/* Copyright 2013 The Camlistore Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package server import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "html" "io" "log" "net/http" "os" "reflect" "regexp" "runtime" "strings" "time" "camlistore.org/pkg/blobserver" "camlistore.org/pkg/buildinfo" "camlistore.org/pkg/env" "camlistore.org/pkg/httputil" "camlistore.org/pkg/index" "camlistore.org/pkg/osutil" "camlistore.org/pkg/search" "camlistore.org/pkg/server/app" "camlistore.org/pkg/types/camtypes" "cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata" "go4.org/jsonconfig" ) // StatusHandler publishes server status information. type StatusHandler struct { prefix string handlerFinder blobserver.FindHandlerByTyper } func init() { blobserver.RegisterHandlerConstructor("status", newStatusFromConfig) } var _ blobserver.HandlerIniter = (*StatusHandler)(nil) func newStatusFromConfig(ld blobserver.Loader, conf jsonconfig.Obj) (h http.Handler, err error) { if err := conf.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } return &StatusHandler{ prefix: ld.MyPrefix(), handlerFinder: ld, }, nil } func (sh *StatusHandler) InitHandler(hl blobserver.FindHandlerByTyper) error { _, h, err := hl.FindHandlerByType("search") if err == blobserver.ErrHandlerTypeNotFound { return nil } if err != nil { return err } go func() { var lastSend *status for { cur := sh.currentStatus() if reflect.DeepEqual(cur, lastSend) { // TODO: something better. get notified on interesting events. time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) continue } lastSend = cur js, _ := json.MarshalIndent(cur, "", " ") h.(*search.Handler).SendStatusUpdate(js) } }() return nil } func (sh *StatusHandler) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { suffix := httputil.PathSuffix(req) if suffix == "restart" { sh.serveRestart(rw, req) return } if !httputil.IsGet(req) { http.Error(rw, "Illegal status method.", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } switch suffix { case "status.json": sh.serveStatusJSON(rw, req) case "": sh.serveStatusHTML(rw, req) default: http.Error(rw, "Illegal status path.", http.StatusNotFound) } } type status struct { Version string `json:"version"` Errors []camtypes.StatusError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Sync map[string]syncStatus `json:"sync"` Storage map[string]storageStatus `json:"storage"` importerRoot string rootPrefix string ImporterAccounts interface{} `json:"importerAccounts"` } func (st *status) addError(msg, url string) { st.Errors = append(st.Errors, camtypes.StatusError{ Error: msg, URL: url, }) } func (st *status) isHandler(pfx string) bool { if pfx == st.importerRoot { return true } if _, ok := st.Sync[pfx]; ok { return true } if _, ok := st.Storage[pfx]; ok { return true } return false } type storageStatus struct { Primary bool `json:"primary,omitempty"` IsIndex bool `json:"isIndex,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` ApproxBlobs int `json:"approxBlobs,omitempty"` ApproxBytes int `json:"approxBytes,omitempty"` ImplStatus interface{} `json:"implStatus,omitempty"` } func (sh *StatusHandler) currentStatus() *status { res := &status{ Version: buildinfo.Version(), Storage: make(map[string]storageStatus), Sync: make(map[string]syncStatus), } if v := os.Getenv("CAMLI_FAKE_STATUS_ERROR"); v != "" { res.addError(v, "/status/#fakeerror") } _, hi, err := sh.handlerFinder.FindHandlerByType("root") if err != nil { res.addError(fmt.Sprintf("Error finding root handler: %v", err), "") return res } rh := hi.(*RootHandler) res.rootPrefix = rh.Prefix if pfx, h, err := sh.handlerFinder.FindHandlerByType("importer"); err == nil { res.importerRoot = pfx as := h.(interface { AccountsStatus() (interface{}, []camtypes.StatusError) }) var errs []camtypes.StatusError res.ImporterAccounts, errs = as.AccountsStatus() res.Errors = append(res.Errors, errs...) } types, handlers := sh.handlerFinder.AllHandlers() // Sync for pfx, h := range handlers { sh, ok := h.(*SyncHandler) if !ok { continue } res.Sync[pfx] = sh.currentStatus() } // Storage for pfx, typ := range types { if !strings.HasPrefix(typ, "storage-") { continue } h := handlers[pfx] _, isIndex := h.(*index.Index) res.Storage[pfx] = storageStatus{ Type: strings.TrimPrefix(typ, "storage-"), Primary: pfx == rh.BlobRoot, IsIndex: isIndex, } } return res } func (sh *StatusHandler) serveStatusJSON(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { httputil.ReturnJSON(rw, sh.currentStatus()) } func (sh *StatusHandler) googleCloudConsole() (string, error) { if !env.OnGCE() { return "", errors.New("not on GCE") } projID, err := metadata.ProjectID() if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("Error getting project ID: %v", err) } return "https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/instances?project=" + projID, nil } var quotedPrefix = regexp.MustCompile(`[;"]/(\S+?/)[&"]`) func (sh *StatusHandler) serveStatusHTML(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { st := sh.currentStatus() f := func(p string, a ...interface{}) { if len(a) == 0 { io.WriteString(rw, p) } else { fmt.Fprintf(rw, p, a...) } } f("camlistored status") f("") f("

camlistored status

") f("


") f("


") f("


") f("") f("


") f("

As JSON: status.json; and the discovery JSON.

", st.rootPrefix) f("

Not yet pretty HTML UI:

") js, err := json.MarshalIndent(st, "", " ") if err != nil { log.Printf("JSON marshal error: %v", err) } jsh := html.EscapeString(string(js)) jsh = quotedPrefix.ReplaceAllStringFunc(jsh, func(in string) string { pfx := in[1 : len(in)-1] if st.isHandler(pfx) { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", in[:1], pfx, pfx, in[len(in)-1:]) } return in }) f("
", jsh) } func (sh *StatusHandler) serveRestart(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { if req.Method != "POST" { http.Error(rw, "POST to restart", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } _, handlers := sh.handlerFinder.AllHandlers() for _, h := range handlers { ah, ok := h.(*app.Handler) if !ok { continue } log.Printf("Sending SIGINT to %s", ah.ProgramName()) err := ah.Quit() if err != nil { msg := fmt.Sprintf("Not restarting: couldn't interrupt app %s: %v", ah.ProgramName(), err) log.Printf(msg) http.Error(rw, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError) return } } reindex := (req.FormValue("reindex") == "on") log.Println("Restarting camlistored") rw.Header().Set("Connection", "close") http.Redirect(rw, req, sh.prefix, http.StatusFound) if f, ok := rw.(http.Flusher); ok { f.Flush() } osutil.RestartProcess(fmt.Sprintf("-reindex=%t", reindex)) } var cgoEnabled bool