Configuring the server

The server's config file at $HOME/.camlistore/server-config.json is JSON. It can either be in simple mode (for basic configurations), or in low-level mode (for any sort of crazy configuration).

This page documents the simple configuration mode.

If you visit your Camlistore server's /setup page (by default, at http://localhost:3179/setup) you can modify the config file from your web browser and restart the server.

Configuration Keys & Values

Storage options

Exactly one of these must be set:

Others aren't yet supported by the simple config mode. Patches to pkg/genconfig welcome.

Indexing options

Unless runIndex is set to false, exactly one of these must be set:

Additionally, mongo, mysql, and postgres require the dbname value set. Initialize your database with camtool dbinit.

There's also an in-memory index type, but only in the low-level config, as used by the dev-server script.

App Engine

Most configuration doesn't apply on App Engine as it's pre-configured to use the App Engine Blobstore and Datastore, as well as App Engine's user auth mechanisms. But as of 2013-06-12 we don't yet recommend running on App Engine; there are still some sharp corners.