#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use FindBin qw($Bin); use Getopt::Long; sub usage { die "Usage: dev-indexer [--wipe] -- [other_blobserver_opts]"; } my $opt_wipe; GetOptions("wipe" => \$opt_wipe) or usage(); my $port = shift || "3200"; usage() unless $port =~ /^\d+$/; system("./build.pl", "server/go/camlistored") and die "Failed to build camlistored"; system("./build.pl", "clients/go/camdbinit") and die "Failed to build camdbinit"; my $DBNAME = "devcamlistore"; my @opts; if ($opt_wipe) { push @opts, "-wipe"; } else { push @opts, "-ignoreexists"; } system("./clients/go/camdbinit/camdbinit", "-user=root", "-password=root", "-host=localhost", "-database=$DBNAME", @opts) and die "Failed to run camdbinit.\n"; print "Starting indexer with indexer on http://localhost:$port/indexer/\n"; $ENV{CAMLI_PASSWORD} = "pass$port"; $ENV{CAMLI_PORT} = $port; exec("$FindBin::Bin/server/go/camlistored/camlistored", "-configfile=$Bin/config/dev-indexer-config.json", "-listen=:$port", @ARGV);