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// Copyright 2011 The LevelDB-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package memdb provides a memory-backed implementation of the db.DB
// interface.
// A MemDB's memory consumption increases monotonically, even if keys are
// deleted or values are updated with shorter slices. Callers of the package
// are responsible for explicitly compacting a MemDB into a separate DB
// (whether in-memory or on-disk) when appropriate.
package memdb
import (
// maxHeight is the maximum height of a MemDB's skiplist.
const maxHeight = 12
// A MemDB's skiplist consists of a number of nodes, and each node is
// represented by a variable number of ints: a key-offset, a value-offset, and
// between 1 and maxHeight next nodes. The key-offset and value-offset encode
// the node's key/value pair and are offsets into a MemDB's kvData slice.
// The remaining ints, for the next nodes in the skiplist's linked lists, are
// offsets into a MemDB's nodeData slice.
// The fXxx constants represent how to find the Xxx field of a node in the
// nodeData. For example, given an int 30 representing a node, and given
// nodeData[30:36] that looked like [60, 71, 82, 83, 84, 85], then
// nodeData[30 + fKey] = 60 would be the node's key-offset,
// nodeData[30 + fVal] = 71 would be the node's value-offset, and
// nodeData[30 + fNxt + 0] = 82 would be the next node at the height-0 list,
// nodeData[30 + fNxt + 1] = 83 would be the next node at the height-1 list,
// and so on. A node's height is implied by the skiplist construction: a node
// of height x appears in the height-h list iff 0 <= h && h < x.
const (
fKey = iota
const (
// zeroNode represents the end of a linked list.
zeroNode = 0
// headNode represents the start of the linked list. It is equal to -fNxt
// so that the next nodes at height-h are at nodeData[h].
// The head node is an artificial node and has no key or value.
headNode = -fNxt
// A node's key-offset and value-offset fields are offsets into a MemDB's
// kvData slice that stores varint-prefixed strings: the node's key and value.
// A negative offset means a zero-length string, whether explicitly set to
// empty or implicitly set by deletion.
const (
kvOffsetEmptySlice = -1
kvOffsetDeletedNode = -2
// MemDB is a memory-backed implementation of the db.DB interface.
// It is safe to call Get, Set, Delete and Find concurrently.
type MemDB struct {
mutex sync.RWMutex
// height is the number of such lists, which can increase over time.
height int
// cmp defines an ordering on keys.
cmp db.Comparer
// kvData is an append-only buffer that holds varint-prefixed strings.
kvData []byte
// nodeData is an append-only buffer that holds a node's fields.
nodeData []int
// MemDB implements the db.DB interface.
var _ db.DB = &MemDB{}
// load loads a []byte from m.kvData.
func (m *MemDB) load(kvOffset int) (b []byte) {
if kvOffset < 0 {
return nil
bLen, n := binary.Uvarint(m.kvData[kvOffset:])
return m.kvData[kvOffset+n : kvOffset+n+int(bLen)]
// save saves a []byte to m.kvData.
func (m *MemDB) save(b []byte) (kvOffset int) {
if len(b) == 0 {
return kvOffsetEmptySlice
kvOffset = len(m.kvData)
var buf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
length := binary.PutUvarint(buf[:], uint64(len(b)))
m.kvData = append(m.kvData, buf[:length]...)
m.kvData = append(m.kvData, b...)
return kvOffset
// findNode returns the first node n whose key is >= the given key (or nil if
// there is no such node) and whether n's key equals key. The search is based
// solely on the contents of a node's key. Whether or not that key was
// previously deleted from the MemDB is not relevant.
// If prev is non-nil, it also sets the first m.height elements of prev to the
// preceding node at each height.
func (m *MemDB) findNode(key []byte, prev *[maxHeight]int) (n int, exactMatch bool) {
for h, p := m.height-1, headNode; h >= 0; h-- {
// Walk the skiplist at height h until we find either a zero node
// or one whose key is >= the given key.
n = m.nodeData[p+fNxt+h]
for {
if n == zeroNode {
exactMatch = false
kOff := m.nodeData[n+fKey]
if c := m.cmp.Compare(m.load(kOff), key); c >= 0 {
exactMatch = c == 0
p, n = n, m.nodeData[n+fNxt+h]
if prev != nil {
(*prev)[h] = p
return n, exactMatch
// Get implements DB.Get, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (m *MemDB) Get(key []byte, o *db.ReadOptions) (value []byte, err error) {
defer m.mutex.RUnlock()
n, exactMatch := m.findNode(key, nil)
vOff := m.nodeData[n+fVal]
if !exactMatch || vOff == kvOffsetDeletedNode {
return nil, db.ErrNotFound
return m.load(vOff), nil
// Set implements DB.Set, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (m *MemDB) Set(key, value []byte, o *db.WriteOptions) error {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
// Find the node, and its predecessors at all heights.
var prev [maxHeight]int
n, exactMatch := m.findNode(key, &prev)
if exactMatch {
m.nodeData[n+fVal] = m.save(value)
return nil
// Choose the new node's height, branching with 25% probability.
h := 1
for h < maxHeight && rand.Intn(4) == 0 {
// Raise the skiplist's height to the node's height, if necessary.
if m.height < h {
for i := m.height; i < h; i++ {
prev[i] = headNode
m.height = h
// Insert the new node.
var x [fNxt + maxHeight]int
n1 := len(m.nodeData)
x[fKey] = m.save(key)
x[fVal] = m.save(value)
for i := 0; i < h; i++ {
j := prev[i] + fNxt + i
x[fNxt+i] = m.nodeData[j]
m.nodeData[j] = n1
m.nodeData = append(m.nodeData, x[:fNxt+h]...)
return nil
// Delete implements DB.Delete, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (m *MemDB) Delete(key []byte, o *db.WriteOptions) error {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
n, exactMatch := m.findNode(key, nil)
if !exactMatch || m.nodeData[n+fVal] == kvOffsetDeletedNode {
return db.ErrNotFound
m.nodeData[n+fVal] = kvOffsetDeletedNode
return nil
// Find implements DB.Find, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (m *MemDB) Find(key []byte, o *db.ReadOptions) db.Iterator {
defer m.mutex.RUnlock()
n, _ := m.findNode(key, nil)
for n != zeroNode && m.nodeData[n+fVal] == kvOffsetDeletedNode {
n = m.nodeData[n+fNxt]
t := &iterator{
m: m,
restartNode: n,
// The iterator is positioned at the first node >= key. The iterator API
// requires that the caller the Next first, so we set t.i0 to -1.
t.i0 = -1
return t
// Close implements DB.Close, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (m *MemDB) Close() error {
return nil
// ApproximateMemoryUsage returns the approximate memory usage of the MemDB.
func (m *MemDB) ApproximateMemoryUsage() int {
defer m.mutex.RUnlock()
return len(m.kvData)
// New returns a new MemDB.
func New(o *db.Options) *MemDB {
return &MemDB{
height: 1,
cmp: o.GetComparer(),
kvData: make([]byte, 0, 4096),
// The first maxHeight values of nodeData are the next nodes after the
// head node at each possible height. Their initial value is zeroNode.
nodeData: make([]int, maxHeight, 256),
// iterator is a MemDB iterator that buffers upcoming results, so that it does
// not have to acquire the MemDB's mutex on each Next call.
type iterator struct {
m *MemDB
// restartNode is the node to start refilling the buffer from.
restartNode int
// i0 is the current iterator position with respect to buf. A value of -1
// means that the iterator is at the start, end or both of the iteration.
// i1 is the number of buffered entries.
// Invariant: -1 <= i0 && i0 < i1 && i1 <= len(buf).
i0, i1 int
// buf buffers up to 32 key/value pairs.
buf [32][2][]byte
// iterator implements the db.Iterator interface.
var _ db.Iterator = &iterator{}
// fill fills the iterator's buffer with key/value pairs from the MemDB.
// Precondition: t.m.mutex is locked for reading.
func (t *iterator) fill() {
i, n := 0, t.restartNode
for i < len(t.buf) && n != zeroNode {
if t.m.nodeData[n+fVal] != kvOffsetDeletedNode {
t.buf[i][fKey] = t.m.load(t.m.nodeData[n+fKey])
t.buf[i][fVal] = t.m.load(t.m.nodeData[n+fVal])
n = t.m.nodeData[n+fNxt]
if i == 0 {
// There were no non-deleted nodes on or after t.restartNode.
// The iterator is exhausted.
t.i0 = -1
} else {
t.i0 = 0
t.i1 = i
t.restartNode = n
// Next implements Iterator.Next, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (t *iterator) Next() bool {
if t.i0 < t.i1 {
return true
if t.restartNode == zeroNode {
t.i0 = -1
t.i1 = 0
return false
defer t.m.mutex.RUnlock()
return true
// Key implements Iterator.Key, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (t *iterator) Key() []byte {
if t.i0 < 0 {
return nil
return t.buf[t.i0][fKey]
// Value implements Iterator.Value, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (t *iterator) Value() []byte {
if t.i0 < 0 {
return nil
return t.buf[t.i0][fVal]
// Close implements Iterator.Close, as documented in the leveldb/db package.
func (t *iterator) Close() error {
return nil