Paul Lindner ecfd0851f5 vendor: disable non-go pruning for is required for proper operation

Change-Id: I9443dcf58d8e02d07068cdbded6bd74933805fd5
2018-02-12 16:13:08 -08:00
FiloSottile/b2 vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
bradfitz/latlong vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
cznic vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
edsrzf/mmap-go vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
fsnotify/fsnotify vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
garyburd/go-oauth/oauth vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
go-sql-driver/mysql vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
golang vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
googleapis/gax-go vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
gopherjs vendor: disable non-go pruning for 2018-02-12 16:13:08 -08:00
gorilla/websocket vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
hjfreyer/taglib-go vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
inconshreveable/mousetrap vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
kardianos/osext vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
kisielk/gotool vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
lib/pq vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
mailgun/mailgun-go vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
mattn/go-sqlite3 vendor: upgrade to a versioned dep of sqlite 2018-02-12 09:42:29 -08:00
miekg/dns vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
neelance vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
nf/cr2 vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
pkg/errors vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
plaid/plaid-go vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
russross/blackfriday vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
rwcarlsen/goexif vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
shurcooL vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
spf13 vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
syndtr/goleveldb vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00
tgulacsi/picago vendor: update to dep v0.4.0 which allows for auto pruning, more legal files and no tests 2018-02-06 06:56:32 -08:00