/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "http" "json" "log" "path/filepath" "strings" "os" "camli/auth" "camli/blobserver" "camli/blobserver/handlers" "camli/errorutil" "camli/httputil" "camli/jsonconfig" "camli/osutil" "camli/webserver" // Storage options: _ "camli/blobserver/cond" _ "camli/blobserver/localdisk" _ "camli/blobserver/remote" _ "camli/blobserver/replica" _ "camli/blobserver/s3" _ "camli/blobserver/shard" _ "camli/mysqlindexer" // indexer, but uses storage interface // Handlers: _ "camli/search" ) var flagConfigFile = flag.String("configfile", "serverconfig", "Config file to use, relative to camli config dir root, or blank to not use config files.") const camliPrefix = "/camli/" var ErrCamliPath = os.NewError("Invalid Camlistore request path") func parseCamliPath(path string) (action string, err os.Error) { camIdx := strings.Index(path, camliPrefix) if camIdx == -1 { return "", ErrCamliPath } action = path[camIdx+len(camliPrefix):] return } func unsupportedHandler(conn http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { httputil.BadRequestError(conn, "Unsupported camlistore path or method.") } type storageAndConfig struct { blobserver.Storage config *blobserver.Config } func (s *storageAndConfig) Config() *blobserver.Config { return s.config } // where prefix is like "/" or "/s3/" for e.g. "/camli/" or "/s3/camli/*" func makeCamliHandler(prefix, baseURL string, storage blobserver.Storage) http.Handler { if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") { panic("expected prefix to end in slash") } baseURL = strings.TrimRight(baseURL, "/") storageConfig := &storageAndConfig{ storage, &blobserver.Config{ Writable: true, Readable: true, IsQueue: false, URLBase: baseURL + prefix[:len(prefix)-1], }, } return http.HandlerFunc(func(conn http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { action, err := parseCamliPath(req.URL.Path[len(prefix)-1:]) if err != nil { log.Printf("Invalid request for method %q, path %q", req.Method, req.URL.Path) unsupportedHandler(conn, req) return } handleCamliUsingStorage(conn, req, action, storageConfig) }) } func handleCamliUsingStorage(conn http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, action string, storage blobserver.StorageConfiger) { handler := unsupportedHandler switch req.Method { case "GET": switch action { case "enumerate-blobs": handler = auth.RequireAuth(handlers.CreateEnumerateHandler(storage)) case "stat": handler = auth.RequireAuth(handlers.CreateStatHandler(storage)) default: handler = handlers.CreateGetHandler(storage) } case "POST": switch action { case "stat": handler = auth.RequireAuth(handlers.CreateStatHandler(storage)) case "upload": handler = auth.RequireAuth(handlers.CreateUploadHandler(storage)) case "remove": handler = auth.RequireAuth(handlers.CreateRemoveHandler(storage)) } case "PUT": // no longer part of spec handler = auth.RequireAuth(handlers.CreateNonStandardPutHandler(storage)) } handler(conn, req) } func exitFailure(pattern string, args ...interface{}) { if !strings.HasSuffix(pattern, "\n") { pattern = pattern + "\n" } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, pattern, args...) os.Exit(1) } type handlerConfig struct { prefix string // "/foo/" htype string // "localdisk", etc conf jsonconfig.Obj // never nil settingUp, setupDone bool } type handlerLoader struct { ws *webserver.Server baseURL string config map[string]*handlerConfig // prefix -> config handler map[string]interface{} // prefix -> http.Handler / func / blobserver.Storage } func main() { flag.Parse() configPath := *flagConfigFile if !filepath.IsAbs(configPath) { configPath = filepath.Join(osutil.CamliConfigDir(), configPath) } f, err := os.Open(configPath) if err != nil { exitFailure("error opening %s: %v", configPath, err) } defer f.Close() dj := json.NewDecoder(f) rootjson := make(map[string]interface{}) if err = dj.Decode(&rootjson); err != nil { extra := "" if serr, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok { if _, serr := f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET); serr != nil { log.Fatalf("seek error: %v", serr) } line, col, highlight := errorutil.HighlightBytePosition(f, serr.Offset) extra = fmt.Sprintf(":\nError at line %d, column %d (file offset %d):\n%s", line, col, serr.Offset, highlight) } exitFailure("error parsing JSON object in config file %s%s\n%v", osutil.UserServerConfigPath(), extra, err) } if err := jsonconfig.EvaluateExpressions(rootjson); err != nil { exitFailure("error expanding JSON config expressions in %s: %v", configPath, err) } ws := webserver.New() baseURL := ws.BaseURL() // Root configuration config := jsonconfig.Obj(rootjson) { cert, key := config.OptionalString("TLSCertFile", ""), config.OptionalString("TLSKeyFile", "") if (cert != "") != (key != "") { exitFailure("TLSCertFile and TLSKeyFile must both be either present or absent") } if cert != "" { ws.SetTLS(cert, key) } } auth.AccessPassword = config.OptionalString("password", "") if url := config.OptionalString("baseURL", ""); url != "" { baseURL = url } prefixes := config.RequiredObject("prefixes") if err := config.Validate(); err != nil { exitFailure("configuration error in root object's keys in %s: %v", configPath, err) } hl := &handlerLoader{ ws: ws, baseURL: baseURL, config: make(map[string]*handlerConfig), handler: make(map[string]interface{}), } for prefix, vei := range prefixes { if !strings.HasPrefix(prefix, "/") { exitFailure("prefix %q doesn't start with /", prefix) } if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") { exitFailure("prefix %q doesn't end with /", prefix) } pmap, ok := vei.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { exitFailure("prefix %q value isn't an object", prefix) } pconf := jsonconfig.Obj(pmap) handlerType := pconf.RequiredString("handler") handlerArgs := pconf.OptionalObject("handlerArgs") if err := pconf.Validate(); err != nil { exitFailure("configuration error in prefix %s: %v", prefix, err) } h := &handlerConfig{ prefix: prefix, htype: handlerType, conf: handlerArgs, } hl.config[prefix] = h } hl.setupAll() ws.Serve() } func (hl *handlerLoader) setupAll() { for prefix := range hl.config { hl.setupHandler(prefix) } } func (hl *handlerLoader) configType(prefix string) string { if h, ok := hl.config[prefix]; ok { return h.htype } return "" } func (hl *handlerLoader) getOrSetup(prefix string) interface{} { hl.setupHandler(prefix) return hl.handler[prefix] } func (hl *handlerLoader) GetStorage(prefix string) (blobserver.Storage, os.Error) { hl.setupHandler(prefix) if s, ok := hl.handler[prefix].(blobserver.Storage); ok { return s, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("bogus storage handler referenced as %q", prefix) } func (hl *handlerLoader) GetHandler(prefix string) (interface{}, os.Error) { hl.setupHandler(prefix) if s, ok := hl.handler[prefix].(blobserver.Storage); ok { return s, nil } if h, ok := hl.handler[prefix].(http.Handler); ok { return h, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("bogus http or storage handler referenced as %q", prefix) } func (hl *handlerLoader) GetHandlerType(prefix string) string { hl.setupHandler(prefix) return hl.configType(prefix) } func (hl *handlerLoader) setupHandler(prefix string) { h, ok := hl.config[prefix] if !ok { exitFailure("invalid reference to undefined handler %q", prefix) } if h.setupDone { // Already setup by something else reference it and forcing it to be // setup before the bottom loop got to it. return } if h.settingUp { exitFailure("loop in configuration graph; %q tried to load itself indirectly", prefix) } h.settingUp = true defer func() { h.setupDone = true if hl.handler[prefix] == nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("setupHandler for %q didn't install a handler", prefix)) } }() if strings.HasPrefix(h.htype, "storage-") { stype := h.htype[len("storage-"):] // Assume a storage interface pstorage, err := blobserver.CreateStorage(stype, hl, h.conf) if err != nil { exitFailure("error instantiating storage for prefix %q, type %q: %v", h.prefix, stype, err) } hl.handler[h.prefix] = pstorage hl.ws.Handle(prefix+"camli/", makeCamliHandler(prefix, hl.baseURL, pstorage)) return } hh, err := blobserver.CreateHandler(h.htype, hl, h.conf) if err != nil { exitFailure("error instantiating handler for prefix %q, type %q: %v", h.prefix, h.htype, err) } hl.handler[prefix] = hh hl.ws.Handle(prefix, &httputil.PrefixHandler{prefix, hh}) }