** How to build a release tarball for binaries: ** $ go run ./misc/docker/dock.go -build_image=false -build_release=true -rev=$GIT_REVISION -tarball_version=0.9 will generate ./misc/docker/release/camlistore0.9-linux.tar.gz use -os to build the binaries for another OS: windows or darwin. use -upload=true to directly upload the tarball to the camlistore-release/0.9/ Google Cloud bucket. ** How to build a release zip for source: ** $ go run ./misc/docker/dock.go -build_image=false -zip_source=true -rev=$GIT_REVISION -tarball_version=0.10 [-sanity=false] will generate ./misc/docker/release/camlistore0.10-src.zip use -upload=true to directly upload the zip file to the camlistore-release/0.10/ Google Cloud bucket. ** How to generate a monthly release: ** go run ./misc/monthly.go -rev=$GIT_REVISION -stats_from=cf0c847fbf7e3e48ef463e86674520a4da9aedbb git commit -m 'monthly release' doc/release/monthly.html