
1257 lines
34 KiB

Copyright 2013 The Camlistore Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package index
import (
// Corpus is an in-memory summary of all of a user's blobs' metadata.
type Corpus struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
//mu syncutil.RWMutexTracker // when debugging
// building is true at start while scanning all rows in the
// index. While building, certain invariants (like things
// being sorted) can be temporarily violated and fixed at the
// end of scan.
building bool
// gen is incremented on every blob received.
// It's used as a query cache invalidator.
gen int64
strs map[string]string // interned strings
brOfStr map[string]blob.Ref // blob.Parse fast path
brInterns int64 // blob.Ref -> blob.Ref, via br method
blobs map[blob.Ref]*camtypes.BlobMeta
sumBlobBytes int64
// camlBlobs maps from camliType ("file") to blobref to the meta.
// The value is the same one in blobs.
camBlobs map[string]map[blob.Ref]*camtypes.BlobMeta
// TODO: add GoLLRB to third_party; keep sorted BlobMeta
keyId map[blob.Ref]string
files map[blob.Ref]camtypes.FileInfo
permanodes map[blob.Ref]*PermanodeMeta
imageInfo map[blob.Ref]camtypes.ImageInfo // keyed by fileref (not wholeref)
fileWholeRef map[blob.Ref]blob.Ref // fileref -> its wholeref (TODO: multi-valued?)
gps map[blob.Ref]latLong // wholeRef -> GPS coordinates
// edge tracks "forward" edges. e.g. from a directory's static-set to
// its members. Permanodes' camliMembers aren't tracked, since they
// can be obtained from permanodes.Claims.
// TODO: implement
edge map[blob.Ref][]edge
// edgeBack tracks "backward" edges. e.g. from a file back to
// any directories it's part of.
// The map is from target (e.g. file) => owner (static-set).
// This only tracks static data structures, not permanodes.
// TODO: implement
edgeBack map[blob.Ref]map[blob.Ref]bool
// claimBack allows hopping backwards from a Claim's Value
// when the Value is a blobref. It allows, for example,
// finding the parents of camliMember claims. If a permanode
// parent set A has a camliMembers B and C, it allows finding
// A from either B and C.
// The slice is not sorted.
claimBack map[blob.Ref][]*camtypes.Claim
// TOOD: use deletedCache instead?
deletedBy map[blob.Ref]blob.Ref // key is deleted by value
// deletes tracks deletions of claims and permanodes. The key is
// the blobref of a claim or permanode. The values, sorted newest first,
// contain the blobref of the claim responsible for the deletion, as well
// as the date when that deletion happened.
deletes map[blob.Ref][]deletion
mediaTags map[blob.Ref]map[string]string // wholeref -> "album" -> "foo"
permanodesByTime *lazySortedPermanodes // cache of permanodes sorted by creation time.
permanodesByModtime *lazySortedPermanodes // cache of permanodes sorted by modtime.
// scratch string slice
ss []string
type latLong struct {
lat, long float64
// RLock locks the Corpus for reads. It must be used for any "Locked" methods.
func (c *Corpus) RLock() { }
// RUnlock unlocks the Corpus for reads.
func (c *Corpus) RUnlock() { }
// IsDeleted reports whether the provided blobref (of a permanode or claim) should be considered deleted.
func (c *Corpus) IsDeleted(br blob.Ref) bool {
defer c.RUnlock()
return c.IsDeletedLocked(br)
// IsDeletedLocked is the version of IsDeleted that assumes the Corpus is already locked with RLock.
func (c *Corpus) IsDeletedLocked(br blob.Ref) bool {
for _, v := range c.deletes[br] {
if !c.IsDeletedLocked(v.deleter) {
return true
return false
type edge struct {
edgeType string
peer blob.Ref
type PermanodeMeta struct {
// TODO: OwnerKeyId string
Claims []*camtypes.Claim // sorted by camtypes.ClaimsByDate
func newCorpus() *Corpus {
c := &Corpus{
blobs: make(map[blob.Ref]*camtypes.BlobMeta),
camBlobs: make(map[string]map[blob.Ref]*camtypes.BlobMeta),
files: make(map[blob.Ref]camtypes.FileInfo),
permanodes: make(map[blob.Ref]*PermanodeMeta),
imageInfo: make(map[blob.Ref]camtypes.ImageInfo),
deletedBy: make(map[blob.Ref]blob.Ref),
keyId: make(map[blob.Ref]string),
brOfStr: make(map[string]blob.Ref),
fileWholeRef: make(map[blob.Ref]blob.Ref),
gps: make(map[blob.Ref]latLong),
mediaTags: make(map[blob.Ref]map[string]string),
deletes: make(map[blob.Ref][]deletion),
claimBack: make(map[blob.Ref][]*camtypes.Claim),
c.permanodesByModtime = &lazySortedPermanodes{
c: c,
pnTime: c.PermanodeModtimeLocked,
c.permanodesByTime = &lazySortedPermanodes{
c: c,
pnTime: c.PermanodeAnyTimeLocked,
return c
func NewCorpusFromStorage(s sorted.KeyValue) (*Corpus, error) {
if s == nil {
return nil, errors.New("storage is nil")
c := newCorpus()
return c, c.scanFromStorage(s)
func (x *Index) KeepInMemory() (*Corpus, error) {
var err error
x.corpus, err = NewCorpusFromStorage(x.s)
return x.corpus, err
// PreventStorageAccessForTesting causes any access to the index's underlying
// Storage interface to panic.
func (x *Index) PreventStorageAccessForTesting() {
x.s = crashStorage{}
type crashStorage struct {
func (crashStorage) Get(key string) (string, error) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected KeyValue.Get(%q) called", key))
func (crashStorage) Find(start, end string) sorted.Iterator {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected KeyValue.Find(%q, %q) called", start, end))
// *********** Updating the corpus
var corpusMergeFunc = map[string]func(c *Corpus, k, v []byte) error{
"have": nil, // redundant with "meta"
"recpn": nil, // unneeded.
"meta": (*Corpus).mergeMetaRow,
"signerkeyid": (*Corpus).mergeSignerKeyIdRow,
"claim": (*Corpus).mergeClaimRow,
"fileinfo": (*Corpus).mergeFileInfoRow,
"filetimes": (*Corpus).mergeFileTimesRow,
"imagesize": (*Corpus).mergeImageSizeRow,
"wholetofile": (*Corpus).mergeWholeToFileRow,
"exifgps": (*Corpus).mergeEXIFGPSRow,
"exiftag": nil, // not using any for now
"signerattrvalue": nil, // ignoring for now
"mediatag": (*Corpus).mergeMediaTag,
func memstats() *runtime.MemStats {
ms := new(runtime.MemStats)
return ms
var logCorpusStats = true // set to false in tests
var slurpPrefixes = []string{
"meta:", // must be first
// Key types (without trailing punctuation) that we slurp to memory at start.
var slurpedKeyType = make(map[string]bool)
func init() {
for _, prefix := range slurpPrefixes {
slurpedKeyType[typeOfKey(prefix)] = true
func (c *Corpus) scanFromStorage(s sorted.KeyValue) error {
c.building = true
var ms0 *runtime.MemStats
if logCorpusStats {
ms0 = memstats()
log.Printf("Slurping corpus to memory from index...")
log.Printf("Slurping corpus to memory from index... (1/%d: meta rows)", len(slurpPrefixes))
// We do the "meta" rows first, before the prefixes below, because it
// populates the blobs map (used for blobref interning) and the camBlobs
// map (used for hinting the size of other maps)
if err := c.scanPrefix(s, "meta:"); err != nil {
return err
c.files = make(map[blob.Ref]camtypes.FileInfo, len(c.camBlobs["file"]))
c.permanodes = make(map[blob.Ref]*PermanodeMeta, len(c.camBlobs["permanode"]))
cpu0 := osutil.CPUUsage()
var grp syncutil.Group
for i, prefix := range slurpPrefixes[1:] {
if logCorpusStats {
log.Printf("Slurping corpus to memory from index... (%d/%d: prefix %q)", i+2, len(slurpPrefixes),
prefix := prefix
grp.Go(func() error { return c.scanPrefix(s, prefix) })
if err := grp.Err(); err != nil {
return err
// Post-load optimizations and restoration of invariants.
for _, pm := range c.permanodes {
// Restore invariants violated during building:
// And intern some stuff.
for _, cl := range pm.Claims {
cl.BlobRef =
cl.Signer =
cl.Permanode =
cl.Target =
c.brOfStr = nil // drop this now.
c.building = false
// log.V(1).Printf("interned blob.Ref = %d", c.brInterns)
if err := c.initDeletes(s); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not populate the corpus deletes: %v", err)
if logCorpusStats {
cpu := osutil.CPUUsage() - cpu0
ms1 := memstats()
memUsed := ms1.Alloc - ms0.Alloc
if ms1.Alloc < ms0.Alloc {
memUsed = 0
log.Printf("Corpus stats: %.3f MiB mem: %d blobs (%.3f GiB) (%d schema (%d permanode, %d file (%d image), ...)",
log.Printf("Corpus scanning CPU usage: %v", cpu)
return nil
// initDeletes populates the corpus deletes from the delete entries in s.
func (c *Corpus) initDeletes(s sorted.KeyValue) (err error) {
it := queryPrefix(s, keyDeleted)
defer closeIterator(it, &err)
for it.Next() {
cl, ok := kvDeleted(it.Key())
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Bogus keyDeleted entry key: want |\"deleted\"|<deleted blobref>|<reverse claimdate>|<deleter claim>|, got %q", it.Key())
targetDeletions := append(c.deletes[cl.Target],
deleter: cl.BlobRef,
when: cl.Date,
c.deletes[cl.Target] = targetDeletions
return err
func (c *Corpus) numSchemaBlobsLocked() (n int64) {
for _, m := range c.camBlobs {
n += int64(len(m))
func (c *Corpus) scanPrefix(s sorted.KeyValue, prefix string) (err error) {
typeKey := typeOfKey(prefix)
fn, ok := corpusMergeFunc[typeKey]
if !ok {
panic("No registered merge func for prefix " + prefix)
n, t0 := 0, time.Now()
it := queryPrefixString(s, prefix)
defer closeIterator(it, &err)
for it.Next() {
if n == 1 {
// Let the query be sent off and responses start flowing in before
// we take the lock. And if no rows: no lock.
if err := fn(c, it.KeyBytes(), it.ValueBytes()); err != nil {
return err
if logCorpusStats {
d := time.Since(t0)
log.Printf("Scanned prefix %q: %d rows, %v", prefix[:len(prefix)-1], n, d)
return nil
func (c *Corpus) addBlob(br blob.Ref, mm *mutationMap) error {
if _, dup := c.blobs[br]; dup {
return nil
for k, v := range mm.kv {
kt := typeOfKey(k)
if !slurpedKeyType[kt] {
if err := corpusMergeFunc[kt](c, []byte(k), []byte(v)); err != nil {
return err
for _, cl := range mm.deletes {
if err := c.updateDeletes(cl); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not update the deletes cache after deletion from %v: %v", cl, err)
return nil
// updateDeletes updates the corpus deletes with the delete claim deleteClaim.
// deleteClaim is trusted to be a valid delete Claim.
func (c *Corpus) updateDeletes(deleteClaim schema.Claim) error {
target :=
deleter := deleteClaim.Blob()
when, err := deleter.ClaimDate()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not get date of delete claim %v: %v", deleteClaim, err)
del := deletion{
when: when,
for _, v := range c.deletes[target] {
if v == del {
return nil
targetDeletions := append(c.deletes[target], del)
c.deletes[target] = targetDeletions
return nil
func (c *Corpus) mergeMetaRow(k, v []byte) error {
bm, ok := kvBlobMeta_bytes(k, v)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus meta row: %q -> %q", k, v)
return c.mergeBlobMeta(bm)
func (c *Corpus) mergeBlobMeta(bm camtypes.BlobMeta) error {
if _, dup := c.blobs[bm.Ref]; dup {
panic("dup blob seen")
bm.CamliType = c.str(bm.CamliType)
c.blobs[bm.Ref] = &bm
c.sumBlobBytes += int64(bm.Size)
if bm.CamliType != "" {
m, ok := c.camBlobs[bm.CamliType]
if !ok {
m = make(map[blob.Ref]*camtypes.BlobMeta)
c.camBlobs[bm.CamliType] = m
m[bm.Ref] = &bm
return nil
func (c *Corpus) mergeSignerKeyIdRow(k, v []byte) error {
br, ok := blob.ParseBytes(k[len("signerkeyid:"):])
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus signerid row: %q -> %q", k, v)
c.keyId[br] = string(v)
return nil
func (c *Corpus) mergeClaimRow(k, v []byte) error {
// TODO: update kvClaim to take []byte instead of string
cl, ok := kvClaim(string(k), string(v), c.blobParse)
if !ok || !cl.Permanode.Valid() {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus claim row: %q -> %q", k, v)
cl.Type = c.str(cl.Type)
cl.Attr = c.str(cl.Attr)
cl.Value = c.str(cl.Value) // less likely to intern, but some (tags) do
pn :=
pm, ok := c.permanodes[pn]
if !ok {
pm = new(PermanodeMeta)
c.permanodes[pn] = pm
pm.Claims = append(pm.Claims, &cl)
if !c.building {
// Unless we're still starting up (at which we sort at
// the end instead), keep this sorted.
if vbr, ok := blob.Parse(cl.Value); ok {
c.claimBack[vbr] = append(c.claimBack[vbr], &cl)
return nil
func (c *Corpus) mergeFileInfoRow(k, v []byte) error {
// fileinfo|sha1-579f7f246bd420d486ddeb0dadbb256cfaf8bf6b" "5|some-stuff.txt|"
pipe := bytes.IndexByte(k, '|')
if pipe < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected fileinfo key %q", k)
br, ok := blob.ParseBytes(k[pipe+1:])
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected fileinfo blobref in key %q", k)
// TODO: could at least use strutil.ParseUintBytes to not stringify and retain
// the length bytes of v. = strutil.AppendSplitN([:0], string(v), "|", 3)
if len( != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected fileinfo value %q", k)
size, err := strconv.ParseInt([0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected fileinfo value %q", k)
c.mutateFileInfo(br, func(fi *camtypes.FileInfo) {
fi.Size = size
fi.FileName = c.str(urld([1]))
fi.MIMEType = c.str(urld([2]))
return nil
func (c *Corpus) mergeFileTimesRow(k, v []byte) error {
if len(v) == 0 {
return nil
// "filetimes|sha1-579f7f246bd420d486ddeb0dadbb256cfaf8bf6b" "1970-01-01T00%3A02%3A03Z"
pipe := bytes.IndexByte(k, '|')
if pipe < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected fileinfo key %q", k)
br, ok := blob.ParseBytes(k[pipe+1:])
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected filetimes blobref in key %q", k)
} = strutil.AppendSplitN([:0], urld(string(v)), ",", -1)
times :=
c.mutateFileInfo(br, func(fi *camtypes.FileInfo) {
updateFileInfoTimes(fi, times)
return nil
func (c *Corpus) mutateFileInfo(br blob.Ref, fn func(*camtypes.FileInfo)) {
br =
fi := c.files[br] // use zero value if not present
c.files[br] = fi
func (c *Corpus) mergeImageSizeRow(k, v []byte) error {
br, okk := blob.ParseBytes(k[len("imagesize|"):])
ii, okv := kvImageInfo(v)
if !okk || !okv {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus row %q = %q", k, v)
br =
c.imageInfo[br] = ii
return nil
// "wholetofile|sha1-17b53c7c3e664d3613dfdce50ef1f2a09e8f04b5|sha1-fb88f3eab3acfcf3cfc8cd77ae4366f6f975d227" -> "1"
func (c *Corpus) mergeWholeToFileRow(k, v []byte) error {
pair := k[len("wholetofile|"):]
pipe := bytes.IndexByte(pair, '|')
if pipe < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus row %q = %q", k, v)
wholeRef, ok1 := blob.ParseBytes(pair[:pipe])
fileRef, ok2 := blob.ParseBytes(pair[pipe+1:])
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus row %q = %q", k, v)
c.fileWholeRef[fileRef] = wholeRef
return nil
// "mediatag|sha1-2b219be9d9691b4f8090e7ee2690098097f59566|album" = "Some+Album+Name"
func (c *Corpus) mergeMediaTag(k, v []byte) error {
f := strings.Split(string(k), "|")
if len(f) != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected key %q", k)
wholeRef, ok := blob.Parse(f[1])
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse wholeref from key %q", k)
tm, ok := c.mediaTags[wholeRef]
if !ok {
tm = make(map[string]string)
c.mediaTags[wholeRef] = tm
tm[c.str(f[2])] = c.str(urld(string(v)))
return nil
// "exifgps|sha1-17b53c7c3e664d3613dfdce50ef1f2a09e8f04b5" -> "-122.39897155555556|37.61952208333334"
func (c *Corpus) mergeEXIFGPSRow(k, v []byte) error {
wholeRef, ok := blob.ParseBytes(k[len("exifgps|"):])
pipe := bytes.IndexByte(v, '|')
if pipe < 0 || !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus row %q = %q", k, v)
lat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(v[:pipe]), 64)
long, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(string(v[pipe+1:]), 64)
if err != nil || err1 != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bogus row %q = %q", k, v)
c.gps[wholeRef] = latLong{lat, long}
return nil
// This enables the blob.Parse fast path cache, which reduces CPU (via
// reduced GC from new garbage), but increases memory usage, even
// though it shouldn't. The GC should fully discard the brOfStr map
// (which we nil out at the end of parsing), but the Go GC doesn't
// seem to clear it all.
// TODO: investigate / file bugs.
const useBlobParseCache = false
func (c *Corpus) blobParse(v string) (br blob.Ref, ok bool) {
if useBlobParseCache {
br, ok = c.brOfStr[v]
if ok {
return blob.Parse(v)
// str returns s, interned.
func (c *Corpus) str(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
if s, ok := c.strs[s]; ok {
return s
if c.strs == nil {
c.strs = make(map[string]string)
c.strs[s] = s
return s
// br returns br, interned.
func (c *Corpus) br(br blob.Ref) blob.Ref {
if bm, ok := c.blobs[br]; ok {
return bm.Ref
return br
// *********** Reading from the corpus
// EnumerateCamliBlobsLocked sends just camlistore meta blobs to ch.
// The Corpus must already be locked with RLock.
// If camType is empty, all camlistore blobs are sent, otherwise it specifies
// the camliType to send.
// ch is closed at the end. The err will either be nil or context.ErrCanceled.
func (c *Corpus) EnumerateCamliBlobsLocked(ctx *context.Context, camType string, ch chan<- camtypes.BlobMeta) error {
defer close(ch)
for t, m := range c.camBlobs {
if camType != "" && camType != t {
for _, bm := range m {
select {
case ch <- *bm:
case <-ctx.Done():
return context.ErrCanceled
return nil
// EnumerateBlobMetaLocked sends all known blobs to ch, or until the context is canceled.
// The Corpus must already be locked with RLock.
func (c *Corpus) EnumerateBlobMetaLocked(ctx *context.Context, ch chan<- camtypes.BlobMeta) error {
defer close(ch)
for _, bm := range c.blobs {
select {
case ch <- *bm:
case <-ctx.Done():
return context.ErrCanceled
return nil
// pnAndTime is a value type wrapping a permanode blobref and its modtime.
// It's used by EnumeratePermanodesLastModified and EnumeratePermanodesCreated.
type pnAndTime struct {
pn blob.Ref
t time.Time
type byPermanodeTime []pnAndTime
func (s byPermanodeTime) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s byPermanodeTime) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s byPermanodeTime) Less(i, j int) bool {
if s[i].t.Equal(s[j].t) {
return s[i].pn.Less(s[j].pn)
return s[i].t.Before(s[j].t)
type lazySortedPermanodes struct {
c *Corpus
pnTime func(blob.Ref) (time.Time, bool) // returns permanode's time (if any) to sort on
mu sync.Mutex // guards sortedCache and ofGen
sortedCache []pnAndTime // nil if invalidated
sortedCacheReversed []pnAndTime // nil if invalidated
ofGen int64 // the Corpus.gen from which sortedCache was built
func reversedCopy(original []pnAndTime) []pnAndTime {
l := len(original)
reversed := make([]pnAndTime, l)
for k, v := range original {
reversed[l-1-k] = v
return reversed
// The Corpus must already be locked with RLock.
func (lsp *lazySortedPermanodes) sorted(reverse bool) []pnAndTime {
if lsp.ofGen == lsp.c.gen {
// corpus hasn't changed -> caches are still valid, if they exist.
if reverse {
if lsp.sortedCacheReversed != nil {
return lsp.sortedCacheReversed
if lsp.sortedCache != nil {
// using sortedCache to quickly build sortedCacheReversed
lsp.sortedCacheReversed = reversedCopy(lsp.sortedCache)
return lsp.sortedCacheReversed
if !reverse {
if lsp.sortedCache != nil {
return lsp.sortedCache
if lsp.sortedCacheReversed != nil {
// using sortedCacheReversed to quickly build sortedCache
lsp.sortedCache = reversedCopy(lsp.sortedCacheReversed)
return lsp.sortedCache
// invalidate the caches
lsp.sortedCache = nil
lsp.sortedCacheReversed = nil
pns := make([]pnAndTime, 0, len(lsp.c.permanodes))
for pn := range lsp.c.permanodes {
if lsp.c.IsDeletedLocked(pn) {
if pt, ok := lsp.pnTime(pn); ok {
pns = append(pns, pnAndTime{pn, pt})
// and rebuild one of them
if reverse {
lsp.sortedCacheReversed = pns
} else {
lsp.sortedCache = pns
lsp.ofGen = lsp.c.gen
return pns
// corpus must be (read) locked.
func (c *Corpus) sendPermanodes(ctx *context.Context, ch chan<- camtypes.BlobMeta, pns []pnAndTime) error {
for _, cand := range pns {
bm := c.blobs[]
if bm == nil {
select {
case ch <- *bm:
case <-ctx.Done():
return context.ErrCanceled
return nil
// EnumeratePermanodesLastModified sends all permanodes, sorted by most recently modified first, to ch,
// or until ctx is done.
// The Corpus must already be locked with RLock.
func (c *Corpus) EnumeratePermanodesLastModifiedLocked(ctx *context.Context, ch chan<- camtypes.BlobMeta) error {
defer close(ch)
return c.sendPermanodes(ctx, ch, c.permanodesByModtime.sorted(true))
// EnumeratePermanodesCreatedLocked sends all permanodes to ch, or until ctx is done.
// They are sorted using the contents creation date if any, the permanode modtime
// otherwise, and in the order specified by newestFirst.
// The Corpus must already be locked with RLock.
func (c *Corpus) EnumeratePermanodesCreatedLocked(ctx *context.Context, ch chan<- camtypes.BlobMeta, newestFirst bool) error {
defer close(ch)
return c.sendPermanodes(ctx, ch, c.permanodesByTime.sorted(newestFirst))
func (c *Corpus) GetBlobMeta(br blob.Ref) (camtypes.BlobMeta, error) {
return c.GetBlobMetaLocked(br)
func (c *Corpus) GetBlobMetaLocked(br blob.Ref) (camtypes.BlobMeta, error) {
bm, ok := c.blobs[br]
if !ok {
return camtypes.BlobMeta{}, os.ErrNotExist
return *bm, nil
func (c *Corpus) KeyId(signer blob.Ref) (string, error) {
if v, ok := c.keyId[signer]; ok {
return v, nil
return "", sorted.ErrNotFound
var (
errUnsupportedNodeType = errors.New("unsupported nodeType")
errNoNodeAttr = errors.New("attribute not found")
// typeSpecificNodeTimeLocked returns the time that is set as a specific permanode attribute.
// That attribute, if any, depends on the nodeType ("camliNodeType" attribute) value, which
// may be empty as well.
func (c *Corpus) typeSpecificNodeTimeLocked(nodeType string, pn blob.Ref) (t time.Time, err error) {
attr := ""
switch nodeType {
case "":
attr = "startDate"
case "":
attr = "startDate"
// TODO(mpl): other nodeTypes from importers
return t, errUnsupportedNodeType
timeStr := c.PermanodeAttrValueLocked(pn, attr, time.Time{}, blob.Ref{})
if timeStr == "" {
return t, errNoNodeAttr
return time.Parse(time.RFC3339, timeStr)
// PermanodeTimeLocked returns the time of the content in permanode.
func (c *Corpus) PermanodeTimeLocked(pn blob.Ref) (t time.Time, ok bool) {
// TODO(bradfitz): keep this time property cached on the permanode / files
// TODO(bradfitz): finish implmenting all these
// Priorities:
// -- Permanode explicit "camliTime" property
// -- EXIF GPS time
// -- Exif camera time - this one is actually already in the FileInfo,
// because we use schema.FileTime (which returns the EXIF time, if available)
// to index the time when receiving a file.
// -- File time
// -- File modtime
// -- camliContent claim set time
// First check the type-specific time (e.g. from importers)
nodeType := c.PermanodeAttrValueLocked(pn, "camliNodeType", time.Time{}, blob.Ref{})
if nodeType != "" {
if t, err := c.typeSpecificNodeTimeLocked(nodeType, pn); err == nil {
return t, true
// Otherwise check time from the FileInfo
ccRef, ccTime, ok := c.pnCamliContentLocked(pn)
if !ok {
fi, ok := c.files[ccRef]
if ok {
if fi.Time != nil {
return time.Time(*fi.Time), true
if fi.ModTime != nil {
return time.Time(*fi.ModTime), true
return ccTime, true
// PermanodeAnyTimeLocked returns the time that best qualifies the permanode.
// It tries content-specific times first, the permanode modtime otherwise.
func (c *Corpus) PermanodeAnyTimeLocked(pn blob.Ref) (t time.Time, ok bool) {
if t, ok := c.PermanodeTimeLocked(pn); ok {
return t, ok
return c.PermanodeModtimeLocked(pn)
func (c *Corpus) pnCamliContentLocked(pn blob.Ref) (cc blob.Ref, t time.Time, ok bool) {
// TODO(bradfitz): keep this property cached
pm, ok := c.permanodes[pn]
if !ok {
for _, cl := range pm.Claims {
if cl.Attr != "camliContent" {
// TODO: pass down the 'PermanodeConstraint.At' parameter, and then do: if cl.Date.After(at) { continue }
switch cl.Type {
case string(schema.DelAttributeClaim):
cc = blob.Ref{}
t = time.Time{}
case string(schema.SetAttributeClaim):
cc = blob.ParseOrZero(cl.Value)
t = cl.Date
return cc, t, cc.Valid()
// PermanodeModtime returns the latest modification time of the given
// permanode.
// The ok value is true only if the permanode is known and has any
// non-deleted claims. A deleted claim is ignored and neither its
// claim date nor the date of the delete claim affect the modtime of
// the permanode.
func (c *Corpus) PermanodeModtime(pn blob.Ref) (t time.Time, ok bool) {
// TODO: figure out behavior wrt mutations by different people
return c.PermanodeModtimeLocked(pn)
// PermanodeModtimeLocked is like PermanodeModtime but for when the Corpus is
// already locked via RLock.
func (c *Corpus) PermanodeModtimeLocked(pn blob.Ref) (t time.Time, ok bool) {
pm, ok := c.permanodes[pn]
if !ok {
// Note: We intentionally don't try to derive any information
// (except the owner, elsewhere) from the permanode blob
// itself. Even though the permanode blob sometimes has the
// GPG signature time, we intentionally ignore it.
for _, cl := range pm.Claims {
if c.IsDeletedLocked(cl.BlobRef) {
if cl.Date.After(t) {
t = cl.Date
return t, !t.IsZero()
// AppendPermanodeAttrValues appends to dst all the values for the attribute
// attr set on permaNode.
// signerFilter is optional.
// dst must start with length 0 (laziness, mostly)
func (c *Corpus) AppendPermanodeAttrValues(dst []string,
permaNode blob.Ref,
attr string,
at time.Time,
signerFilter blob.Ref) []string {
return c.AppendPermanodeAttrValuesLocked(dst, permaNode, attr, at, signerFilter)
// PermanodeAttrValueLocked returns a single-valued attribute or "".
func (c *Corpus) PermanodeAttrValueLocked(permaNode blob.Ref,
attr string,
at time.Time,
signerFilter blob.Ref) string {
pm, ok := c.permanodes[permaNode]
if !ok {
return ""
if at.IsZero() {
at = time.Now()
var v string
for _, cl := range pm.Claims {
if cl.Attr != attr || cl.Date.After(at) {
if signerFilter.Valid() && signerFilter != cl.Signer {
switch cl.Type {
case string(schema.DelAttributeClaim):
if cl.Value == "" {
v = ""
} else if v == cl.Value {
v = ""
case string(schema.SetAttributeClaim):
v = cl.Value
case string(schema.AddAttributeClaim):
if v == "" {
v = cl.Value
return v
func (c *Corpus) AppendPermanodeAttrValuesLocked(dst []string,
permaNode blob.Ref,
attr string,
at time.Time,
signerFilter blob.Ref) []string {
if len(dst) > 0 {
panic("len(dst) must be 0")
pm, ok := c.permanodes[permaNode]
if !ok {
return dst
if at.IsZero() {
at = time.Now()
for _, cl := range pm.Claims {
if cl.Attr != attr || cl.Date.After(at) {
if signerFilter.Valid() && signerFilter != cl.Signer {
switch cl.Type {
case string(schema.DelAttributeClaim):
if cl.Value == "" {
dst = dst[:0] // delete all
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(dst); i++ {
v := dst[i]
if v == cl.Value {
copy(dst[i:], dst[i+1:])
dst = dst[:len(dst)-1]
case string(schema.SetAttributeClaim):
dst = append(dst[:0], cl.Value)
case string(schema.AddAttributeClaim):
dst = append(dst, cl.Value)
return dst
func (c *Corpus) AppendClaims(dst []camtypes.Claim, permaNode blob.Ref,
signerFilter blob.Ref,
attrFilter string) ([]camtypes.Claim, error) {
pm, ok := c.permanodes[permaNode]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
for _, cl := range pm.Claims {
if c.IsDeletedLocked(cl.BlobRef) {
if signerFilter.Valid() && cl.Signer != signerFilter {
if attrFilter != "" && cl.Attr != attrFilter {
dst = append(dst, *cl)
return dst, nil
func (c *Corpus) GetFileInfo(fileRef blob.Ref) (fi camtypes.FileInfo, err error) {
return c.GetFileInfoLocked(fileRef)
func (c *Corpus) GetFileInfoLocked(fileRef blob.Ref) (fi camtypes.FileInfo, err error) {
fi, ok := c.files[fileRef]
if !ok {
err = os.ErrNotExist
func (c *Corpus) GetImageInfo(fileRef blob.Ref) (ii camtypes.ImageInfo, err error) {
return c.GetImageInfoLocked(fileRef)
func (c *Corpus) GetImageInfoLocked(fileRef blob.Ref) (ii camtypes.ImageInfo, err error) {
ii, ok := c.imageInfo[fileRef]
if !ok {
err = os.ErrNotExist
func (c *Corpus) GetMediaTags(fileRef blob.Ref) (map[string]string, error) {
return c.GetMediaTagsLocked(fileRef)
func (c *Corpus) GetMediaTagsLocked(fileRef blob.Ref) (map[string]string, error) {
wholeRef, ok := c.fileWholeRef[fileRef]
if !ok {
return nil, os.ErrNotExist
tags, ok := c.mediaTags[wholeRef]
if !ok {
return nil, os.ErrNotExist
return tags, nil
func (c *Corpus) FileLatLongLocked(fileRef blob.Ref) (lat, long float64, ok bool) {
wholeRef, ok := c.fileWholeRef[fileRef]
if !ok {
ll, ok := c.gps[wholeRef]
if !ok {
return, ll.long, true
// zero value of at means current
func (c *Corpus) PermanodeLatLongLocked(pn blob.Ref, at time.Time) (lat, long float64, ok bool) {
nodeType := c.PermanodeAttrValueLocked(pn, "camliNodeType", at, blob.Ref{})
if nodeType == "" {
// TODO: make these pluggable, e.g. registered from an importer or something?
// How will that work when they're out-of-process?
if nodeType == "" {
venuePn, hasVenue := blob.Parse(c.PermanodeAttrValueLocked(pn, "foursquareVenuePermanode", at, blob.Ref{}))
if !hasVenue {
return c.PermanodeLatLongLocked(venuePn, at)
if nodeType == "" || nodeType == "" {
var err error
lat, err = strconv.ParseFloat(c.PermanodeAttrValueLocked(pn, "latitude", at, blob.Ref{}), 64)
if err != nil {
long, err = strconv.ParseFloat(c.PermanodeAttrValueLocked(pn, "longitude", at, blob.Ref{}), 64)
if err != nil {
return lat, long, true
// ForeachClaimBackLocked calls fn for each claim with a value referencing br.
// If at is zero, all claims are yielded.
// If at is non-zero, claims after that point are skipped.
// If fn returns false, iteration ends.
// Iteration is in an undefined order.
func (c *Corpus) ForeachClaimBackLocked(value blob.Ref, at time.Time, fn func(*camtypes.Claim) bool) {
for _, cl := range c.claimBack[value] {
if !at.IsZero() && cl.Date.After(at) {
if !fn(cl) {
// PermanodeHasAttrValueLocked reports whether the permanode pn at
// time at (zero means now) has the given attribute with the given
// value. If the attribute is multi-valued, any may match.
func (c *Corpus) PermanodeHasAttrValueLocked(pn blob.Ref, at time.Time, attr, val string) bool {
pm, ok := c.permanodes[pn]
if !ok {
return false
if at.IsZero() {
at = time.Now()
ret := false
for _, cl := range pm.Claims {
if cl.Attr != attr {
if cl.Date.After(at) {
switch cl.Type {
case string(schema.DelAttributeClaim):
if cl.Value == "" || cl.Value == val {
ret = false
case string(schema.SetAttributeClaim):
ret = (cl.Value == val)
case string(schema.AddAttributeClaim):
if cl.Value == val {
return true
return ret
// SetVerboseCorpusLogging controls corpus setup verbosity. It's on by default
// but used to disable verbose logging in tests.
func SetVerboseCorpusLogging(v bool) {
logCorpusStats = v