Configuring the server

The server's config file at $HOME/.config/camlistore/server-config.json is JSON. It can either be in simple mode (for basic configurations), or in low-level mode (for any sort of crazy configuration).

This page documents the simple configuration mode.

If you visit your Camlistore server's /setup page (by default, at http://localhost:3179/setup) you can modify the config file from your web browser and restart the server.

Configuration Keys & Values

Storage options

At least one of these must be set:

Others aren't yet supported by the simple config mode. Patches to pkg/genconfig welcome.

Indexing options

Unless runIndex is set to false, exactly one of these must be set:

Additionally, mongo, mysql, and postgres require the dbname value set. Initialize your database with camtool dbinit.

There's also an in-memory index type, but only in the low-level config, as used by devcam server.

Publishing options

Although limited, publishing can be configured through the publish key. There is only support for an image gallery view (even though it will display thumbnails for other kinds of items), which is not really customizable. Here is an example of a value if one wanted to publish some items under /pics/:

  "/pics/": {
    "rootPermanode": "sha1-09888624be84fcb3ae67e8aa2f29682b4ff515d7",
    "style": "pics.css",
    "template": "gallery"

One can create any permanode with camput or the UI and use it as the rootPermanode.


The default configuration comes with SQLite for the indexer. However, getting mattn go-sqlite3 to work on windows is not straightforward, so we suggest using one of the other indexers, like MySQL.

The following steps should get you started with MySQL:

Setting up MongoDB is even simpler, but the MongoDB indexer is not as well tested as the MySQL one.

App Engine

Most configuration doesn't apply on App Engine as it's pre-configured to use the App Engine Blobstore and Datastore, as well as App Engine's user auth mechanisms. But as of 2013-06-12 we don't yet recommend running on App Engine; there are still some sharp corners.

The UI requires some static resources that are not included by default in the App Engine application directory (server/appengine/). You can define that directory in the server configuration file (server/appengine/config.json), with the sourceRoot parameter, like so:

  "/ui/": {
    "handler": "ui",
    "handlerArgs": {
      "sourceRoot": "dir_name",
      "jsonSignRoot": "/sighelper/"
You will then have to populate that directory with all the necessary resources (UI static files and closure library files).
Alternatively, you can run ./dev-appengine once, which will create and populate the default directory (server/appengine/source_root).