# Prior Art & Related Projects ## Prior Art * [LiveJournal](http://www.livejournal.org/)'s photo hosting, my first experiment with content-addressable storage, which led to: * [Brackup](http://code.google.com/p/brackup/), my original content-addressable backup tool, but didn't store directories as the digest of their contents. (so backup manifests were huge) * [Git](http://git-scm.com/), which exposed me to the idea of hashing directories, commits, etc. But git probably got it from Venti / Fossil: * [Venti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venti) / [Fossil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_\(file_system\)), apparently pioneered the idea of recursive content-addressable file systems. * [Monotone](http://www.monotone.ca/)'s "Certificates" are similar to Perkeep claims. Probably more, though. Contributions to this list are welcome! ## Related Projects ... and indeed, the community has pointed out several projects with some of the same goals: * [Libchop](http://nongnu.org/libchop/) * [Tahoe-LAFS](http://tahoe-lafs.org/) * [Unhosted](http://unhosted.org/) * [Upspin](https://upspin.io/)