all: go install --ldflags="-X "`git log --pretty=format:'%ad-%h' --abbrev-commit --date=short -1` `pkg-config --libs sqlite3 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "--tags=with_sqlite"` ./pkg/... ./server/... ./cmd/... ./third_party/... # Workaround Go bug where the $GOPATH/pkg cache doesn't know about tag changes. # Useful when you accidentally run "make" and then "make presubmit" doesn't work. # See forcefull: go install -a --tags=with_sqlite ./pkg/... ./server/... ./cmd/... ./third_party/... presubmit: SKIP_DEP_TESTS=1 go test `pkg-config --libs sqlite3 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "--tags=with_sqlite"` -short ./pkg/... ./server/camlistored ./cmd/... && echo PASS embeds: go install ./pkg/fileembed/genfileembed/ && genfileembed ./server/camlistored/ui && genfileembed ./pkg/server checkjs: perl -e 'require "misc/"; get_closure_lib(); get_closure_compiler();' if [ -f server/camlistored/newui/all.js ]; then rm server/camlistored/newui/all.js; fi # This will generate non working code for now, since camli.js, SHA1.js, Crypto.js, # and base64.js are not explicitely declared as dependencies. tmp/closure-lib/closure/bin/build/\ --root tmp/closure-lib/ \ --root server/camlistored/ui/ \ --root server/camlistored/newui/ \ --namespace="camlistore.IndexPage" \ --output_mode=compiled \ --compiler_jar=tmp/closure-compiler/compiler.jar \ --compiler_flags="--compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS" \ > server/camlistored/newui/all.js