Discovery is the process of asking the server for its configuration. You send the discovery HTTP request to the URL the user has configured. If the user hasn't specified a path, use "/". Then make a GET request to that URL with either Accept header set to "text/x-camli-configuration" or the the URL query parameter "camli.mode" set to "config": GET /some/user/?camli.mode=config HTTP/1.1 Host: Or: GET / HTTP1.1 Host: Accept: text/x-camli-configuration The response is a JSON document: { "blobRoot": "/bs-and-maybe-also-index/", "directoryHelper": "/ui/tree/", "downloadHelper": "/ui/download/", "importerRoot": "/importer/", "jsonSignRoot": "/sighelper/", "ownerName": "The User Name", "publishRoots": {}, "searchRoot": "/my-search/", "signing": { "publicKey": "/sighelper/camli/sha1-f72d9090b61b70ee6501cceacc9d81a0801d32f6", "publicKeyBlobRef": "sha1-f72d9090b61b70ee6501cceacc9d81a0801d32f6", "publicKeyId": "94DE83C46401800C", "signHandler": "/sighelper/camli/sig/sign", "verifyHandler": "/sighelper/camli/sig/verify" }, "statusRoot": "/status/", "storageGeneration": "231ceff7a04a77cdf881b0422ea733334eee3b8f", "storageInitTime": "2012-11-30T03:34:47Z", "syncHandlers": [ { "from": "/bs/", "to": "/index-mysql/", "toIndex": true }, { "from": "/bs/", "to": "/sto-s3/", "toIndex": false } ], "thumbVersion": "2", "uiRoot": "/ui/", "uploadHelper": "/ui/?camli.mode=uploadhelper", "wsAuthToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } TODO: document these more