Camlistore contributors regularly use Linux and OS X, and both are 100% supported. Developing on Windows is sometimes broken, but should work. Let us know if we broke something, or we accidentally depend on some Unix-specific build tool somewhere. See for information on how to contribute to the project and submit patches. Notably, we use Gerrit for code review. Our Gerrit instance is at See architecture docs: You can view docs for Camlistore packages with local godoc, or It's recommended you use git to fetch the source code, rather than hack from a Camlistore release's zip file: $ git clone (We use github for distribution and collaboration with some people, but the Gerrit git server & code review system is the main repo. See for how to use them.) On Debian/Ubuntu, some deps to get started: $ sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 pkg-config git During development, rather than use the main binaries ("camput", "camget", "camtool", "cammount", etc) directly, we instead use wrappers that automatically configure the environment to use the test server & test environment: $ ./dev-camput $ ./dev-camget $ ./dev-camtool $ ./dev-cammount ... etc. We are in the process of migrating those scripts to a go command with subcommands: devcam. To install (assuming your GOPATH is set): $ go install ./dev/devcam The old ./dev-server script has already been replaced by: $ devcam server Then, once the dev server is running, - Upload a file: ./dev-camput file ~/camlistore/COPYING - Create a permanode: ./dev-camput permanode - Use the UI: http://localhost:3179/ui/ Please update this file as appropriate.