/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ var CamliSearch = {}; function getSearchParams() { CamliSearch.query = ""; CamliSearch.type = ""; CamliSearch.fuzzy = ""; CamliSearch.query = Camli.getQueryParam('q') || ""; CamliSearch.type = Camli.getQueryParam('t') || ""; CamliSearch.fuzzy = Camli.getQueryParam('f') || ""; CamliSearch.max = Camli.getQueryParam('max') || ""; } function hideAllResThings() { CamliSearch.titleRes.style.visibility = 'hidden'; CamliSearch.btnNewCollec.disabled = true; CamliSearch.btnNewCollec.style.visibility = 'hidden'; CamliSearch.formAddToCollec.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } function handleFormGetRoots(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); document.location.href = "search.html?&t=camliRoot" } function handleFormGetTagged(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var input = document.getElementById("inputTag"); if (input.value == "") { return; } var tags = input.value.split(/\s*,\s*/); query = "search.html?q=" + tags[0] + "&t=tag" var max = document.getElementById("maxTagged"); if (max.value != "") { query += "&max=" + max.value } document.location.href = query; } function handleFormGetTitled(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var input = document.getElementById("inputTitle"); if (input.value == "") { return; } var titles = input.value.split(/\s*,\s*/); document.location.href = "search.html?q=" + titles[0] + "&t=title" } function handleFormGetAnyAttr(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var input = document.getElementById("inputAnyAttr"); if (input.value == "") { return; } var any = input.value.split(/\s*,\s*/); document.location.href = "search.html?q=" + any[0] } function doSearch() { var sigconf = Camli.config.signing; var tagcb = {}; tagcb.success = function(pres) { showSearchResult(pres, CamliSearch.type); }; tagcb.fail = function(msg) { alert(msg); }; switch(CamliSearch.type) { case "tag": camliGetPermanodesWithAttr(sigconf.publicKeyBlobRef, "tag", CamliSearch.query, CamliSearch.fuzzy, CamliSearch.max, tagcb); break; case "title": camliGetPermanodesWithAttr(sigconf.publicKeyBlobRef, "title", CamliSearch.query, "true", CamliSearch.max, tagcb); break; case "camliRoot": camliGetPermanodesWithAttr(sigconf.publicKeyBlobRef, "camliRoot", CamliSearch.query, "false", CamliSearch.max, tagcb); break; case "": if (CamliSearch.query !== "") { camliGetPermanodesWithAttr(sigconf.publicKeyBlobRef, "", CamliSearch.query, "true", CamliSearch.max, tagcb); } break; } } function showSearchResult(pres, type) { showPermanodes(pres, type); CamliSearch.query = ""; CamliSearch.type = ""; } function showPermanodes(searchRes, type) { var div = document.getElementById("divRes"); while (div.hasChildNodes()) { div.removeChild(div.lastChild); } var results = searchRes.withAttr; if (!results) { hideAllResThings(); return; } if (results.length > 0) { var checkall = document.createElement("input"); checkall.id = "checkall"; checkall.type = "checkbox"; checkall.name = "checkall"; checkall.checked = false; checkall.onclick = Function("checkAll();"); div.appendChild(checkall); div.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var result = results[i]; var alink = document.createElement("a"); alink.href = "./?p=" + result.permanode; Camli.setTextContent(alink, camliBlobTitle(result.permanode, searchRes.meta)); var cbox = document.createElement('input'); cbox.type = "checkbox"; cbox.name = "checkbox"; cbox.value = result.permanode; div.appendChild(cbox); div.appendChild(alink); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } if (results.length > 0) { switch(type) { case "tag": CamliSearch.titleRes.innerHTML = "Tagged with \"" + CamliSearch.query + "\""; break; case "title": CamliSearch.titleRes.innerHTML = "Titled with \"" + CamliSearch.query + "\""; break; case "camliRoot": CamliSearch.titleRes.innerHTML = "All roots"; break; case "": CamliSearch.titleRes.innerHTML = "General search for \"" + CamliSearch.query + "\""; break; } CamliSearch.titleRes.style.visibility = 'visible'; CamliSearch.btnNewCollec.disabled = false; CamliSearch.btnNewCollec.style.visibility = 'visible'; CamliSearch.formAddToCollec.style.visibility = 'visible'; } else { hideAllResThings(); } } function getTicked() { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName("checkbox"); CamliSearch.tickedMemb = new Array(); var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].checked) { CamliSearch.tickedMemb[j] = checkboxes[i].value; j++; } } } function checkAll() { var checkall = document.getElementById("checkall"); var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('checkbox'); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { checkboxes[i].checked = checkall.checked; } } function handleCreateNewCollection(e) { addToCollection(true) } function handleAddToCollection(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); addToCollection(false) } function addToCollection(createNew) { var cnpcb = {}; cnpcb.success = function(parent) { var nRemain = CamliSearch.tickedMemb.length; var naaccb = {}; naaccb.fail = function() { CamliSearch.btnNewCollec.disabled = true; throw("failed to add member to collection"); } naaccb.success = function() { nRemain--; if (nRemain == 0) { CamliSearch.btnNewCollec.disabled = true; window.location = "./?p=" + parent; } } try { for (var i = 0; i < CamliSearch.tickedMemb.length; i++) { camliNewAddAttributeClaim(parent, "camliMember", CamliSearch.tickedMemb[i], naaccb); } } catch(x) { alert(x) } }; cnpcb.fail = function() { alert("failed to create permanode"); }; getTicked(); if (CamliSearch.tickedMemb.length > 0) { if (createNew) { camliCreateNewPermanode(cnpcb); } else { var pn = document.getElementById("inputCollec").value; //TODO(mpl): allow a collection title (instead of a hash) as input if (!Camli.isPlausibleBlobRef(pn)) { alert("Not a valid collection permanode hash"); return; } var returnPn = function(opts) { opts = Camli.saneOpts(opts); opts.success(pn); } returnPn(cnpcb); } } else { alert("No selected object") } } function indexOnLoad(e) { var formRoots = document.getElementById("formRoots"); formRoots.addEventListener("submit", handleFormGetRoots); var formTags = document.getElementById("formTags"); formTags.addEventListener("submit", handleFormGetTagged); var formTitles = document.getElementById("formTitles"); formTitles.addEventListener("submit", handleFormGetTitled); var formAnyAttr = document.getElementById("formAnyAttr"); formAnyAttr.addEventListener("submit", handleFormGetAnyAttr); CamliSearch.titleRes = document.getElementById("titleRes"); CamliSearch.btnNewCollec = document.getElementById("btnNewCollec"); CamliSearch.btnNewCollec.addEventListener("click", handleCreateNewCollection); CamliSearch.formAddToCollec = document.getElementById("formAddToCollec"); CamliSearch.formAddToCollec.addEventListener("submit", handleAddToCollection); hideAllResThings(); getSearchParams(); doSearch(); } window.addEventListener("load", indexOnLoad);