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Copyright 2013 The Camlistore Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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limitations under the License.
// Package flickr implements an importer for flickr.com accounts.
package flickr
import (
const (
apiURL = "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/"
temporaryCredentialRequestURL = "https://www.flickr.com/services/oauth/request_token"
resourceOwnerAuthorizationURL = "https://www.flickr.com/services/oauth/authorize"
tokenRequestURL = "https://www.flickr.com/services/oauth/access_token"
func init() {
importer.Register("flickr", imp{})
var _ importer.ImporterSetupHTMLer = imp{}
type imp struct {
importer.OAuth1 // for CallbackRequestAccount and CallbackURLParameters
func (imp) NeedsAPIKey() bool { return true }
func (imp) IsAccountReady(acctNode *importer.Object) (ok bool, err error) {
return acctNode.Attr(importer.AcctAttrUserName) != "" && acctNode.Attr(importer.AcctAttrAccessToken) != "", nil
func (im imp) SummarizeAccount(acct *importer.Object) string {
ok, err := im.IsAccountReady(acct)
if err != nil || !ok {
return ""
return acct.Attr(importer.AcctAttrUserName)
func (imp) AccountSetupHTML(host *importer.Host) string {
base := host.ImporterBaseURL() + "flickr"
return fmt.Sprintf(`
<h1>Configuring Flickr</h1>
<p>Visit <a href='http://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/noncommercial/'>http://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/noncommercial/</a>, fill out whatever's needed, and click on SUBMIT.</p>
<p>From your newly created app's main page, go to "Edit the authentication flow", use the following settings:</p>
<li>App Type: Web Application</li>
<li>Callback URL: <b>%s</b></li>
<p> and SAVE CHANGES </p>
<p>Then go to "View the API Key for this app", and copy the "Key" and "Secret" into the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" boxes above.</p>
`, base+"/callback")
// A run is our state for a given run of the importer.
type run struct {
userID string
oauthClient *oauth.Client // No need to guard, used read-only.
accessCreds *oauth.Credentials // No need to guard, used read-only.
// TODO(mpl): same as in twitter. refactor.
func (r *run) oauthContext() oauthContext {
return oauthContext{r.Context, r.oauthClient, r.accessCreds}
func (imp) Run(ctx *importer.RunContext) error {
clientID, secret, err := ctx.Credentials()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no API credentials: %v", err)
accountNode := ctx.AccountNode()
accessToken := accountNode.Attr(importer.AcctAttrAccessToken)
accessSecret := accountNode.Attr(importer.AcctAttrAccessTokenSecret)
if accessToken == "" || accessSecret == "" {
return errors.New("access credentials not found")
userID := ctx.AccountNode().Attr(importer.AcctAttrUserID)
if userID == "" {
return errors.New("UserID hasn't been set by account setup.")
r := &run{
userID: userID,
RunContext: ctx,
oauthClient: &oauth.Client{
TemporaryCredentialRequestURI: temporaryCredentialRequestURL,
ResourceOwnerAuthorizationURI: resourceOwnerAuthorizationURL,
TokenRequestURI: tokenRequestURL,
Credentials: oauth.Credentials{
Token: clientID,
Secret: secret,
accessCreds: &oauth.Credentials{
Token: accessToken,
Secret: accessSecret,
if err := r.importPhotosets(); err != nil {
return err
if err := r.importPhotos(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type photosetsGetList struct {
Photosets struct {
Page int
Pages int
Perpage int
Photoset []*photosetsGetListItem
type photosetsGetListItem struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
PrimaryPhotoID string `json:"primary"`
Title contentString
Description contentString
type photosetsGetPhotos struct {
Photoset struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Page int `json:",string"`
Pages int
Photo []struct {
ID string
Originalformat string
func (r *run) importPhotosets() error {
resp := photosetsGetList{}
if err := r.oauthContext().flickrAPIRequest(&resp,
"flickr.photosets.getList", "user_id", r.userID); err != nil {
return err
setsNode, err := r.getTopLevelNode("sets", "Sets")
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("Importing %d sets", len(resp.Photosets.Photoset))
for _, item := range resp.Photosets.Photoset {
if r.Context.IsCanceled() {
log.Printf("Flickr importer: interrupted")
return context.ErrCanceled
for page := 1; page >= 1; {
page, err = r.importPhotoset(setsNode, item, page)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Flickr importer: error importing photoset %s: %s", item.ID, err)
return nil
func (r *run) importPhotoset(parent *importer.Object, photoset *photosetsGetListItem, page int) (int, error) {
photosetNode, err := parent.ChildPathObject(photoset.ID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if err := photosetNode.SetAttrs(
importer.AttrID, photoset.ID,
importer.AttrTitle, photoset.Title.Content,
importer.AttrDescription, photoset.Description.Content,
importer.AttrPrimaryImageOfPage, photoset.PrimaryPhotoID); err != nil {
return 0, err
resp := photosetsGetPhotos{}
if err := r.oauthContext().flickrAPIRequest(&resp, "flickr.photosets.getPhotos", "user_id", r.userID,
"page", fmt.Sprintf("%d", page), "photoset_id", photoset.ID, "extras", "original_format"); err != nil {
return 0, err
log.Printf("Importing page %d from photoset %s", page, photoset.ID)
photosNode, err := r.getPhotosNode()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, item := range resp.Photoset.Photo {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", item.ID, item.Originalformat)
photoNode, err := photosNode.ChildPathObject(filename)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Flickr importer: error finding photo node %s for addition to photoset %s: %s",
item.ID, photoset.ID, err)
if err := photosetNode.SetAttr("camliPath:"+filename, photoNode.PermanodeRef().String()); err != nil {
log.Printf("Flickr importer: error adding photo %s to photoset %s: %s",
item.ID, photoset.ID, err)
if resp.Photoset.Page < resp.Photoset.Pages {
return page + 1, nil
} else {
return 0, nil
type photosSearch struct {
Photos struct {
Page int
Pages int
Perpage int
Total int `json:",string"`
Photo []*photosSearchItem
Stat string
type photosSearchItem struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Title string
Ispublic int
Isfriend int
Isfamily int
Description contentString
Dateupload string
Datetaken string
Originalformat string
Lastupdate string
Latitude float32
Longitude float32
Tags string
Machinetags string `json:"machine_tags"`
Views string
Media string
URL string `json:"url_o"`
type contentString struct {
Content string `json:"_content"`
func (r *run) importPhotos() error {
for page := 1; page >= 1; {
var err error
page, err = r.importPhotosPage(page)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (r *run) importPhotosPage(page int) (int, error) {
resp := photosSearch{}
if err := r.oauthContext().flickrAPIRequest(&resp, "flickr.people.getPhotos", "user_id", r.userID, "page", fmt.Sprintf("%d", page),
"extras", "description, date_upload, date_taken, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, machine_tags, views, media, url_o"); err != nil {
return 0, err
photosNode, err := r.getPhotosNode()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
log.Printf("Importing %d photos on page %d of %d", len(resp.Photos.Photo), page, resp.Photos.Pages)
for _, item := range resp.Photos.Photo {
if err := r.importPhoto(photosNode, item); err != nil {
log.Printf("Flickr importer: error importing %s: %s", item.ID, err)
if resp.Photos.Pages > resp.Photos.Page {
return page + 1, nil
} else {
return 0, nil
// TODO(aa):
// * Parallelize: http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#concurrency
// * Do more than one "page" worth of results
// * Report progress and errors back through host interface
// * All the rest of the metadata (see photoMeta)
// * Conflicts: For all metadata changes, prefer any non-imported claims
// * Test!
func (r *run) importPhoto(parent *importer.Object, photo *photosSearchItem) error {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", photo.ID, photo.Originalformat)
photoNode, err := parent.ChildPathObject(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
// Import all the metadata. SetAttrs() is a no-op if the value hasn't changed, so there's no cost to doing these on every run.
// And this way if we add more things to import, they will get picked up.
if err := photoNode.SetAttrs(
importer.AttrID, photo.ID,
importer.AttrTitle, photo.Title,
importer.AttrDescription, photo.Description.Content); err != nil {
return err
// Import the photo itself. Since it is expensive to fetch the image, we store its lastupdate and only refetch if it might have changed.
// lastupdate is a Unix timestamp according to https://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.photos.getInfo.html
seconds, err := strconv.ParseInt(photo.Lastupdate, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse lastupdate time for image %v: %v", photo.ID, err)
lastUpdate := time.Unix(seconds, 0)
if lastUpdateString := photoNode.Attr(importer.AttrLastReviewed); lastUpdateString != "" {
oldLastUpdate, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, lastUpdateString)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse last stored update time for image %v: %v", photo.ID, err)
if lastUpdate.Equal(oldLastUpdate) {
return nil
form := url.Values{}
form.Set("user_id", r.userID)
res, err := r.oauthContext().flickrRequest(photo.URL, form)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Flickr importer: Could not fetch %s: %s", photo.URL, err)
return err
defer res.Body.Close()
fileRef, err := schema.WriteFileFromReader(r.Host.Target(), filename, res.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := photoNode.SetAttr("camliContent", fileRef.String()); err != nil {
return err
// Write lastupdate last, so that if any of the preceding fails, we will try again next time.
if err := photoNode.SetAttr(importer.AttrLastReviewed, lastUpdate.Format(time.RFC3339)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (r *run) getPhotosNode() (*importer.Object, error) {
return r.getTopLevelNode("photos", "Photos")
// TODO(mpl): same in twitter. refactor.
func (r *run) getTopLevelNode(path string, title string) (*importer.Object, error) {
photos, err := r.RootNode().ChildPathObject(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := photos.SetAttr(importer.AttrTitle, title); err != nil {
return nil, err
return photos, nil
// TODO(mpl): same as in twitter. refactor.
// oauthContext is used as a value type, wrapping a context and oauth information.
type oauthContext struct {
client *oauth.Client
creds *oauth.Credentials
func (ctx oauthContext) flickrAPIRequest(result interface{}, method string, keyval ...string) error {
if len(keyval)%2 == 1 {
panic("Incorrect number of keyval arguments. must be even.")
form := url.Values{}
form.Set("method", method)
form.Set("format", "json")
form.Set("nojsoncallback", "1")
for i := 0; i < len(keyval); i += 2 {
form.Set(keyval[i], keyval[i+1])
res, err := ctx.flickrRequest(apiURL, form)
if err != nil {
return err
err = httputil.DecodeJSON(res, result)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse response for %s: %v", apiURL, err)
return err
// TODO(mpl): same in twitter. refactor.
func (ctx oauthContext) flickrRequest(url string, form url.Values) (*http.Response, error) {
if ctx.creds == nil {
return nil, errors.New("No OAuth credentials. Not logged in?")
if ctx.client == nil {
return nil, errors.New("No OAuth client.")
res, err := ctx.client.Get(ctx.HTTPClient(), ctx.creds, url, form)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error fetching %s: %v", url, err)
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Get request on %s failed with: %s", url, res.Status)
return res, nil
// TODO(mpl): same in twitter. refactor.
func newOauthClient(ctx *importer.SetupContext) (*oauth.Client, error) {
clientID, secret, err := ctx.Credentials()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &oauth.Client{
TemporaryCredentialRequestURI: temporaryCredentialRequestURL,
ResourceOwnerAuthorizationURI: resourceOwnerAuthorizationURL,
TokenRequestURI: tokenRequestURL,
Credentials: oauth.Credentials{
Token: clientID,
Secret: secret,
}, nil
// TODO(mpl): same in twitter. refactor. Except for the additional perms in AuthorizationURL call.
func (imp) ServeSetup(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ctx *importer.SetupContext) error {
oauthClient, err := newOauthClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error getting OAuth client: %v", err)
httputil.ServeError(w, r, err)
return err
tempCred, err := oauthClient.RequestTemporaryCredentials(ctx.HTTPClient(), ctx.CallbackURL(), nil)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Error getting temp cred: %v", err)
httputil.ServeError(w, r, err)
return err
if err := ctx.AccountNode.SetAttrs(
importer.AcctAttrTempToken, tempCred.Token,
importer.AcctAttrTempSecret, tempCred.Secret,
); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Error saving temp creds: %v", err)
httputil.ServeError(w, r, err)
return err
authURL := oauthClient.AuthorizationURL(tempCred, url.Values{"perms": {"read"}})
http.Redirect(w, r, authURL, http.StatusFound)
return nil
func (imp) ServeCallback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ctx *importer.SetupContext) {
tempToken := ctx.AccountNode.Attr(importer.AcctAttrTempToken)
tempSecret := ctx.AccountNode.Attr(importer.AcctAttrTempSecret)
if tempToken == "" || tempSecret == "" {
log.Printf("flicker: no temp creds in callback")
httputil.BadRequestError(w, "no temp creds in callback")
if tempToken != r.FormValue("oauth_token") {
log.Printf("unexpected oauth_token: got %v, want %v", r.FormValue("oauth_token"), tempToken)
httputil.BadRequestError(w, "unexpected oauth_token")
oauthClient, err := newOauthClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error getting OAuth client: %v", err)
httputil.ServeError(w, r, err)
tokenCred, vals, err := oauthClient.RequestToken(
Token: tempToken,
Secret: tempSecret,
if err != nil {
httputil.ServeError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Error getting request token: %v ", err))
userID := vals.Get("user_nsid")
if userID == "" {
httputil.ServeError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't get user id: %v", err))
username := vals.Get("username")
if username == "" {
httputil.ServeError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't get user name: %v", err))
// TODO(mpl): get a few more bits of info (first name, last name etc) like I did for twitter, if possible.
if err := ctx.AccountNode.SetAttrs(
importer.AcctAttrAccessToken, tokenCred.Token,
importer.AcctAttrAccessTokenSecret, tokenCred.Secret,
importer.AcctAttrUserID, userID,
importer.AcctAttrUserName, username,
); err != nil {
httputil.ServeError(w, r, fmt.Errorf("Error setting basic account attributes: %v", err))
http.Redirect(w, r, ctx.AccountURL(), http.StatusFound)