#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $opt_force; GetOptions("force" => \$opt_force) or die "Usage: make-release [-f] <version>"; my $version = shift or die "Usage: make-release <version>"; die "Not being run from root of Camlistore" unless -e ".git" && -e "pkg/blob/ref.go"; my $cur_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`; chomp $cur_branch; die "Not on master" unless $cur_branch eq "master"; my $new_branch = "releases/$version"; if ($opt_force) { system("git", "tag", "-d", $version); system("git", "branch", "-D", $new_branch); } system("git", "checkout", "-b", $new_branch) and die "Failed to create branch $new_branch from master. Does it already exist?"; open(my $fh, ">VERSION") or die; print $fh "$version\n"; close($fh); system("git", "add", "VERSION") and die; foreach my $d (qw{ .hackfests website clients/chrome lib old dev-db }) { system("git", "rm", "-r", $d) and die "Failed to git rm -r $d"; } system("git", "commit", "-m", "Add VERSION file and clean tree for release $version") and die "Failed to commit"; system("git", "tag", $version) and die "Failed to tag"; my $commit = do { open(my $f, ".git/refs/tags/$version") or die; local $/; <$f> }; chomp $commit; system("git", "checkout", "master") and die; open(my $fh, ">>misc/release-history-tags"); print $fh "$commit\t$version\n"; close($fh); print "Created branch $new_branch from master, cleaned it and wrote VERSION file, & tagged $version.\n"; print "\n"; print "Push with:\n"; print "\$ git push github refs/tags/$version:refs/tags/$version\n"; print "\$ git push github $new_branch:$new_branch\n";