mirror of https://github.com/perkeep/perkeep.git
784 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
784 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# A simple little build system.
# See the configuration at the bottom of this file.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use FindBin;
use Cwd;
my $opt_list;
my $opt_eachclean;
my $opt_verbose;
my $opt_test;
my $opt_deps;
my $opt_updatego;
chdir($FindBin::Bin) or die "Couldn't chdir to $FindBin::Bin: $!";
GetOptions("list" => \$opt_list,
"eachclean" => \$opt_eachclean,
"verbose+" => \$opt_verbose,
"test" => \$opt_test,
"deps" => \$opt_deps,
"updatego" => \$opt_updatego,
) or usage();
sub usage {
die <<EOM
build.pl all # build all
build.pl allfast # build all targets that compile quickly
build.pl clean # clean all
build.pl REGEXP # builds specific target, if it matches any targets
build.pl --list
build.pl --eachclean # builds each target with a full clean before it
# (for testing that dependencies are correct)
build.pl --deps # Show each target's dependencies
Other options:
--verbose|-v Verbose
--test|-t Run tests where found
--updatego Attempt to update GOROOT to maintainer\'s go version
die "TODO(bradfitz): GO1: this build script hasn't been updated for Go 1.\n" .
"\nIn general, you should use the `go' command now to build Camlistore. This script will probably remain in some form, though, to create a fake GOPATH temp dir and symlink to let people build Camlistore without the Camlistore root being inside an existing GOPATH directory. And also generation of fileembed/uistatic data. But for now, this script is disabled unless the FORCE_BUILD_PL environment variable is set, but that's not tested.\n" unless $ENV{FORCE_BUILD_PL};
my ($GOOS, $GOARCH, $CAMLIROOT, $CAMPKGDIR); # initialized by perform_go_check
my %built; # target -> bool (was it already built?)
# Note: the target key is usually the directory, but may be overridden. use
# the dir($target) function to find the directory
my %targets; # dir -> { deps => [ ... ], }
if ($opt_list) {
print "Available targets:\n";
foreach my $target (sort keys %targets) {
print " * $target\n";
if ($opt_deps) {
foreach my $target (sort keys %targets) {
my $t = $targets{$target} or die;
print "$target: @{ $t->{deps} }\n";
if (@{$t->{testdeps} || []}) {
print "$target.test: @{ $t->{testdeps} }\n";
if ($opt_eachclean) {
my $target = shift;
die "--eachclean doesn't take a target\n" if $target;
foreach my $target (sort keys %targets) {
%built = ();
if ($opt_updatego) {
my $target = shift or usage();
if ($target eq "clean") {
if ($target eq "allfast") {
my @targets = sort grep { !$targets{$_}{tags}{not_in_all} } keys %targets;
@targets = filter_os_targets(@targets);
foreach my $target (@targets) {
if ($target eq "all") {
my @targets = filter_os_targets(sort keys %targets);
foreach my $target (@targets) {
my @matches = grep { /$target/ } sort keys %targets;
unless (@matches) {
die "No build targets patching pattern /$target/\n";
if (@matches > 1) {
if (scalar(grep { $_ eq $target } @matches) == 1) {
@matches = ($target);
} else {
die "Build pattern is ambiguous, matches multiple targets:\n * " . join("\n * ", @matches) . "\n";
sub v {
return unless $opt_verbose;
my $msg = shift;
chomp $msg;
print STDERR "# $msg\n";
sub v2 {
return unless $opt_verbose >= 2;
my $msg = shift;
chomp $msg;
print STDERR "# $msg\n";
sub clean {
for my $root ("$ENV{GOROOT}/pkg/linux_amd64",
"$ENV{GOROOT}/pkg/linux_386") {
for my $pkg ("camli", "camlistore.org") {
my $dir = "$root/$pkg";
next unless -d $dir;
system("rm", "-rfv", $dir);
foreach my $target (sort keys %targets) {
print STDERR "Cleaning $target\n";
system("make", "-C", dir($target), "clean");
# Updates go to maintainer version.
sub update_go {
# Get revision number. Regex depends on whether we're on hg weekly or release.:
my $last = do { open(my $fh, ".last_go_version") or die; local $/; <$fh> };
if ($last =~ m/^[68]g version release/) {
$last = "release"
if ($last =~ m/^[68]g version weekly/) {
$last =~ s!^[68]g version weekly.[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} !!;
chomp $last;
unless ($last =~ /^(\d+)\+?\s*$/) {
print "Failed to obtain maintainer's go revision\n";
$last = $1;
print "Updating go to revision: $last\n";
my $prev_cwd = getcwd;
if ($ENV{'GOROOT'} eq '') {
print "\$GOROOT not set!\n";
chdir $ENV{'GOROOT'} or die "Chdir to $ENV{'GOROOT'} failed\n";
system("hg", "pull") and die "Hg pull failed\n";
system("hg", "update", $last) and die "Hg update failed\n";
print "Building...\n";
chdir "$ENV{'GOROOT'}/src" or die "Chdir to $ENV{'GOROOT'}/src failed\n";
system("./all.bash") and die "Go build failed\n";
chdir $prev_cwd or die "Chdir back to $prev_cwd failed\n";
# Returns a help message on a build failure of a given target.
sub fixit_tip {
my $target = shift;
if ($target =~ /\bgo\b/) {
my $gover = `gotry runtime 'Version()'`;
unless ($gover =~ /Version.+"(.+)"/) {
return "Failed to find 'gotry'. Is Go installed? Or have you put \$GOROOT/bin in your \$PATH?";
$gover = $1;
my $last = do { open(my $fh, ".last_go_version") or die; local $/; <$fh> };
$last =~ s!^[68]g version !!;
chomp $last;
chomp $gover;
if ($last eq $gover) {
return "";
return "You're running Go version: $gover (maintainer's last version used was $last)\nCamlistore generally tracks Go tip closely.\n(run \"hg pull && hg update tip && cd src && ./all.bash\" in \$GOROOT)";
if ($target =~ /\bandroid\b/) {
return "Have you installed the Android SDK, installed ant, set \$JAVA_HOME?\n".
"Unset \$JAVA_HOME if it points to a bogus place? Run update-java-alternatives?\n".
"See errors above.";
return "";
my $did_go_check = 0;
my $gc_bin;
sub perform_go_check() {
return if $did_go_check++;
unless ($ENV{GOROOT}) {
if (`which 6g` =~ /\S/ || `which 8g` =~ /\S/) {
die "You seem to have Go installed, but you don't have your ".
"\$GOROOT environment variable set.\n".
"Can't build without it.\n";
die "You don't seem to have Go installed. See:\n\n http://golang.org/doc/install.html\n\n";
die "Your \$GOROOT environment variable isn't a directory.\n" unless -d $ENV{GOROOT};
foreach my $gc ("6g", "8g") {
$gc_bin = `which $gc` or next;
chomp $gc_bin;
die "No 6g or 8g found in your \$PATH.\n" unless -x $gc_bin;
($GOOS, $GOARCH) = get_os_arch();
$CAMLIROOT = "$FindBin::Bin/build/root";
mkdir $CAMLIROOT, 0755;
mkdir "$CAMLIROOT/pkg", 0755;
mkdir $CAMPKGDIR, 0755;
my $realroot = "$ENV{GOROOT}/pkg/${GOOS}_${GOARCH}";
make_symlink("$ENV{GOROOT}/src", "$CAMLIROOT/src");
if (opendir(my $d, $realroot)) {
my @files = grep { /^\w+(\.a)?$/ } readdir($d);
my @old_cam_files = grep { /^camli/ } @files;
if (@old_cam_files) {
die "Camlistore's build system changed and now uses its own \$GOROOT (build/root/*).\n\n" .
"To proceed, first remove the following old build artifacts in $realroot: @old_cam_files\n\n";
for my $f (@files) {
my $old = "$realroot/$f";
my $new = "$CAMPKGDIR/$f";
make_symlink($old, $new);
return 1;
sub check_gopath {
return unless $ENV{GOPATH};
my $gopath = "$FindBin::Bin/gopath";
print "\$GOPATH not set. Using local gopath of $gopath\n";
$ENV{GOPATH} = $gopath;
sub make_symlink {
my ($old, $new) = @_;
$old =~ s!/+!/!g;
unless (-e $new && readlink($new) eq $old) {
symlink($old, $new) or die "failed to symlink $old to $new";
return 1;
sub test {
my $target = shift;
my $t = $targets{$target} or die "Bogus or undeclared test target: $target\n";
return if !$opt_test || $t->{tags}{skip_tests};
# Make sure testdeps are built too.
my @testdeps = @{ $t->{testdeps} || [] };
if (@testdeps) {
v2("Test deps of '$target' are @testdeps");
foreach my $dep (@testdeps) {
v2("built testdeps for $target, now can run tests");
opendir(my $dh, dir($target)) or die;
my @test_files = grep { /_test\.go$/ } readdir($dh);
if (@test_files) {
my $testv = $opt_verbose ? "-test.v" : "";
if (system("cd $target && gotest $testv") != 0) {
die "gotest failed for $target\n";
sub build {
my @history = @_;
my $target = $history[0];
my $is_go = $target =~ m!/go/! || $target =~ m!^camlistore\.org/!;
if ($is_go) {
my $already_built = $built{$target} || 0;
v2("Building '$target' (already_built=$already_built; via @history)");
return if $already_built;
$built{$target} = 1;
if ($target =~ /^ext:(.+)/) {
die "\$GOROOT not set" unless $ENV{GOROOT} && -d $ENV{GOROOT};
my $golib = $1;
my @files = glob("$ENV{GOROOT}/pkg/*/${golib}.a");
unless (@files) {
die "You need to run:\n\n\tgoinstall $golib\n";
my $t = $targets{$target} or die "Bogus or undeclared build target: $target\n";
# Add auto-learned dependencies.
# Dependencies first.
my @deps = @{ $t->{deps} };
if (@deps) {
v2("Deps of '$target' are @deps");
foreach my $dep (@deps) {
build($dep, @history);
v2("built deps for $target, now can build");
my @quiet = ("--silent");
@quiet = () if $opt_verbose;
my $build_command = sub {
return system("make", @quiet, "-C", dir($target), "install") == 0;
if (!$build_command->()) {
my $chain = "";
if (@history > 1) {
$chain = "via chain @history";
my $help_msg = fixit_tip($target);
if ($help_msg) {
$help_msg = "\nPossible tip: $help_msg\n\n";
my $deps;
if ($chain) {
$deps = " (via deps: $chain)";
die "\nError building $target$deps\n$help_msg";
v("Built '$target'");
sub filter_go_os {
my @good;
my $is_windows = $^O eq "msys" || $^O eq "MSWin32";
foreach my $f (@_) {
my $for_unix = $f =~ /_unix\.go$/;
my $for_windows = $f =~ /_windows\.go$/;
next if $for_unix && $is_windows;
next if $for_windows && !$is_windows;
push @good, $f;
return @good;
sub find_go_camli_deps {
my $target = shift;
if ($target =~ /\bthird_party\b/) {
# Skip third-party stuff.
unless ($target =~ m!lib/go\b! ||
$target =~ m!^camlistore\.org/! ||
$target =~ m!(server|clients)/go\b!) {
my $t = $targets{$target} or die "Bogus or undeclared build target: $target\n";
my $target_dir = dir($target);
opendir(my $dh, $target_dir) or die "Failed to open directory: $target\n";
my @go_files = grep { !m!^\.\#! } grep { !/_testmain\.go$/ } grep { /\.go$/ } readdir($dh);
@go_files = filter_go_os(@go_files);
# TODO: just stat the files first and keep a cache file of the
# deps somewhere (the header of the generated Makefile?) but
# maybe it is not worth it. for now we'll parse all the files
# every time to find their deps and also generate the Makefile
# every time.
my %seendep; # dep -> 1
my %seentestdep; # dep -> 1, for _test.go files
for my $f (@go_files) {
my $depref = ($f =~ /_test\.go$/) ? \%seentestdep : \%seendep;
open(my $fh, "$target_dir/$f") or die "Failed to open $target_dir/$f: $!";
my $src = do { local $/; <$fh>; };
if ($src =~ m!^import\b!m) {
unless ($src =~ m!\bimport\s*\((.+?)\)!s) {
die "Failed to parse imports from $target_dir/$f.\n".
"No imports(...) block? Um, add a fake one. :)\n";
my $imports = $1;
while ($imports =~ s!"(camli\b.+?)"!!) {
my $dep = "lib/go/$1";
$depref->{$dep} = 1;
while ($imports =~ m!"(.*\.(?:net|com|org)/.+?)"!g) {
my $dep = $1;
unless ($dep =~ /camlistore\.org/) { # legacy one, to be cleaned up
$dep = "lib/go/$dep";
$depref->{$dep} = 1;
$t->{deps} = [ sort keys %seendep ];
$t->{testdeps} = [ sort keys %seentestdep ];
v2("Scanned deps of $target in $target_dir, got: [@{$t->{deps}}] test:[@{$t->{testdeps}}]")
sub dir {
my $target = shift;
my $t = $targets{$target} or die "Bogus or undeclared build target: $target\n";
return $t->{tags}{dir} || $target;
sub gen_target_makefile {
my $target = shift;
my $type = "";
if ($target =~ m!lib/go\b!) {
$type = "pkg";
} elsif ($target =~ m!(server|clients)/go\b!) {
$type = "cmd";
} elsif ($target =~ m!^camlistore\.org/!) {
# type to be set later
} else {
my $t = $targets{$target} or die "Bogus or undeclared build target: $target\n";
my $override_target; # optional override of what to write to Makefile
my @deps = @{$t->{deps}};
my $target_dir = dir($target);
opendir(my $dh, $target_dir) or die;
my @dir_files = readdir($dh);
my @go_files = grep { !m!^\.\#! } grep { !/_testmain\.go$/ } grep { /\.go$/ } @dir_files;
@go_files = filter_go_os(@go_files);
if ($t->{tags}{fileembed}) {
$type = "pkg";
die "No fileembed.go file in $target, but declared with tag 'fileembed'\n" unless
grep { $_ eq "fileembed.go" } @go_files;
open(my $fe, "$target_dir/fileembed.go") or die;
my ($pattern, $embed_pkg);
while (<$fe>) {
if (!$embed_pkg && /^package (\S+)/) {
$embed_pkg = $1;
if (!$pattern && /^#fileembed pattern (\S+)\s*$/) {
$pattern = $1;
if (!$override_target && /^#fileembed target (\S+)\s*$/) {
$override_target = $1;
die "No #filepattern found in $target_dir/fileembed.go" unless $pattern;
foreach my $resfile (grep { /^$pattern$/o } @dir_files) {
my $gores = "_embed_${resfile}.go";
push @go_files, $gores;
if (modtime("$target_dir/$gores") < max(modtime("build.pl"), modtime("$target_dir/$resfile"))) {
generate_embed_file($embed_pkg, $resfile, "$target_dir/$resfile", "$target_dir/$gores");
# Generate the Makefile
my $mfc = "\n\n";
$mfc .= "\n\n";
$mfc .= "include \$(GOROOT)/src/Make.inc\n";
my $pr = "";
if (@deps) {
foreach my $dep (@deps) {
my $cam_lib = $dep;
$cam_lib =~ s!^lib/go/!!;
$pr .= $CAMPKGDIR . '/' . $cam_lib . ".a\\\n\t";
chop $pr; chop $pr; chop $pr;
$mfc .= "PREREQ=$gc_bin $pr\n";
if ($type eq "pkg") {
my $targ = $target;
$targ =~ s!^lib/go/!!;
$targ = $override_target || $targ;
$mfc .= "TARG=$targ\n";
} else {
my $targ = $target;
$targ =~ s!^.*/!!;
$mfc .= "TARG=$targ\n";
my @non_test_files = grep { !/_test\.go/ } @go_files;
$mfc .= "GOFILES=@non_test_files\n";
$mfc .= "include \$(GOROOT)/src/Make.$type\n";
set_file_contents("$target_dir/Makefile", $mfc);
# print "DEPS of $target: @{ $t->{deps} }\n";
sub set_file_contents {
my ($fn, $new) = @_;
if (-e $fn) {
open(my $fh, $fn) or die "Failed to write to $fn: $!";
my $cur = do { local $/; <$fh> };
return if $new eq $cur;
open(my $fh, ">$fn") or die;
print $fh $new;
close($fh) or die;
sub read_targets {
my $last;
for (<DATA>) {
if (m!^\TARGET:\s*(.+)\s*$!) {
my $target = $1;
$last = $target;
$targets{$target} ||= { deps => [] };
if (m!^\s+\-\s(\S+)\s*$!) {
my $dep = $1;
my $t = $targets{$last} or die "Unexpected dependency line: $_";
push @{$t->{deps}}, $dep;
if (m!^\s+\=\s*(\S+):(\S+)\s*$!) {
my $tag = $1;
my $t = $targets{$last} or die "Unexpected dependency line: $_";
$t->{tags}{$tag} = $2;
if (m!^\s+\=\s*(\S+)\s*$!) {
my $tag = $1;
my $t = $targets{$last} or die "Unexpected dependency line: $_";
$t->{tags}{$tag} = 1;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper(\%targets);
sub record_go_version {
return unless $ENV{USER} eq "bradfitz";
return unless `uname -m` =~ /x86_64/;
my $ver = `6g -V`;
open(my $fh, ">.last_go_version") or return;
print $fh $ver;
sub filter_os_targets {
my @targets = @_;
my @out;
my $is_linux = (`uname` =~ /linux/i);
foreach my $t (@targets) {
if ($targets{$t}{tags}{only_os_linux} && !$is_linux) {
push @out, $t;
return @out;
sub modtime {
my $file = shift;
my @st = stat($file);
return $st[9];
sub max {
my $n = shift;
foreach my $c (@_) {
$n = $c if $c > $n;
return $n;
sub generate_embed_file {
my ($pkg, $base_file, $source, $dest) = @_;
print STDERR "# Generating $base_file -> $dest\n";
open(my $sf, $source) or die "Error opening $source for embedding: $!\n";
open(my $dest, ">$dest") or die "Error creating $dest for embedding: $!\n";
my $contents = do { local $/; <$sf> };
print $dest "// THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED FROM $base_file\n";
print $dest "// DO NOT EDIT.\n";
print $dest "package $pkg\n";
my $escaped;
for my $i (0..length($contents)-1) {
my $ch = substr($contents, $i, 1);
my $b = ord($ch);
if ($b >= 32 && $b < 127 && $b != ord("\"") && $b != ord("\\")) {
$escaped .= $ch;
} else {
$escaped .= "\\x" . sprintf("%02x", $b);
if (++$i % 70 == 50) {
$escaped .= "\"+\n\t\"";
print $dest "func init() {\n\tFiles.Add(\"$base_file\", \"$escaped\");\n}\n";
sub setup_environment_from_goroot_symlink {
return unless -e ".goroot";
my $root = readlink ".goroot";
unless (-d $root) {
die "Optional file $Findbin::Bin/.goroot points to invalid GOROOT directory $root\n";
$ENV{"GOROOT"} = $root;
$ENV{"PATH"} = "$root/bin:$ENV{PATH}";
sub get_os_arch {
my $out = `make -f $FindBin::Bin/build/print-go-osarch.Make`;
die "Failed to find GOOS and GOARCH." unless $out;
my ($os) = $out =~ /GOOS=(.+)/ or die "didn't find GOOS";
my ($arch) = $out =~ /GOARCH=(.+)/ or die "didn't find GOARCH";
return ($os, $arch)
TARGET: clients/go/camdbinit
TARGET: clients/go/camdebug
TARGET: clients/go/camget
TARGET: clients/go/camgsinit
TARGET: clients/go/camput
TARGET: clients/go/cammount
TARGET: clients/go/camsync
TARGET: clients/go/camwebdav
TARGET: lib/go/camli/auth
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobref
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver/cond
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver/google
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver/handlers
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver/localdisk
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver/remote
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver/replica
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver/shard
TARGET: lib/go/camli/blobserver/s3
TARGET: lib/go/camli/cacher
TARGET: lib/go/camli/client
TARGET: lib/go/camli/db
TARGET: lib/go/camli/db/dbimpl
TARGET: lib/go/camli/errorutil
TARGET: lib/go/camli/fs
TARGET: lib/go/camli/googlestorage
TARGET: lib/go/camli/httputil
TARGET: lib/go/camli/index
TARGET: lib/go/camli/jsonconfig
TARGET: lib/go/camli/jsonsign
TARGET: lib/go/camli/lru
TARGET: lib/go/camli/magic
TARGET: lib/go/camli/misc
TARGET: lib/go/camli/misc/amazon/s3
TARGET: lib/go/camli/misc/fileembed
TARGET: lib/go/camli/misc/httprange
TARGET: lib/go/camli/misc/gpgagent
TARGET: lib/go/camli/misc/pinentry
TARGET: lib/go/camli/misc/resize
TARGET: lib/go/camli/mysqlindexer
TARGET: lib/go/camli/netutil
TARGET: lib/go/camli/osutil
TARGET: lib/go/camli/rollsum
TARGET: lib/go/camli/schema
TARGET: lib/go/camli/search
TARGET: lib/go/camli/server
TARGET: lib/go/camli/serverconfig # TODO(bradfitz): move to camli/server/config
TARGET: lib/go/camli/test
TARGET: lib/go/camli/test/asserts
TARGET: lib/go/camli/third_party/code.google.com/goauth2/oauth
TARGET: lib/go/camli/third_party/github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache
TARGET: lib/go/camli/third_party/github.com/hanwen/go-fuse/fuse
TARGET: lib/go/camli/third_party/github.com/mncaudill/go-flickr/
TARGET: lib/go/camli/third_party/github.com/mpl/histo
TARGET: lib/go/camli/third_party/github.com/Philio/GoMySQL
TARGET: lib/go/camli/third_party/github.com/camlistore/GoMySQL
TARGET: lib/go/camli/webserver
TARGET: lib/go/launchpad.net/gobson/bson
TARGET: lib/go/launchpad.net/gocheck
TARGET: lib/go/launchpad.net/mgo
TARGET: lib/go/leveldb-go.googlecode.com/hg/leveldb/crc
TARGET: lib/go/leveldb-go.googlecode.com/hg/leveldb/db
TARGET: lib/go/leveldb-go.googlecode.com/hg/leveldb/memdb
TARGET: lib/go/leveldb-go.googlecode.com/hg/leveldb/table
TARGET: lib/go/snappy-go.googlecode.com/hg/snappy
TARGET: lib/go/snappy-go.googlecode.com/hg/varint
TARGET: lib/go/snappy-go.googlecode.com/hg/varint/zigzag
TARGET: server/go/camlistored
TARGET: camlistore.org/server/uistatic
TARGET: server/go/sigserver
TARGET: website
TARGET: clients/android
=not_in_all # too slow
# foo