh.setStatus("Enumerating queued blobs: %d", toCopy)
for i := 0; i < toCopy; i++ {
sh.setStatus("Copied %d/%d of batch of queued blobs", nCopied, toCopy)
res := <-resch
if res.err == nil {
sh.totalCopyBytes += int64(
sh.recentCopyTime = time.Now().UTC()
} else {
if err := <-errch; err != nil {
sh.addErrorToLog(fmt.Errorf("replication error for source %q, enumerate from source: %v", srcName, err))
return nCopied
return nCopied
func (sh *SyncHandler) syncQueueLoop() {
for {
t0 := time.Now()
for sh.runSync(sh.fromName, sh.enumerateQueuedBlobs) > 0 {
// Loop, before sleeping.
sh.setStatus("Sleeping briefly before next long poll.")
d := queueSyncInterval - time.Since(t0)
select {
case <-time.After(d):
case sb := <-sh.blobc:
// Blob arrived.
sh.runSync(sh.fromName, sh.enumerateBlobc(sb))
func (sh *SyncHandler) copyWorker(res chan<- copyResult, work <-chan blob.SizedRef) {
for sb := range work {
res <- copyResult{sb, sh.copyBlob(sb, 0)}
type statusFunc func() string
func (sf statusFunc) String() string { return sf() }
type status string
func (s status) String() string { return string(s) }
func (sh *SyncHandler) copyBlob(sb blob.SizedRef, tryCount int) error {
key := sb.Ref.String()
set := func(s fmt.Stringer) {
sh.setBlobStatus(key, s)
defer set(nil)
errorf := func(s string, args ...interface{}) error {
// TODO: increment error stats
err := fmt.Errorf("replication error for blob %s: "+s,
append([]interface{}{sb.Ref}, args...)...)
return err
set(status("sending GET to source"))
rc, fromSize, err := sh.from.FetchStreaming(sb.Ref)
if err != nil {
return errorf("source fetch: %v", err)
defer rc.Close()
if fromSize != sb.Size {
return errorf("source fetch size mismatch: get=%d, enumerate=%d", fromSize, sb.Size)
bytesCopied := int64(0) // TODO: data race, accessed without locking in statusFunc below.
set(statusFunc(func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("copying: %d/%d bytes", bytesCopied, sb.Size)
newsb, err :=, readerutil.CountingReader{rc, &bytesCopied})
if err != nil {
return errorf("dest write: %v", err)
if newsb.Size != sb.Size {
return errorf("write size mismatch: source_read=%d but dest_write=%d", sb.Size, newsb.Size)
set(status("copied; removing from queue"))
if err := sh.queue.Delete(sb.Ref.String()); err != nil {
return errorf("queue delete: %v", err)
return nil
func (sh *SyncHandler) ReceiveBlob(br blob.Ref, r io.Reader) (sb blob.SizedRef, err error) {
n, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r)
if err != nil {
sb = blob.SizedRef{br, uint32(n)}
return sb, sh.enqueue(sb)
func (sh *SyncHandler) enqueue(sb blob.SizedRef) error {
// TODO: include current time in encoded value, to attempt to
// do in-order delivery to remote side later? Possible
// friendly optimization later. Might help peer's indexer have
// less missing deps.
if err := sh.queue.Set(sb.Ref.String(), fmt.Sprint(sb.Size)); err != nil {
return err
// Non-blocking send to wake up looping goroutine if it's
// sleeping...
select {
case sh.blobc <- sb:
return nil
// TODO(bradfitz): implement these? what do they mean? possibilities:
// a) proxy to sh.from
// b) proxy to
// c) merge intersection of sh.from,, and sh.queue: that is, a blob this pair
// currently or eventually will have. The only missing blob would be one that
// sh.from has, doesn't have, and isn't in the queue to be replicated.
// For now, don't implement them. Wait until we need them.
// func (sh *SyncHandler) StatBlobs(dest chan<- blob.SizedRef, blobs []blob.Ref) error {
// func (sh *SyncHandler) FetchStreaming(br blob.Ref) (io.ReadCloser, uint32, error) {
// func (sh *SyncHandler) EnumerateBlobs(dest chan<- blob.SizedRef, after string, limit int) error {