// BSON library for Go // // Copyright (c) 2010-2012 - Gustavo Niemeyer // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR // ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // gobson - BSON library for Go. package bson import ( "fmt" "math" "net/url" "reflect" "strconv" "time" ) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some internal infrastructure. var ( typeBinary = reflect.TypeOf(Binary{}) typeObjectId = reflect.TypeOf(ObjectId("")) typeSymbol = reflect.TypeOf(Symbol("")) typeMongoTimestamp = reflect.TypeOf(MongoTimestamp(0)) typeOrderKey = reflect.TypeOf(MinKey) typeDocElem = reflect.TypeOf(DocElem{}) typeRawDocElem = reflect.TypeOf(RawDocElem{}) typeRaw = reflect.TypeOf(Raw{}) typeURL = reflect.TypeOf(url.URL{}) typeTime = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) typeString = reflect.TypeOf("") ) const itoaCacheSize = 32 var itoaCache []string func init() { itoaCache = make([]string, itoaCacheSize) for i := 0; i != itoaCacheSize; i++ { itoaCache[i] = strconv.Itoa(i) } } func itoa(i int) string { if i < itoaCacheSize { return itoaCache[i] } return strconv.Itoa(i) } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Marshaling of the document value itself. type encoder struct { out []byte } func (e *encoder) addDoc(v reflect.Value) { for { if vi, ok := v.Interface().(Getter); ok { getv, err := vi.GetBSON() if err != nil { panic(err) } v = reflect.ValueOf(getv) continue } if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { v = v.Elem() continue } break } if v.Type() == typeRaw { raw := v.Interface().(Raw) if raw.Kind != 0x03 && raw.Kind != 0x00 { panic("Attempted to unmarshal Raw kind " + strconv.Itoa(int(raw.Kind)) + " as a document") } e.addBytes(raw.Data...) return } start := e.reserveInt32() switch v.Kind() { case reflect.Map: e.addMap(v) case reflect.Struct: e.addStruct(v) case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: e.addSlice(v) default: panic("Can't marshal " + v.Type().String() + " as a BSON document") } e.addBytes(0) e.setInt32(start, int32(len(e.out)-start)) } func (e *encoder) addMap(v reflect.Value) { for _, k := range v.MapKeys() { e.addElem(k.String(), v.MapIndex(k), false) } } func (e *encoder) addStruct(v reflect.Value) { sinfo, err := getStructInfo(v.Type()) if err != nil { panic(err) } var value reflect.Value if sinfo.InlineMap >= 0 { m := v.Field(sinfo.InlineMap) if m.Len() > 0 { for _, k := range m.MapKeys() { ks := k.String() if _, found := sinfo.FieldsMap[ks]; found { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't have key %q in inlined map; conflicts with struct field", ks)) } e.addElem(ks, m.MapIndex(k), false) } } } for _, info := range sinfo.FieldsList { if info.Inline == nil { value = v.Field(info.Num) } else { value = v.FieldByIndex(info.Inline) } if info.OmitEmpty && isZero(value) { continue } e.addElem(info.Key, value, info.MinSize) } } func isZero(v reflect.Value) bool { switch v.Kind() { case reflect.String: return len(v.String()) == 0 case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface: return v.IsNil() case reflect.Slice: return v.Len() == 0 case reflect.Map: return v.Len() == 0 case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: return v.Int() == 0 case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: return v.Uint() == 0 case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: return v.Float() == 0 case reflect.Bool: return !v.Bool() case reflect.Struct: if v.Type() == typeTime { return v.Interface().(time.Time).IsZero() } for i := v.NumField() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if !isZero(v.Field(i)) { return false } } return true } return false } func (e *encoder) addSlice(v reflect.Value) { vi := v.Interface() if d, ok := vi.(D); ok { for _, elem := range d { e.addElem(elem.Name, reflect.ValueOf(elem.Value), false) } return } if d, ok := vi.(RawD); ok { for _, elem := range d { e.addElem(elem.Name, reflect.ValueOf(elem.Value), false) } return } l := v.Len() et := v.Type().Elem() if et == typeDocElem { for i := 0; i < l; i++ { elem := v.Index(i).Interface().(DocElem) e.addElem(elem.Name, reflect.ValueOf(elem.Value), false) } return } if et == typeRawDocElem { for i := 0; i < l; i++ { elem := v.Index(i).Interface().(RawDocElem) e.addElem(elem.Name, reflect.ValueOf(elem.Value), false) } return } for i := 0; i < l; i++ { e.addElem(itoa(i), v.Index(i), false) } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Marshaling of elements in a document. func (e *encoder) addElemName(kind byte, name string) { e.addBytes(kind) e.addBytes([]byte(name)...) e.addBytes(0) } func (e *encoder) addElem(name string, v reflect.Value, minSize bool) { if !v.IsValid() { e.addElemName('\x0A', name) return } if getter, ok := v.Interface().(Getter); ok { getv, err := getter.GetBSON() if err != nil { panic(err) } e.addElem(name, reflect.ValueOf(getv), minSize) return } switch v.Kind() { case reflect.Interface: e.addElem(name, v.Elem(), minSize) case reflect.Ptr: e.addElem(name, v.Elem(), minSize) case reflect.String: s := v.String() switch v.Type() { case typeObjectId: if len(s) != 12 { panic("ObjectIDs must be exactly 12 bytes long (got " + strconv.Itoa(len(s)) + ")") } e.addElemName('\x07', name) e.addBytes([]byte(s)...) case typeSymbol: e.addElemName('\x0E', name) e.addStr(s) default: e.addElemName('\x02', name) e.addStr(s) } case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: e.addElemName('\x01', name) e.addInt64(int64(math.Float64bits(v.Float()))) case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: u := v.Uint() if int64(u) < 0 { panic("BSON has no uint64 type, and value is too large to fit correctly in an int64") } else if u <= math.MaxInt32 && (minSize || v.Kind() <= reflect.Uint32) { e.addElemName('\x10', name) e.addInt32(int32(u)) } else { e.addElemName('\x12', name) e.addInt64(int64(u)) } case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: switch v.Type() { case typeMongoTimestamp: e.addElemName('\x11', name) e.addInt64(v.Int()) case typeOrderKey: if v.Int() == int64(MaxKey) { e.addElemName('\x7F', name) } else { e.addElemName('\xFF', name) } default: i := v.Int() if (minSize || v.Type().Kind() != reflect.Int64) && i >= math.MinInt32 && i <= math.MaxInt32 { // It fits into an int32, encode as such. e.addElemName('\x10', name) e.addInt32(int32(i)) } else { e.addElemName('\x12', name) e.addInt64(i) } } case reflect.Bool: e.addElemName('\x08', name) if v.Bool() { e.addBytes(1) } else { e.addBytes(0) } case reflect.Map: e.addElemName('\x03', name) e.addDoc(v) case reflect.Slice: vt := v.Type() et := vt.Elem() if et.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { e.addElemName('\x05', name) e.addBinary('\x00', v.Bytes()) } else if et == typeDocElem || et == typeRawDocElem { e.addElemName('\x03', name) e.addDoc(v) } else { e.addElemName('\x04', name) e.addDoc(v) } case reflect.Array: et := v.Type().Elem() if et.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { e.addElemName('\x05', name) e.addBinary('\x00', v.Slice(0, v.Len()).Interface().([]byte)) } else { e.addElemName('\x04', name) e.addDoc(v) } case reflect.Struct: switch s := v.Interface().(type) { case Raw: kind := s.Kind if kind == 0x00 { kind = 0x03 } e.addElemName(kind, name) e.addBytes(s.Data...) case Binary: e.addElemName('\x05', name) e.addBinary(s.Kind, s.Data) case RegEx: e.addElemName('\x0B', name) e.addCStr(s.Pattern) e.addCStr(s.Options) case JavaScript: if s.Scope == nil { e.addElemName('\x0D', name) e.addStr(s.Code) } else { e.addElemName('\x0F', name) start := e.reserveInt32() e.addStr(s.Code) e.addDoc(reflect.ValueOf(s.Scope)) e.setInt32(start, int32(len(e.out)-start)) } case time.Time: // MongoDB handles timestamps as milliseconds. e.addElemName('\x09', name) e.addInt64(s.Unix()*1000 + int64(s.Nanosecond()/1e6)) case url.URL: e.addElemName('\x02', name) e.addStr(s.String()) case undefined: e.addElemName('\x06', name) default: e.addElemName('\x03', name) e.addDoc(v) } default: panic("Can't marshal " + v.Type().String() + " in a BSON document") } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Marshaling of base types. func (e *encoder) addBinary(subtype byte, v []byte) { if subtype == 0x02 { // Wonder how that brilliant idea came to life. Obsolete, luckily. e.addInt32(int32(len(v) + 4)) e.addBytes(subtype) e.addInt32(int32(len(v))) } else { e.addInt32(int32(len(v))) e.addBytes(subtype) } e.addBytes(v...) } func (e *encoder) addStr(v string) { e.addInt32(int32(len(v) + 1)) e.addCStr(v) } func (e *encoder) addCStr(v string) { e.addBytes([]byte(v)...) e.addBytes(0) } func (e *encoder) reserveInt32() (pos int) { pos = len(e.out) e.addBytes(0, 0, 0, 0) return pos } func (e *encoder) setInt32(pos int, v int32) { e.out[pos+0] = byte(v) e.out[pos+1] = byte(v >> 8) e.out[pos+2] = byte(v >> 16) e.out[pos+3] = byte(v >> 24) } func (e *encoder) addInt32(v int32) { u := uint32(v) e.addBytes(byte(u), byte(u>>8), byte(u>>16), byte(u>>24)) } func (e *encoder) addInt64(v int64) { u := uint64(v) e.addBytes(byte(u), byte(u>>8), byte(u>>16), byte(u>>24), byte(u>>32), byte(u>>40), byte(u>>48), byte(u>>56)) } func (e *encoder) addBytes(v ...byte) { e.out = append(e.out, v...) }