#!/usr/bin/perl # # This is a basic indexing system for prototyping and demonstration # purposes only. # # It's not production quality by any stretch of the imagination: it # uses sqlite, is single-threaded, single-process, etc. # use strict; use DBI; use DBD::SQLite; use Getopt::Long; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::ConnCache; use JSON::Any; use Net::Netrc; my $blobserver; my $dbname; GetOptions( "server=s" => \$blobserver, "dbfile=s" => \$dbname, ) or usage(); usage() unless $blobserver && $blobserver =~ m!^(?:(https?)://)?([^/]+)!; my $scheme = $1 || "http"; my $hostport = $2; sub usage { die "Usage: index.pl --server=[http|https://]hostname[:port]\n" . " --dbfile= (defaults to hostname_port.camlidx.db)\n"; } my $netrc_mach = Net::Netrc->lookup($hostport) or die "No ~/.netrc file or section for host '$hostport'.\n"; unless ($dbname) { $dbname = "$hostport.camlidx.db"; $dbname =~ s/:/_/; } my $needs_init = ! -f $dbname || -s $dbname == 0; my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbname", "", "", { RaiseError => 1 }) or die "Failed to open sqlite file $dbname"; if ($needs_init) { $db->do("CREATE TABLE blobs (" . " blobref VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " . " size INT NULL, " . " headbytes VARCHAR(1024) NULL, ". " mimetype VARCHAR(30) NULL)"); } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => "Camlistore/BasicIndexer", conn_cache => LWP::ConnCache->new, ); my $json = JSON::Any->new; # TODO: remove hard-coded realm $ua->credentials($hostport, "camlistored", "user", $netrc_mach->password); print "Iterating over blobs.\n"; my $n_blobs = populate_blob_digests_and_sizes(); print "Number of blobs: $n_blobs.\n"; populate_blob_types(); sub populate_blob_digests_and_sizes { my $after = ""; my $n_blobs = 0; while (1) { my $after_display = $after || "(start)"; print "Enumerating starting at: $after_display ... ($n_blobs blobs so far)\n"; my $res = $ua->get("$scheme://$hostport/camli/enumerate-blobs?after=$after&limit=1000"); unless ($res->is_success) { die "Failure from /camli/enumerate-blobs?after=$after: " . $res->status_line; } my $jres = $json->jsonToObj($res->content); my $bloblist = $jres->{'blobs'}; if (ref($bloblist) eq "ARRAY") { my $first = $bloblist->[0]{'blobRef'}; my $last = $bloblist->[-1]{'blobRef'}; my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT blobref, size, mimetype FROM blobs WHERE " . "blobref >= ? AND blobref <= ?"); $sth->execute($first, $last); my %inventory; # blobref -> [$size, $bool_have_mime] while (my ($lblob, $lsize, $lmimetype) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $inventory{$lblob} = [$lsize, defined($lmimetype)]; } foreach my $blob (@$bloblist) { $n_blobs++; my $lblob = $inventory{$blob->{'blobRef'}}; if (!$lblob) { print "Inserting $blob->{'blobRef'} ...\n"; $db->do("INSERT INTO blobs (blobref, size) VALUES (?, ?)", undef, $blob->{'blobRef'}, $blob->{'size'}); next; } if ($lblob && !$lblob->[0] && $blob->{'size'}) { print "Updating size of $blob->{'blobRef'} ...\n"; $db->do("UPDATE blobs SET size=? WHERE blobref=?", undef, $blob->{'size'}, $blob->{'blobRef'}); next; } } } last unless $jres->{'after'} && $jres->{'after'} gt $after; $after = $jres->{'after'}; } return $n_blobs; } sub populate_blob_types { my $after = ""; my $n_blobs = 0; while (1) { print "Querying for un-sniffed blobs after '$after'...\n"; my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT blobref, size, headbytes FROM blobs WHERE " . "mimetype IS NULL AND size IS NOT NULL AND blobref > ? LIMIT 50"); $sth->execute($after); my $cursor_count = 0; while (my ($blobref, $size, $headbytes) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $after = $blobref; $cursor_count++; my $need_headbytes_update = 0; $headbytes = "" if defined($size) && $size == 0; if (defined $headbytes) { print "Unknown type for $blobref ...\n"; } else { print "Fetching $blobref ...\n"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$scheme://$hostport/camli/$blobref"); $req->header("Range" => "bytes=0-1024"); my $res = $ua->request($req); unless ($res->is_success) { die "Failure fetching head of /camli/$blobref: " . $res->status_line; } $headbytes = $res->content; $need_headbytes_update = 1; my $size = length($headbytes); print "Fetching $blobref = $size byte header\n"; } my $type = get_type_from_magic($headbytes); next unless $type or $need_headbytes_update; print "Type of $blobref: $type\n"; $db->do("UPDATE blobs SET headbytes=?, mimetype=? WHERE blobref=?", undef, $headbytes, $type, $blobref); } print "count: $cursor_count\n"; last unless $cursor_count > 0; } } sub get_type_from_magic { my $magic = shift; if ($magic =~ /^{.*"camliVersion"/s) { return "application/json+camli"; } if ($magic =~ /^\xff\xd8\xff\xe1/) { return "image/jpeg"; } if ($magic =~ /^<\?xml\b.+